[FINAL] OPdelegate.com

Hello, OP Collective!

We are very excited to share the end-of-season update for OPDelegate.com.

To be fully transparent up front: we have not yet launched the website, which was one of our critical milestones. We have 2 out of the 3 charts in our milestones functioning end-to-end currently, however at launch we will have 6 charts which is double that of our critical milestone. We really want to launch as a complete tool and are still putting up the finishing touches. We expect the full launch to happen within the next 2 weeks, and this full launch will have more features that outlined in our original plan.

That said, we have made a LOT of progress to share with you. We built this website as a scalable platform from the ground up in a way that we can continue to add custom features and make this a real useful place for delegates.

You can see the current stable version of the website here. The first two charts you see are functioning end-to-end, and we are just ironing out the backend data pipeline for the rest of the charts.

Some of the things we built:

  • Custom design/branding scheme (check out the landing page!)
  • From-scratch data retrieval and caching backend.
    • Uses Dune + AWS lambda functions
    • Serverless (scales infinitely)
    • Cached delegate data allows for quick loading times on website (often a problem with web3 data websites)
  • Custom frontend
    • react-native based
    • modular, so that we can continue adding useful features for delegates

Full open-source code will be published soon, however we want to make sure we do a security review before publishing. If you’d like to see the github, feel free to send me a DM.

I hope you’ll see that we are indeed making a good-faith effort to complete this project and plan on improving the website well beyond what was outlined in our original proposal. I can’t wait to share the final product with you all soon.

Michael :red_circle: :sparkles:


Thanks for the update @Michael! Please not that all Missions will be able to showcase their work tomorrow during a dedicated Mission demo day on September 28th, at 16:00 GMT on the Discord mainstage!

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Demo Day - Mission Proposal Edition September 28th 2023 - 4pm UTC

Show off your Season 4 Mission Proposal accomplishments and milestones:

  • Each mission proposal will get 2 minutes to present
  • Summarize your mission proposal
  • List your milestones and the results of those milestones

Apply here - (Discord):

Presenter Discord Handle → must be in the Optimism Discord
Link to your mission proposal

Hey all, just wanted to say that this is now live exceeding the critical milestones outlined in the post.

That said, we have some major improvements and useful features coming very soon, which is why I am holding off on a bigger announcement until we are able to demo those (but will be before the start of S5).

Feel free to try out the current version and send feedback :slight_smile: