S4 Intent: Governance Accessibility (Intent 4)
Proposed Mission: A weekly podcast on Twitter Spaces telling the stories of participants in RPGF2 with the goal to broaden awareness and understanding of how to contribute to future rounds of RetroPGF.
[Proposal Tier]: Phoenix
Please verify that you meet the qualifications for your Tier: 2x Member of the Grants Council and receiver of RPGF2 funding.
Baseline grant amount: 8k OP
% of total available Intent budget: 0.266%
Alliance: The RetroPGF Podcast
Alliance Lead: Michael Vander Meiden
Contact info: @Michael
L2 recipient address: 0x6EdA5aCafF7F5964E1EcC3FD61C62570C186cA0C
Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:
- Michael Vander Meiden @Michael
- Delegate, Governance Community Call Host, 2x Grants Council Member, RPGF2 Recipient, Youtube Educator
- Link to call posts
- “The Blockchain Guy” youtube channel
Please explain how this Mission will help accomplish the above Intent:
- Intent #4 description states that it includes “​​Missions to educate the broader community about Optimism governance and RetroPGF”. This podcast is a direct attempt to educate the broader crypto community on RetroPGF.
- One of the biggest hurdles to starting the RetroPGF flywheel is creating the contributor base for RetroPGF. As it currently stands, many people who would otherwise be contributors either 1) don’t know RetroPGF exists, 2) don’t realize that RetroPGF would apply to them or 3) don’t understand the mechanisms of RetroPGF confidently enough in order to do work with RetroPGF funding as a goal.
- This podcast will combat each of these things by drawing on a wealth of stories from RPGF2 recipients. Every episode will interview a new recipient of RPGF2 and allow them to tell their story, how they contributed, how receiving funding changed their project, and how they are thinking about their future contributions with respect to RetroPGF.
- These episodes will be hosted on Twitter spaces for discoverability, and have the recording published to podcast platforms & Youtube. Twitter spaces will also allow audience interaction and Q&A during the episode.
What makes your Alliance well-suited to execute this Mission?
- Michael Vander Meiden
- Michael has countless previous experience engaging with the community, from being hosts in the delegate community calls for the Optimism Collective, to Optimism-focused educational youtube channel. This project will allow him to leverage his knowledge of Optimism and combine it with his hosting abilities to illuminate and broadcast the stories of RPGF2 recipients and expand the group of people who understand RetroPGF.
Please list a critical milestone. The critical milestone should be a measure of whether you’ve made best efforts to execute what is outlined in this proposal or not. If you fail to achieve your critical milestone, your grant may be clawed back.
- Host an average of 1 episode per week between now and September 20th
- Publish recordings of these spaces on Youtube as well
How should Token House delegates measure progress towards this Mission:
- Consistent averaging of 1 episode per week with meaningful attendance
How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?
- Total playback on all platforms
- Community engagement during and after (recordings) the interview
- Participation in RetroPGF from the listeners of these twitter spaces
Breakdown of Mission budget request:
Mission budget will go towards organization, research, scheduling, and promotion of the interviews. High quality promotional material will be published before every episode in order to increase attendance.
I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones: Yes
I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: Yes
I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant: Yes
I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: Yes