-For some months now we have been creating things at Optimism, with a lot of intention to help create, maintain communication and impact for the awareness of people in Latin America. With this we are going to start helping our communities about the Optimism Governance, what is RPGF, Granting and everything that it’s happening in the collective.
a.- What is the purpose of this thread?
To have a link for the community to communicate and keep an eye on what we are creating. This thread is not intended to enliven a single community, but all those who intend to create and share their work.
b.- The intentions of this thread?
Communication, communication communication. We consider that there are many communities that don’t know how to navigate in the forum, they are frightened by the content and we would like to have a special place where we can communicate with each other.
c.- Some rules are not bad
-It is totally forbidden to post bad intentions and attacking content to any community.
-We do not support ghost communities, which only come to promote themselves, so the joint happiness will come from allowing any latin community to promulgate themselves here or promulgate the work done.
-No hate comments, sales or anything related to economic aspects.
d.- The method
1.- In this thread we will have postings of what is going on weekly, which can be content from delegates, missions, intents to consider and links to important documents in a clean, communal manner.
2.- If you are doing any projects, meetings or you would like to communicate with us, we will read each other here.
3.- This thread is for impact, to keep people aware of what is going on and for Latin America to allow more communication and interaction between projects.
4.- We are going to have a TG group to talk about Optimism and solve any doubts.
-Ill be updating with all the TG groups that are going to share help and explanations:
Nación Bankless Telegram: Contact @nacionbankless
Come in friends. If you are a community that needs help to create something, step in, and if we don’t know how to help you, someone it’s going to reach you.