Season 5 Mission Applicant Guide: How to Submit a Mission Application

Mission Applicant Guide: How to Submit a Mission Application

What’s a Mission Request?

Who Can Apply to Mission Requests?

  • Teams may apply to Mission Requests at their corresponding Collective Trust Tier.
  • Each team must identify a team lead.
  • If a team is comprised of individual contributors that are not associated with an established protocol or company, and those contributors are at different tiers, the team’s tier should correspond to the tier of the team lead.
  • Teams may apply for multiple Mission Requests given their intentionally specific scope. Any team member’s affiliation with multiple Mission Requests should be made clear.
  • A delegate may apply to execute their own Delegate Mission Request, provided they are not a member of the Grants Council.

Please note: All grant recipients are subject to the Code of Conduct, and the Grant Policies within, and must KYC with the Foundation to receive rewards (as with all grants).

How do I Apply for a Foundation Mission Request?

Foundation Mission Requests, supported by the Partner Fund, are created and selected by the Optimism Foundation on a rolling basis. You can see previous Foundation Mission Requests here.

  • Make sure you understand the Collective’s grant policies before applying.
  • Foundation Mission Requests can be found on the ecosystem contributions github. Foundation Mission Requests will be labeled as such (Season 4 Mission Requests may be labeled as “RFP”).
  • A Mission Application template should be included on each Foundation Mission Request.
  • Submit your Mission Application as a comment on the relevant github issue by the specified submission date.
  • The Foundation will select a team by the specified selection date.
  • Selected teams should post monthly progress updates on the relevant github issue until the Mission has been completed.

How do I Apply for a Delegate Mission Request?

Delegate Mission Requests, supported by the Governance Fund, are created at the beginning of the Season by the top 100 delegates. These Mission Applications are processed by the Grants Council, which will set submission and selection deadlines corresponding to regular Voting Cycles.

  • Make sure you understand the Collective’s grant policies before applying.
  • Delegate Mission Requests will be posted to the ecosystems contribution github once approved via governance at the end of Voting Cycle #18 (see public governance calendar). Submit your Application via the Charmverse link included on the relevant github issue by the specified submission date.
  • You may also visit the Optimism Grants Council Charmverse page directly and click on “Applications” to submit a Mission Application. Choose the relevant Mission Request template for your application, and answer all the required questions. All Delegate Mission Applications must be submitted via Charmverse.
  • Mission Applications for Delegate Mission Requests can be submitted beginning in Voting Cycle #19 (see public governance calendar)
  • The Grants Council opened submissions on February 1st as an Indication of Interest for Missions that are approved to move to a Token House vote; however, if the Mission does not pass the Token House vote on February 14th, those submissions will not be considered. You can apply for Missions that passed the Token House vote between February 15th and February 21st.
  • The Grants Council, possibly with the assistance of the Developer Advisory Board, will announce the selected application by the specified selection date.
  • Selected teams should post monthly progress updates in Charmverse until the Mission has been completed.

Mission Application Template

Make sure you follow the required template when creating a new application. For Foundation Missions, you will find those on the ecosystem contributions github. For Delegate Missions, you will find those on linked on the github or directly via Charmverse.

What about Access to Upfront Capital?

Most Mission grants are awarded in the form of locked OP tokens. These tokens will be locked for a period of one year, unless your Mission qualifies as a growth experiments grant. Please make sure you understand the Collective’s grant policies before applying. We understand these policies present some limitations and have created a Foundation Mission Request to establish an Ecosystem Investment Network that may provide upfront capital to exceptional Mission applications.

How Do Missions Relate to RetroPGF?

The Mission grant amount should reflect the minimum amount required to execute the Mission. Additional rewards may be received via RetroPGF, based on the impact of the executed Mission. We have suggested a 50/50 split between Mission/RetroPGF rewards in Season 5 to incentivize quality execution. Over time, the proportion of baseline grant to retroactive rewards should shift towards RetroPGF until everything is supported by RetroPGF.


Hi Everyone.

Is there going to be a template for Delegate Mission Requests (Cycle 19)? We started a grant application Spring last year(22) and we have now added a Mission Application Template to go with this as Season 5 has introduced many changes to the process. I’m thinking the best solution is that I post a DRAFT grant proposal for comments leading into Cycle 19, and then have a mission application drafted for said proposal. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Hi @Bob, if you would like to create a Delegate Mission Request, you can find the instructions here: Delegate Guide: How to Create a Delegate Mission Request

If you are not a Top 100 delegate but have an idea for a Mission Request, you may post your idea under this thread so that a Top 100 delegate may review and potentially sponsor the idea: Seeking Mission Request Sponsorship

Reminder that Delegate Mission Requests are due by next Wednesday (1/17) at 19:00 GMT!