Voting Cycle #3: Roundup

I have been looking to make a proposal the last week for my project, however I have some concerns. I noticed that voters abstain or put no to infrastructure projects because they cant validate the metrics, as an infrastructure project my self I am worried that by applying I am just going to be wasting weeks of my time to get an abstain or no and basically be pre-determined on the decision of my proposal.

I done some DD and it looks like voters in majority are only interested in supporting protocols and not infrastructure projects from when looking at another infrastructure project to get ideas on how to apply and what metrics to provide for my own proposal. Its like if a well known infrastructure project like this [READY] [GF: Phase 1 Cycle 3 Proposal] Infinity Wallet is getting no or abstain due to not been able to validate metrics even when its all over the place on most dapps and has traction, then how does any of us little projects have a chance? :frowning:

It seems really unfair to infrastructure projects like me. Infrastructure projects bring the most long term value and also have the most costs to support a chain, it seems pretty unfair to ignore/discard us because of metrics.

I would love to know if anyone or even @linda @Bobbay_StableLab could tell me if there is any point applying because how can I validate if I make a proposal and provide metrics, it seems impossible for infrastructure projects like me and others