Latruite - Delegate Communication Thread

Hello everyone,

I’m a French-speaking Optimist from Belgium and the keeper of the little Optimism Vision Reservoir website. My background is not in tech. I’m a health educator during the day, and an optimist at night.

As a delegate, my commitment is to bring the Optimistic Vision to life & serve the Collective by prioritizing its long-term goals that are dear to me :

-Upgrade the way we humans allocate capital, thanks to a sustainable RPGF.

-Develop a suite of tools to concretely address the major coordination failures of our era: erosion of truth (AI deepfakes and bots), climate change,crisis in the governance of collective actions, …

Why Now ?

My journey in governance has been quiet until now, though I’ve been actively voting on governance proposals for months (symbolically due to limited voting power.) My participation on the forum has also been discreet, a reflection of my hesitation to voice my opinions.

But today, after receiving a small grant and an RPGF allocation, I realize it’s time to take a more active role. My voting power remains very modest, but it is growing. Now I feel it’s time to step up, engage more in discussions, and use the knowledge and convictions I’ve developed to guide me forward.


My approach will be iterative and transparent. As a solo delegate, my primary focus will be on areas I know best: the vision, ethos, topics related to RPGF, education, and governance.

For more technical subjects, I’ll lean on the expertise and opinions of the many competent members of our collective. However, I will always maintain a critical personal perspective.
In evaluating proposals, I place great importance on the background of the involved actors – understanding the context and perspective. Wherever applicable, my decisions will also be data-driven, and I will ensure that this is clearly articulated in my communications.

To learn more about my vision as a delegate, please read my Delegate Statement


Protocol Upgrade #5: Ecotone Network Upgrade : :green_circle: FOR :green_circle:

I’m voting for this update to signal our Blob readiness from day one (as our competitors will undoubtedly do the same.) EIP 4844 is the start of a new era of scalability for the Superchain.

Protocol Upgrade #6: Multi-Chain Prep (MCP) L1 : :green_circle: FOR :green_circle:

I’m Voting for this proposal. This upgrade contributes to the seamless updating of different chains within the Superchain. This is another step towards realizing the Superchain’s vision of unified approach to evolution and security.

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Governor Upgrade #1: Improve advanced delegation voting : :green_circle: FOR :green_circle:

it streamlines voting with a one-transaction only for some impacted users, more straightforward.

Season 5 : Intents Budget Proposal #2 : :green_circle: FOR :green_circle:

The Grants Council is doing a stellar job. The surge in quality submissions for season 5 fully justifies the extra budget reallocation.