[READY] [GF:Phase 1 Proposal] Pickle Finance

This proposal fits into Gov Fund Phase 1 and the value-add to Optimism is solid: Voting Yes

Value-add: Medium (small AUM & community but interesting product)
Amount: Reasonable
Op distribution: Okayish
Co-incentives: Good

This funding round’s goal is primarily in increasing liquidity and users on Optimism. Pickle Finance has been building quality vaults before, been early to Optimism and the mentioned Uni V3 auto-rebalancing Jars make especially sense in a low-transaction-cost environment such as Optimism. Duel incentives have indeed been proven to attract liquidity initially and we expect this resulting in users & community moving to Optimism. Echoing other commenters, we also hope to see some long-term programs and more sticky liquidity on Optimism.

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