Intent 3 Mission Request Sponsorships

Please post your Mission Request ideas you would like to see sponsored by the Grants Council in this thread this template.


  1. Copy the provided template.
  2. Create a new forum post, paste the template, and fill out all the questions.
  3. Add the tag “S6 mission request” to your post.
  4. Return to this post and paste the link to your completed Mission request in the replies.



Intent 1: Empowering small active delegates

Delegate Mission Request Summary: Delegate unallocated tokens to active but underrepresented delegates for six months, aiming to boost participation from 55% to 80%

S6 Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization, Driving Delegation

Proposing Delegate/Citizen: DAOplomats

Total grant amount: 0 OP

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants? Multiple

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

According to the Governance dashboard, 38 out of the top 100 delegates are inactive or ghost, representing 23M VP, or 25% of the votable supply. The retro governance incentive program currently incentivizes active delegates in the top 100 but can only target 62% of the delegate base. This leads to a significant portion of the governance power being underutilized, reducing the incentive program’s effectiveness. The high inactivity rate among delegates suggests a need for improved strategies and possibly reevaluating the mechanisms to ensure more comprehensive and active participation.

Incentives have failed to motivate inactive and ghost delegates; at the same time, many delegates in the top 1000 are more active and can increase the participation rate from 55% to much higher if delegated a future votable supply.

To test this hypothesis, we suggest delegating 23M tokens equally between 38 delegates for a period of 6 months. These tokens can either come from the unallocated portion or the Governance portion of the Ecosystem fund and will be delegated to delegates who have been active but are underrepresented and do not receive governance rewards. Other DAOs, such as Uniswap, Arbitrum, Gnosis, and 1inch, also experiment with this approach.

Below is our suggestion for the rubric:

  1. Delegate statement created: 1 point
  2. 70% + voting participation in the last 3 months: 7 points (-1 point for each 10% reduction in voting)
  3. Has contributed to optimism as verified via RPGF, Councils, Citizens, etc: 1 point
  4. Active delegation thread: 1 point
  5. Other bonus criteria only for tie-breaking: 3 points


  • If approved, we will open a 3-week application period for delegates who are not in the top 100 to apply for the program via a forum thread.
  • Delegates will be ranked based on the points they receive according to the rubric and the tokens already delegated to them.
  • The top 38 delegates will be selected to participate in the program and will receive delegation

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

DAOplomats are responsible for:

  • Open applications
  • Provide feedback and support
  • Work with relevant stakeholders to deliver this mission

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?


  1. Selection of eligible delegates
  2. Tokens delegated


  • #active delegates
  • #active votable supply


  • Increase participation rate from 55% to 80%
  • More visibility in the way delegates make decisions, thus helping the proposer to make better decisions.

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request? If so, who, and what parts of this application did they contribute to? If you sponsored another community member’s idea, please credit them here.



I like how you posted. This way we have an index here but each mission request has its debate.

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Hey, could you please create a forum post with this information and share the link here? This way, anyone who wants to provide feedback can do so directly on the specific mission request forum post.

Check Katie’s text for a step by step guidance at the top

Kinda assumed that was the plan.

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Intent 1: Opinion harvesting spaces

Mission Request Summary:
If we want to increase the percentage of citizens that feel confident voting on upgrade vetos (Target metric, Citizens’ House governance), then enabling spaces where they can go to ‘listen to opposing opinions on the matter’ and share their doubts can encourage them to have a more active participation.

S6 Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization, Citizens voting

Proposing Delegate/Citizen: alexsotodigital + Opus Collective + other interested applicants

Total grant amount: 7K OP

Goal: Increase the percentage of citizens that feel confident voting on upgrade vetos

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants? Multiple

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

Starting from the fact that citizens tend not to feel confident due to lack of context (not so much of the update proposal but of the implications it has), the proposal is to bring in voices that have expressed different opinions on the matter (of an update with more than 15% vetos) and make them delve deeper into their motives.

In this way, by facilitating a safe space for conversation, we can use conflict as a means to strengthen ties between various parties and enable citizens who want to gain context to listen to different positions and form their own opinion.

Below the proposal for the structure of the space (assuming 1:30 hrs):

  • 10 min - Landing and check-in
  • 10 min - Framing of the topic (by Facilitation Team)
  • 20 min - Veto debate (by two opposing voices)
  • 10 min - Breakout Rooms
  • 20 min - Questions and answers (by panelist and citizens)
  • 20 min - Collective harvesting


  • When a proposal goes beyond having more than 15% vetos, a call is opened for portfolios that have already voted (and who perceive they have a very strong position on the matter) to participate in a space with a specific date.
  • The facilitating team contacts the people chosen as panelists and establishes behavioral agreements to maintain a safe and respectful space.
  • A publication is made with the public event. Those people who register as citizens will receive an attestation of attendance if they participate.
  • The call is facilitated by a team, allowing citizens to listen and express themselves.
  • A record and minute is made that summarizes the points (which can be translated into infographics, memes and other content to trigger the conversation in Fancaster and other channels).

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

Facilitation Team is responsible for:

  • call, selection and preparation of panelists
  • facilitation of sessions to guarantee harvest of learning
  • creation of materials that facilitate sense-making for citizens who have not been able to attend.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?


  1. Citizen attendance at sessions
  2. Participation of citizens in voting.


  • Number of addresses voting for the first time
  • Number of vetos in upgrades proposals


  • Increase participation rate
  • Greater integration of objections into proposals

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request? If so, who, and what parts of this application did they contribute to? If you sponsored another community member’s idea, please credit them here.


Forum post: Intent 1: Opinion harvesting spaces

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Mission Request Ideas From The Community Brainstorm:
Please feel free to use these ideas to create a Mission Request and post in this thread… its what they are here for :slight_smile:

  1. Bring developers to the Superchain by supporting real world transactions. (integrate OP to travala/bitrefil, etc)
  2. Bring developers to the Superchain by bootstrapping real-world payment ecosystems
  3. Bring developers to the Superchain by Supporting the development of modular contract building so creators / builders could develop and launch their own contracts and claim impact of their efforts
  4. Bring developers to the Superchain by utilizing an integration with Base’s new Stripe partnership to make new user onboarding even faster
  5. Bring developers to the Superchain by making it easy to create farcaster frames to buy merch or other items via stablecoins
  6. Bring developers to the Superchain by encouraging experimental projects with micro-grants
  7. Bring developers to the Superchain by facilitating easier tools to develop new products
  8. Bring developers to the Superchain by supporting the launch of certain on-chain games which make it easier for users to on-board

Created this post for sponsorship for Mission Requests under Intent 1, please follow the directions therein and link to this post there.

Hi, I created three Sponsorship Requests for Missions to help the Optimism Collective achieve Intent 3:

I’d greatly appreciate if any Grants Councilors can sponsor these before the deadline and I hope you’ll find them helpful. Any feedback is welcome.

Please feel free to make any changes to the Mission Requests as you see fit or reach out with questions. Thanks!

Hey Jrocki, thank you for sharing this list! :slight_smile:

I just created a Sponsorship Request for a Mission about onchain games that is very aligned with your 8th suggestion and can help onboard builders. You can find this sponsorship request here. I’d appreciate if you could check it out and sponsor it to help support game developers on the Superchain.

I also remember you mentioned during the Token House call last week that you were interested in collaborating on a Mission Request regarding onchain gaming and I want to let you know that I’d be happy to collaborate on this. Let me know if you have any other ideas in mind or if there’s anything else you’d like to see in a Mission Request.

I’d be happy to adjust the Mission Request with your input in mind. Thanks again for the advice during the L2 Beat Office Hours call as well!

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From SEED Latam, we have created these Sponsorship Requests for Missions Intent 3:


Hey @katie!

It will be possible that the MR (sponsorship) proposals can be extended to one more day?, I have been looking and there are not many proposals related to DeFi on the Superchain, solutions that promote builders to the superchain with projects such as payments, loans, something that promotes financial inclusion in crypto and that I have seen that many projects are advancing in this and it would be a great opportunity to support them.

I would like to complement the project with [Sponsorship Request] Intent 3 Open Finance resubmit the proposal and find sponsorship because it didn’t receive feedback.

Will it be possible to evaluate that opportunity?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Lili, I reached out about extending the deadline but it would impact the Grants Council timeline so it won’t be extended. Thank you for asking!

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Got it, thanks for letting me know Katie!!

Nice week!

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