Intent 4
Proposal 4A: Multi-lingual Lesson on Optimism Governance, by Bankless Academy - 34k OP ** Against Do it, bring KPIs and apply for RPGF.
Proposal 4B: The RetroPGF Podcast - 8k OP For Given the amount request I’m open for experimentation.
Proposal 4C: Delegate Corner Podcast - 10k OP For Given the amount request I’m open for experimentation.
Proposal 4D: REGEN Score - Attestations for the Citizen’s House - 95k OP Against Another project that should build, show KPIs and come back for an RPGF.
Proposal 4E: Improving Governance Accessibility through Praise and Contribution Based Attestations - 112k OP Against The discord bot is already working. As an admin of several discord servers, integrating a bot it’s very easy and they amount requested is huge.
Proposal 4F: Pairwise: Tinder UX For Web3 Community Signaling - 95k OP Against I’ve reviewed Pairwise in the past on their grants proposals and I still don’t see a good use of this tool.
Proposal 4G: Economic Co-design of Gas Fees for the OP Stack - 125k OP Against
Proposal 4H: DAOStar: Governance standards for the Optimism ecosystem - 67,500 OP Against I don’t see why we need to fund DAO standardization. I do belive that if they bring in many Optimism DAOs to use it, they can apply for an RPGF.
Proposal 4I: Velodrome: Fostering Inclusive Governance through Leading Optimism Builders and Long-term Users - 1M OP Against request it’s huge. brake it in step-by-step missions.
Proposal 4J: Enable aOP as A Votable Token in Optimism’s Governance - 0 OP Against This is a “test in prod” proposal that puts in danger governance.
Proposal 4K: OP Governance Analytics Dashboard - 24,500 OP Against Karma already has this.
Proposal 4L: - 85k OP For This one is of my personal interest to understand how my delegation is doing.
Proposal 4M: NumbaNERD Program - 75k OP For Very much needed
Proposal 4N: Facilitate and empower community members to actively engage in governance through an educational course - 30k OP Against This is good for RPGF, do it, come back with KPIs and apply for public funding.