Name: StableLab
Delegate Address: stablenodegov.eth
Governance tracking: Boardroom, Internal tracker
Forum: Bobbay_StableLab
Discord: Bobbay#4885
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Romanian, Korean, Chinese
StableLab is a governance firm focused on professional delegation, DAO framework design and product development. We work with various projects, from the ones just starting their journey to decentralization to the most prominent DeFi protocols.
Our systematic framework for DAOs covers governance methodologies, decentralized workforce, implementation, documentation, communication and community engagement. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but we provide a framework of principles and tools we have developed throughout our experience.
We scale DAOs sustainably.
We are the leading professional delegate team with a track record across major DeFi protocols, including MakerDAO, Optimism, Aave, 1inch, Balancer, Element, InstaDapp, Hop and more.
We pioneer delegation work through high governance standards, extensive research, hands-on expertise and the consistent use of a code of conduct. Pushing forward web3 and DeFi since 2018, StableLab’s co-founders previously spent 3.5 years at the Maker Foundation.
Governance delegates and roles currently (or previously held by StableLab).
View all our proposals, votes and milestones at /governance.
Values & Conduct
- Active: We participate in every aspect of the governance process, from creating and presenting proposals to providing feedback in the forums and actively voting.
- Research: Our decisions are backed by a team of experienced researchers and PhDs.
- Trust: We act unbiased and transparent, according to our code of conduct - driven by a strong set of ethics and values.
- Use values to guide actions.
- Maintain impartiality and transparency in participation.
- Rely on data, research and prior expertise for proposals and votes.
- Apply battle-tested internal policies for consistency.
- Consult with the team for quality outcomes.
Our view on the Optimistic Vision
At StableNode, we believe that public funding is essential to developing a non-financial-driven web3. We believe that the focus should be on encouraging developers to take a different approach to web3 and focus more on public goods where a lot of development is made. Even though public goods are necessary to the space, there is a lack of funding, making it a less attractive role for developers.
Initially, the blockchain space was born out of a need to change the current financial and political standards we have. The Optimistic vision details a necessary future and sets a new standard for public funding that is sustainable and will encourage new developers to focus on this field while not sacrificing the financial gain they would gain elsewhere.
Our view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution:
- This is a “Working” Constitution.
Currently, we are in the exploration stage of governance, and it is refreshing to see a protocol acknowledge this and encourage continuous experimentation throughout the next few years.
Decentralized governance is a relatively new field within Web3. It is an important topic that we need to continue working on. Many problems, such as voting mechanisms, delegate incentives, and plutocracy, need to be tackled. We believe that the best way to succeed is to practically try new governance methods in protocols and understand what is successful or detrimental to a protocols governance framework. The theory is essential, but it can only get you so far. We are excited to be a delegate for a protocol that prioritizes experimentation.
- OP Citizens and OP Holders will equally coexist within the Collective.
This experimentation hopes to tackle problems such as misaligned incentives through token holders or plutocracy. Such issues are prominent in the space and allow token holders to prioritize their financial gains over long-term improvement. With the citizen house maintaining control over the retroactive public funding it realigns incentives in a more fruitful manner.
Those individuals from the token house might be against public funding as this means reduced financial gains for themselves, but those from the citizen house who have no financial incentives for OP would want to see the space move forward and see those actors developing public goods be compensated fairly.
- The Optimism Foundation will be a steward of the Optimism Collective and its early governance model.
We favor the foundation initially leading the governance front while the framework and structure of the OP governance are being built. With token holders and delegates initially not having a financial incentive to contribute, it is most likely that progress would be slower without a foundation. Over time as the structure and framework are built, as mentioned in the working collective, it would be expected that the foundation would slowly release the responsibilities to the DAO.
Through our holding company, we have invested in multiple projects to advance growth and governance for them. See the full list here.
We contribute to various protocols’ governance, such as MakerDAO, Optimism, Aave, 1inch, Balancer, and Element. See the full list here.
When applicable, we will disclose potential conflicts of interest in our rationale.
Waiver of Liability
By delegating to StableLab, you acknowledge and agree that StableLab participates on a best efforts basis and StableLab will not be liable for any form of damages related to StableLab’s participation in governance.