S4 Intent: Governance Accessibility (Intent 4)
Proposed Mission: This mission is for the creation of “OPdelegate.com”; a stand alone analytics website for delegates to understand, manage, and grow their delegation on Optimism.
[Proposal Tier](Collective Trust Tiers): Phoenix
Please verify that you meet the qualifications for your Tier: 2x Member of the Grants Council and receiver of RPGF2 funding.
Baseline grant amount: 85k OP
% of total available Intent budget: 2.833%
Alliance: OPdelegate.com
Alliance Lead: Michael Vander Meiden
Contact info: @Michael
L2 recipient address: 0x6EdA5aCafF7F5964E1EcC3FD61C62570C186cA0C
Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:
- Michael Vander Meiden @Michael
- Delegate, Governance Community Call Host, 2x Grants Council Member, Youtube Educator
- Michael Silberling (advisor) @MSilb7
- Data at OP Labs
- Link to data work on Dune
Please explain how this Mission will help accomplish the above Intent:
- Since the start of Optimism Governance, a consistent issue has been delegate apathy and involvement. Having more active and interested delegates would be a huge benefit to the Optimism Collective as a whole. But we have a problem… delegates have no insight into data on their own delegation. Currently the only information that is readily available to delegates on all major websites is the total amount of OP delegated and the # of delegating addresses. This limits the agency of delegates, especially new and growing ones, and as a result limits participation in governance.
- OPdelegate.com solves these problems by creating the go-to website for Optimism Delegates. Specifically, it will provide address-specific information for delegates to understand, manage, and grow their delegation on Optimism. Think “zapper.fi for delegates”.
- Examples of statistics on this website would be:
- Total delegation over time
- number of delegating addresses over time
- “Demographics” of delegating addresses (size, activity, etc.)
- By having access to the most important information, delegates will have the agency to see how their decisions and activity affect their delegation, leading to the opportunity to make data-driven decisions. The existence of this tool will increase overall delegate involvement in governance and provide a growth for new and growing delegates.
- While the initial goal of this grant is to build a wallet-specific dashboard for delegates, the ultimate goal is to be a one-stop-shop for all things Optimism delegation. All parts of the website will be open-source, meaning that this code will be available for other projects to integrate and that outside contributors will be welcome to contribute.
What makes your Alliance well-suited to execute this Mission?
- Michael Vander Meiden
- Through being one of the most active delegates in Optimism governance, Michael has experienced the key pain points of new and active delegates. Through hosting the community calls, Michael has been at the center of delegate discussion for almost the entire existence of the token house. Along the way, Michael has answered countless questions from and helped guide many new delegates just starting their journey. These experiences have made Michael one of the most knowledgeable within Optimism’s Token House on the delegate journey. All of this experience makes this Alliance strongly positioned to design and build the product that delegates need.
- As far as ability to execute, Michael draws on his experience as a software engineer and later a product manager at a venture-funded startup (http://www.stockwell.ai/). There he managed a remote team to build multiple applications, most notably a delivery and stocking app that cut driver stocking times by 40%.
- He is also a solidity engineer that has built many web3 projects and placed in multiple web3 hackathons, most notably Arbitrum’s 2022 hackathon, placing 1st in the DeFi track.
- Michael Silberling (advisor)
- Michael Silbering is a data wizard at OP Labs, and his work speaks for itself. To-date he has been instrumental in all of the most important data dashboards on Optimism and Optimism Governance. He will be serving in an advisory role for this project.
Please list a critical milestone. The critical milestone should be a measure of whether you’ve made best efforts to execute what is outlined in this proposal or not. If you fail to achieve your critical milestone, your grant may be clawed back.
- Launch of Delegate Dashboard Website
- Inclusion of at least 3 real-time charts to help delegates visualize their delegation data
How should Token House delegates measure progress towards this Mission: These should focus on progress towards completion. Including expected completion dates for each is recommended.
- Alpha-version published for testing (September 1st)
How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission? These should be focused on performance and may be used by badgeholders to assess your Misson’s impact in the next round of RetroPGF.
- Number of delegates actively using Delegate Dashboard
- NPS-score of website from delegates
Breakdown of Mission budget request:
All grant funds will go to Michael as a delayed reimbursement for website expenses, for which he will fund out-of-pocket for the development of the website.
While Michael has the experience needed to build the website himself, he will leverage the use of 3rd-party contractors to make sure that the website meets the highest standards of quality and usefulness.
Planned expenses include:
- Website infrastructure costs
- Hosting/Compute
- API fees
- Domain Registration
- Full Stack Dev (3rd party contractor)
- Designer (3rd party contractor)
I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones: Yes
I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: Yes
I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant: Yes
I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: Yes
Edit: For clarity, here is a rough mockup of some of the things that might be seen in the interface: