S4 Intent: Intent 4: Governance Accessibility
Proposed Mission: Our mission is to advance Governance Accessibility by developing a DAO Governance Analytics Dashboard for the Optimism Collective. The Dashboard will focus on key governance metrics including participation, voter behavior, and power structures, thereby democratizing information and encouraging informed participation in governance processes. We aim to create a user-friendly tool that simplifies understanding of complex governance dynamics, fosters inclusive decision-making, and strengthens overall governance effectiveness.
Proposal Tier: Ember
Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: I am a community member that has not worked with or for the Optimism Collective before
Baseline grant amount: 24,500 OP
% of total available Intent Budget: 0.8167 %
Please check here if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: No.
Alliance: Governance Analytics Dashboard
Alliance Lead: Varit Ruangsiri
Contact info:
- Twitter: @v3eth
- Telegram: @v3dao
- Discord: v3naru.eth#4668
- Email: varit.ruangsiri@gmail.com
L2 recipient address: 0x17296956b4e07ff8931e4ff4ea06709fab70b879
Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:
- Varit (Optimism Delegate, Governance Analyst): Optimism Delegate profile , Curia Twitter, Voting report: April-May 2023
- Kamonwat (Fullstack Dev): Kamonwat | LinkedIn
- Phatrasek (Blockchain Engineer) - Phatrasek | LinkedIn, yoyoismee | GitHub, Twitter
- Pakorn (Front-end Dev) - y-pakorn | GitHub, x/yoisha | Twitter
- Kamin (UX/UI Designer): Kamin | LinkedIn , Kamin | Portfolio
- Unnawut (Product Analyst ) - Unnawut | LinkedIn , Unnawut | Github
- Natthaphum (Product Owner) - Natthaphum | LinkedIn
- Soravis (Data Analyst, Growth Specialist) - Soravis | LinkedIn
Please explain how this Mission will help accomplish the above Intent:
- The DAO Governance Analytics Dashboard is aimed at enhancing governance accessibility by establishing a comprehensive and transparent data repository that concentrates on governance-related metrics. This effort democratizes information, making it readily available to all stakeholders, thereby fostering collective participation. It ensures that governance participation, voting trends, and power dynamics are more easily understood and observable by all members of the DAO.
- By equipping members with knowledge and insights, the dashboard fosters a culture of informed decision-making, thereby nurturing a more inclusive, accountable, and effective governance process.
- Below are some of the key metrics that the dashboard will feature. This list is not exhaustive, and we intend to refine and expand it based on feedback from the community:
1. Holder Metrics
- Total number of holder wallets.
- Total token supply.
- Votable supply (tokens in circulation that are eligible to vote).
- Number of tokens with a holding period. (eg. more than 6 months, 1 year without selling)
2. Concentration of Voting Power Metrics
- Minority vs Nonminority Representation:
- Voting power delegated by minority holders.
- Number of delegated tokens held by minority holders.
- Percentage of minority holder wallets that have delegated.
- Nonminority Holders Metrics:
- Voting power delegated by nonminority holders.
- Number of delegated tokens held by nonminority holders.
- Percentage of nonminority holder wallets that have delegated.
- Voter Dominance:
- Nakamoto coefficient
- Share of total voting power per delegate.
- Voting Power Distribution: Share of total voting power held within the top 5, top 10, top 25, top 50, top 75, and top 100 delegates.
- Delegates Categorized by source of voting power:
- Single-Holder Delegate via Other Address & Self-Delegation: received >=50% of its voting power via self-delegation or one other address’s delegation
- Community Delegate: received less than 50% of its voting power from each individual delegation it has received.
- Share of total voting power per category of delegate
3. Proposal Metrics
- Total number of proposals
- Unique Proposers: Ratio of unique proposers to total proposals.
- Proposal Outcome: Number of passed vs failed proposals.
- Proposal Type: Distribution of proposals by type.
- Voting Results of the Proposal: Classification of results as contentious, generally accepted, or normal.
4. Participation Metrics
- Voter Turnout: Tracking individual participation activeness, refers to their recent proposals participation
- Active Participation: average of all proposals’ participation rates for a given month.
- Voter Behavior: Tendency of voters to vote in a certain direction, Voting behavior by voting time, Tendency to vote early or wait until the end.
- Participation per Proposal: Number of voters and voting power cast per proposal.
- Minority Holders’ Participation: Percentage of minority holder tokens participating in governance, breakdowns of minority holders by participation e.g.:
- Delegated Non-Voter
- Delegated Voter
- Undelegated
- Non-Minority Holders’ Participation: Percentage of minority holder tokens participating in governance, breakdowns of minority holders by participation e.g.:
- Delegated Non-Voter
- Delegated Voter
- Undelegated
What makes your Alliance well-suited to execute this Mission?
Our Alliance’s combined experiences make us well prepared to execute on this Mission
- Varit as an Optimism delegate, he also leads Curia, a professional delegate team and has hands-on experience with a variety of DAOs, including notable projects such as SafeDAO and Arbitrum. His comprehensive understanding of DAO governance dynamics and his demonstrated commitment to supporting the DAO ecosystem make him a key asset to our Alliance.
- Kamonwat brings a wealth of experience in full-stack development, including the web scraping workflows, and the design, development, and maintenance of data pipelines that analyze data from both on-chain and off-chain sources. His expertise spans implementing data pipeline orchestration tools, like Apache Airflow, for effective workflow management and task scheduling, making him instrumental in the development and execution of the proposed DAO Governance analytics dashboard.
- Phatrasek brings a extensive experience from his blockchain engineering and cryptographic background. As a co-founder of Tetration Lab and Speedboat Studio, he has demonstrated his ability to simplify complex blockchain processes, a skill that will be invaluable in developing the Governance Dashboard. His expertise in various blockchain spaces coupled with his deep understanding of Data systems, positions him well to contribute to the technical aspects of the dashboard.
- Pakorn is a skilled front-end developer with a strong background in blockchain development. His experience in developing various blockchain protocols and end-to-end blockchain solutions will be instrumental in building a user-friendly and efficient Governance Dashboard.
- Kamin has strong background in UX/UI design, as showcased in his extensive portfolio. His experience spans a range of projects, demonstrating his ability to create intuitive and engaging user interfaces. Kamin’s expertise in designing user-centric solutions will be invaluable in ensuring the DAO Governance analytics dashboard is easy to use and meets the needs of its users.
- Unnawut’s extensive experience in blockchain and financial software development, along with his expertise in requirement analysis, technical architecting, and product development in the context of both startups and large enterprises, make him well-suited to execute the mission of a product analyst, especially in a blockchain-related project. His proven track record in driving and supporting the creation of new businesses in the field of emerging technologies and his success in leading high-impact projects in various companies demonstrate his ability to translate complex technological concepts into actionable product strategies and solutions
- Natthaphum brings a unique perspective with his background in finance and experience in growth and venture building. His strong product management skills will be instrumental in guiding the product development and strategy of the DAO Governance analytics dashboard, ensuring that it meets the needs of its users and provides valuable, actionable insights.
- Soravis has a diverse background that spans business analysis, data science, and DeFi. His role will be crucial in ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and insightfulness of the dashboard’s data, leveraging his experience in web3 & DeFi ecosystem.
Please list a critical milestone. The critical milestone should be a measure of whether you’ve made best efforts to execute what is outlined in this proposal or not. If you fail to achieve your critical milestone, your grant may be clawed back.
- Milestone 1: Release of initial design mockups & metrics
- Milestone 2: Mid-development preview release of the dashboard featuring basic, holder, and concentration of voting power metrics
- Milestone 3: Integration of Additional Metrics
- Milestone 4: Refine of the Dashboard based on community feedbacks
- Milestone 5: Public report on user engagement and feedback of the dashboard
How should Token House delegates measure progress towards this Mission: These should focus on progress towards completion. Including expected completion dates for each is recommended.
Benchmark Milestone 1 : Mockup designs - July 10th, 2023
- Detailed requirements for the DAO Governance analytics dashboard.
- Development of an initial design concept.
- Creation of mockup designs for the dashboard, including user interface and experience elements.
Benchmark Milestone 2 : Deployment on front end with basic, holder, and concentration of voting power metrics - August 4th, 2023
- Development of the MVP based on the mockup designs.
- Integration of basic metrics:
- Total number of holder wallets, Total token supply, Votable supply, and Total number of proposals.
- Integration of concentration of voting power metrics
- Minority vs Nonminority Representation, Voter Dominance
- Integration of Proposal & Participation Metrics:
- Proposal Outcome
- Voter Turnout, Active Participation
- Initial user interview of the dashboard.
- Release of the dashboard for community feedback.
Benchmark Milestone 3: Integration of additional metrics - Sept 1st, 2023
- Integration of more complex Holder metrics
- Number of tokens with a holding period of more than X amount of time.
- Integration of remaining concentration of voting power metrics
- Delegates Categorized by source of voting power.
- Voting Power Distribution
- Integration of additional Participation Metrics:
- Voter Behavior, and Participation per Proposal.
- Integration of remaining Proposal Metrics:
- Unique Proposers, Proposal Categories.
- Implementation of changes and enhancements to the dashboard.
- Integration of more complex Holder metrics
Benchmark Milestone 4: Refinement of the Dashboard based on community feedbacks - Sept 15th, 2023
- Collection and analysis of community feedback on the initial release of the dashboard.
- Identification of areas for improvement or modification based on feedback.
- Implementation of changes and enhancements to the dashboard.
- Additional testing to ensure functionality and usability improvements.
- Release of the refined dashboard for further community use and feedback.
Benchmark Milestone 5: Report - September 20th, 2023
- Analysis of the dashboard’s use, functionality, user engagement and feedback of the dashboard.
- Publish the report to the Optimism Foundation and community.
How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission? These should be focused on performance and may be used by badgeholders to assess your Misson’s impact in the next round of RetroPGF.
Number of Monthly Visitors
- This metric measures the total number of unique individuals who visit the DAO Governance analytics dashboard which would provide insights into the reach and visibility of the dashboard within the community. More visitors to the dashboard could imply a higher level of engagement and interest in DAO governance among community members.
Number of Link Clicks Toward the Voting Portal
- This tracks the number of times visitors to the DAO Governance analytics dashboard click on the provided link to the voting portal at https://vote.optimism.io.
- It gives an indication of the dashboard’s effectiveness in directing community members to actively participate in DAO governance. A higher number of link clicks suggests that the dashboard is successfully facilitating more active participation in governance.
Number of Recognized Delegates Mentions & References from Other Publications
- This measures the frequency with which recognized delegates refer to or mention the DAO Governance analytics dashboard in their communications or publications. It should also includes references to the dashboard made in external publications. This can provide insights into the perceived value within the DAO governance ecosystem. A higher frequency of mentions and references indicates that the dashboard is being recognized as a valuable tool for DAO governance.
Number of Feedbacks from Users
- This keeps track of the number of feedback submissions received from dashboard users. Feedback can include suggestions, complaints, compliments, and other types of user comments. This KPI can help identify areas of improvement for the dashboard and gauge user satisfaction. A higher number of feedback submissions suggests that users are actively engaging with the dashboard and invested in its continuous improvement.
Breakdown of Mission budget request:
Our budget request for the mission has been structured based on the NumberNerd Program as follows:
Taking into account the estimated effort required for each metric, we present our metric list:
Metrics level Breakdown
1. Holder Metrics
- Total number of holder wallets. (easy) = 420 OP
- Total token supply. (easy) = 420 OP
- Votable supply (tokens in circulation that are eligible to vote). (easy) = 420 OP
- Number of tokens with a holding period of more than 6 months, 1 year without selling. (hard) = 2420 OP
2. Concentration of Voting Power Metrics
- Voting power delegated by minority holders. (easy) = 420 OP
- Number of tokens held by minority holders. (easy) = 420 OP
- Percentage of minority holder wallets that have delegated. (easy) = 420 OP
- Voting power delegated by nonminority holders. (easy) = 420 OP
- Number of tokens held by nonminority holders. (easy) = 420 OP
- Percentage of nonminority holder wallets that have delegated. (easy) = 420 OP
- Nakamoto coefficient (medium) = 1420 OP
- Share of total voting power per delegate (medium) = 1420 OP
- Delegates Categorized by source of voting power (hard) = 2420 OP
- Share of total voting power per category of delegate (easy) = 420 OP
3. Proposal Metrics
- Total number of proposals (easy) = 420 OP
- Ratio of unique proposers to total proposals. (medium) = 1420 OP
- Number of passed vs failed proposals. (easy) = 420 OP
- Distribution of proposals by type. (medium) = 1420 OP
- Classification of results as contentious, generally accepted, or normal. (easy) = 420 OP
4. Participation Metrics
- Voter Turnout: Tracking individual participation activeness, refers to their recent proposals participation (easy) = 420 OP
- Active Participation: average of all proposals’ participation rates for a given month. (medium) = 1420 OP
- Tendency of voters to vote in a certain direction (medium) = 1420 OP
- Voting power distribution by timezone (medium) = 1420 OP
- Tendency to vote early or wait until the end. (medium) = 1420 OP
- Participation per Proposal: Number of voters and voting power cast per proposal. (easy) = 420 OP
- Minority Holders’ Participation: Percentage of minority holder tokens participating in governance, breakdowns of minority holders by governance participation. (medium) = 1420 OP
- Non-Minority Holders’ Participation: Percentage of minority holder tokens participating in governance, breakdowns of non-minority holders by governance participation. (medium) = 1420 OP
To summarize, the total budget request is as follows:
- Easy: 420 OP * 13 = 5460 OP
- Medium: 1420 OP * 10 = 14200 OP
- Hard: 2420 OP * 2 = 4840 OP
Adding these together gives a total of 24500 OP.
Please note that with these OP token grants budget are not for paying the cost but rather to increase our stake to participate in the governance of Optimism collective
I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones: [Yes]
I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: [Yes]
I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant: [Yes]
I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: [Yes}