OPDelegate.com Update (Season 4 Grant)

Hey Everyone!

This post is long overdue and I apologize for that. I am making this post to update everyone on the status of the OPDelegate website which received a grant in Season 4.

Here is a recent demo of how the website is looking. We also have a lot more work finished on backend data streams/compute. Iā€™m happy to share that code with anybody interested (dm me) but it would need to be hardened for security before publishing to the public.

We had an issue where a backend developer decided to leave the project. I made the dumb decision to take on that role myself, which led to the delays due to my time being taken by other responsibilities.

That said, work is continuing in earnest and I am incredibly excited to make this a tool that becomes a home-base for delegates in the OP Collective! Iā€™m happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
