StableLab - Delegate Communication Thread

Proposal: Intent #1, 1M OP

Vote: 1A, 1C, 1E


Proposal 1A: This is a strong governance team and we are happy to support their work

Proposal 1C: Having 24 hour technical support for Optimism would be beneficial to users and could help people new to blockchain become familiar

Proposal 1E: UI and UX is a major problem in crypto and we support this alliance trying to future proof it for Optimism

Proposal: Intent #3, 1M OP

Vote: 3I Thank Optimism

Rationale: After speaking with the Thrive coin team we believe this proposal will help spread optimistic awareness.

Proposal: Intent #4, 3M OP

Vote: 4B, 4M


Proposal 4B: Michael has been a dedicated member of the DAO and knows the ins and outs of the collective. This podcast has a lower budget and we think it would be a great initiative.

Proposal 4M: This is a very cool initiative that could bring unique insights to governance data and help the DAO learn and grow.

Proposal: Intent 2 Budget Proposal 2

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We support the extra funding from the other intents being used to fund grants as this public funding will help improve the Optimism ecosystem

Proposal: Ratify Developer Advisory Board Members

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab believes a developer advisory board will help grow the ecosystem. The budget appears reasonable and the members seem to be knowledgeable on the subject

Proposal: Developer Advisory Board Budget

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab believes a developer advisory board will help grow the ecosystem. The budget appears reasonable for the first season of this program

Proposal: Grants Council Operating Budget

Vote: Yes

Rationale: The grants council has proven to be a success in the past. This budget makes sense as a way to add improvements to the program while also maintaining the parts that are already working.

Proposal: Security Council: Vote #1

Vote: Yes

Rationale: While we would eventually like to see full decentrilization and not rely on individuals controlling a multisig, we understand that for now, this is the best choice for Optimism in order to provide security and efficiency.

Proposal: Code of Conduct Council Budget

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We believe Code of Conduct disputes are better handled by a council and not delegates. Therefor we are happy to fund a council to deal with code of conduct violations and this budget seems reasonable for the role.

Proposal: Code of Conduct Violation: Carlos Melgar

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: StableLab does not feel we have the necessary info to make an informed decision on the matter. Given such we have decided to abstain. We support that these decisions will be made by a council in the future.

Proposal: Anticapture Commission

Vote: Yes

Rationale: While StableLab believes the anti-capture commission should have both more voting power and a more efficient way of using this voting power, we believe this is a good first iteration of the initiative. We look forward to serving on the commission as well as providing feedback after the season to hopefully form an improved anti-capture commission for season 6.

Proposal: Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics

Vote: Juanbug_PGov and Raho

Rationale: StableLab has worked with both Jun and Raho in the past and they have proved to be great DAO contributors who will be capable of handling the milestones and metrics portion of the grants council

Proposal: Chain Delegation Program

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this initiative to include new OP chains in governance

Proposal: Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Growth Experiments

Vote: Katie Garcia, Matt L, GFX, MoneyManDoug, Michael

Rationale: The existing grants council has done well. While we would eventually like to see turnover to prevent centralization we support 1 more term

Proposal: Code of Conduct Council: Member Nominations

Vote: Oxytocin Juanbug_PGov

Rationale: These contributor have shown to be fit for this position and have gained our support

Proposal: Season 5 Intent Budgets

Vote: For

Rationale: We support these intent budgets as they are reasonable and will help support the optimistic vision

Proposal: Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Builders

Vote: Kaereste

Rationale: StableLab has worked with Kaereste in the past and he has proven to be a great DAO contributor that will continue to thrive in this position

Proposal: Ratification of Law of Chains

Vote: For

Rationale: It is important to create an open neutrality framework to establish protections for the future

Proposal: Security Council Vote #2 ā€“ Initial Member Ratification

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports this ratification. While we are glad to see this process will transition to elections we think this is a strong group of initial members to begin the security council.

Proposal: Upgrade Proposal #2: Canyon Network Upgrade

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports the Canyon Network Upgrade to improve the Optimism Network

Proposal: Upgrade Proposal #3: Delta Network Upgrade

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports the Delta Network Upgrade to improve the Optimism Network

Proposal: Proposal to Reclassify Grant Misusage Enforcement

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports the transfer of this responsibility to the elected Token House Code of Conduct Council as they will have more expertise and time to investigate the situations.

Proposal: Summary of Code of Conduct enforcement decisions

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports the summary of Code of Conduct enforcement decisions as this will improve efficiency and help limit delegate gas costs

Proposal: Protocol Upgrade #4

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports this upgrade proposed by OP Labs

Proposal: Mission Requests: Intent #4, 1.33M OP

Vote: Request 4E

Rationale: Increasing the amount of OP used for voting and encouraging new delegate or redelegation will create a more active and safer governance system for OP

Proposal: Mission Requests: Intent #3, 1.33M OP

Vote: 3A,3C,3D,3E

Rationale: After reviewing each mission StableLab believes these 4 missions will provide the most value to the DAO to achieve intent 3

Proposal: Mission Requests: Intent #2, 4M OP

Vote: 2A, 2B, 2D, 2E, 2I, 2J

Rationale: StableLab believes these missions will provide the most value to intent #2

Proposal: Mission Requests: Intent #1, 1.33M OP

Vote: All Intent 1 missions

Rationale: StableLab voted for all options as we believe they all add value and can all fit within the budget


Protocol Upgrade #7: Fault Proofs

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab support this upgrade to educes trust assumptions for OP Mainnet users by enabling permissionless output proposals and a fault proof system as it will help to have OP Chains reach Stage 1 status.

Protocol Upgrade #8: Changes for Stage 1 Decentralization

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this update proposal to enhances security and decentralization. Increasing the Security Council Safeā€™s signing threshold from 4 to 10 out of 13 will be much more secure and help protect the future of the ecosystem.

Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this upgrade proposal to ensures accurate voting power calculation and address issues found in advanced delegation.

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Vote: Yes

Rationale: This code of conduct seems reasonable and will create clear guidelines for ecosystem actors. StableLab supports this proposal.

Season 6: Intents Ratification

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports these three intents as they will help to expand growth for the OP ecosystem as well as improve existing structures.

Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports renewing the developer advisory board after season 5. We think Zach Obrontā€™s 90k budget is more reasonable for the role.

Season 6: Grants Council Operating Budget

Vote: Yes

Rationale: The grants council has done a great job in past seasons. StableLab is in support of this new budget and roles as they will help expand the OP ecosystem.

Season 6: Intent Budgets

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports these intents for season 6. While we would like to see funding for intent 4 we understand governance can be hard to include in grant programs. We support the smaller focus on Intent 1 and continued focus on Intent 3.

[Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal]

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We voted ā€œForā€ on this proposal because it effectively addresses feedback from the previous Code of Council Cohorts and proposes a governance-minimized approach to enforce the Code of Conduct. By delegating grant policy violations to the Grants Council and leveraging alternative dispute resolution methods, the proposal ensures accountability while reducing governance overhead.

[Developer Advisory Board Elections]

Vote: 1. devtooligan 2. wildmolasses 3. blockdev 4. alextnetto.eth

Rationale: We voted four candidates for the Developer Advisory Board, we believe they bring a diverse set of skills and experience that will effectively contribute to the Developer Advisory Boardā€™s mission.

[Chain Delegation Program Amendment]

Vote: For

Rationale: We voted ā€œForā€ on this Amendment to the Chain Delegation Program because by updating eligibility criteria, adjusting delegation amounts, and extending the program duration, these changes ensure meaningful participation in governance and support the long-term sustainability and growth of the ecosystem.

[Anticapture Commission Amendment]

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We support this Amendment because it enhance its effectiveness by refining the mandate, simplifying membership criteria, and addressing feedback from members. In this way, the Commission can better prevent the capture of the Token House by any single stakeholder group.

[Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer]

Vote: AnthiasLabs

Rationale: We voted for Anthiaslabs in this proposal. We have worked with this team across multiple DAOs and they have proven they are unbiased and suitable candidates for the Audit Reviewer.

[Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer]

Vote: Juanbug_PGov

Rationale: We voted Juanbug_PGov among all candidates for the Milestones and Metrics Reviewer. Jun has been a great contributor to the OP DAO, and we have worked extensively with him on other DAOs. We are confident that his unique skills and experience will ensure that the Grants Council delivers a measurable impact on the approved KPIs.

[Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer]

Vote: 1. katie 2. Michael 3. mastermojo 4. GFXlabs 5. MattL 6. jackanorak 7. MoneyManDoug 8. Sov 9. Tane

Rationale: We split our voting power among 9 candidates who have either done a great job being a grants council reviewer for Optimism in the past or we have worked with across other DAOs. We believe these applicants bring diverse skills and experience, enhancing the builder experience and grant performance on the Optimism network.

[Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade]

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal to pass the Fjord network upgrade as it brings significant enhancements to the OP-stack ecosystem, including reduced gas costs for smart wallet applications, lower data availability costs and more accurate L1 data fee pricing.

[Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP]

Vote: Requests #5, #6, #7

Rationale: We supported the Requests that showed the highest cost-efficient utility.

[Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP]

Vote: Request #1

Rationale: We believe attracting top developer talent to build on top of the superchain is essential to bring Optimism to the general public.

[Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP]

Vote: Requests #1ABCD #2 #5 #8 #9 #17 #18 #19

Rationale: We supported the Requests that showed the highest cost-efficient utility.

ACC Season 6 - IOP

Vote: Yes

StableLab supports this proposal as it establishes clear and structured Internal Operating Procedures (IOP) for the Anticapture Commission (ACC) in Season 6 of Optimism Governance.

Code of Conduct Council Elections

Vote: 1. Oxytocin, 2. Pumbi, 3. Fujiar

Rationale: We voted for the candidates that have a long track record in DAO governance and we think can do a great job in preserving the values of Optimism in governance discussions.

Upgrade Proposal #10: Granite Network Upgrade

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this upgrade that fixes some bugs based on the latest Security audits and improves overall safety of the Optimism network.

Security Council Elections: Cohort A Lead

Vote: alisha.eth

Rationale: We support the election of alisha.eth, with an experienced track record in blockchain security and DAO governance.

Rolling Mission Requests

**Vote: ** Yes

Rationale: Approval of rolling mission requests for remaining budget is prudent given allocation is already set.

Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 27

**Vote: ** OP dominance in YBAs decentralized solvers full financial audit subsidized audit grants

Rationale: Allocated to 4 of the 8 most essential projects that have not already passed funding threshold.

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Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 28

Vote: Increase Prevalence of Non-USD/EURO Stablecoins.

Rationale: Interesting vertical that moves Optimism toward the target metric of increasing active development on the superchain.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Clarifies the Superchain, core to Optimism brand and operation.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: This upgrade responsibly advances resilience and autonomy on the proven Agora framework.

Season 7: Intent Ratification

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Aligned toward supporting Optimismā€™s collective intent of a set of interoperable Stage 1 chains doing $250m per month in cross-chain asset transfers.

Retro Funding: Onchain Builders Mission

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Aligned with and supports the intent impact goal of rewarding interoperable onchain builders. Overall sizing and allocation methodology are reasonable.

Retro Funding: Dev Tooling Mission

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: Aligned with and supports the intent impact goal of supporting onchain builders in developing interop-compatible applications. Overall sizing and allocation methodology are reasonable.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports testing this functionality.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab is aligned toward supporting Optimismā€™s collective intent of a set of interoperable Stage 1 chains doing $250m per month in cross-chain asset transfers.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports this upgrade.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports the changes to the AC Charter.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports alisha.eth and the funding of the Security Council as outlined.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports Gonna.eth as Grants Council Lead; grant sizing and methodology for the council appear sound.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports zachobront as Developer Advisory Board Lead; grant sizing and methodology for the council appear sound.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports Juanbug_PGov as Milestones & Metrics Council Lead; grant sizing and methodology for the council appear sound.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports dissolution as these functions are responsibly moved to other working groups.

Vote: Yes.

Rationale: StableLab supports funding of the Grants Council as outlined with the caveat that onboarding of the member signers by the Foundation be completed as immediately as practical.

Vote: No.

Rationale: StableLab is not in full support of the sizing of this Mission relative to the requirement put on the community by the yet unproven allocation methodology outlined. In essence we find the attention economy of a mission to be too broad and recommend that this endeavor perhaps eventually be part of a larger governance mission framework to support innovation of this type. Already in practice there are more proven grant allocation methodologies with significantly less overhead cost to drive the expected impact.

Upgrade Proposal #11: Holocene Network Upgrade

Vote: No Veto.

Rationale: No objections to this planned upgrade.