SEED Latam: an invitation to Latin American coordination

Dear friends,

Following our analysis of Season 4, we have written some reflections:

How we started

@seedlatam was supported by members of its community in its early years. However, it also greatly benefited from its early entry into the DeFi ecosystem and receiving airdrops and rewards that were given to pioneers who interacted with protocols before the DeFi Summer. The price increase of multiple tokens held in our wallet allowed us to have runway and sustain a team of 5 people for three years (from 2020 to the present).

SEED Latam in RPGF2

In the rpgf2, we received 55k $OP. We see this as recognition of our long-standing work, which materialized in the vote of the Badgeholders. We are taking an active role in managing these funding. In fact, we recently restructured SEED Latam in response to this input of $OP tokens to maximize the efficiency of our budget and avoid any wasteful spending. You can see the new SEED Latam statute here.

Some observations about the Latin American crypto ecosystem

We believe that the Latin American ecosystem is going through a stage where hundreds of teams are emerging and putting their efforts into spreading crypto adoption. We live in a region where the challenges are significant because we not only need to teach Web3 knowledge in a “friendly” way but also basic concepts of financial education that were not covered in the elementary education of most Latin American countries.

We have noticed a significant increase in educational initiatives in general, and the same is true within the Optimistic collective. In such a large region where Spanish is the official language of 21 countries, coordination and complementarity seem to be the most intelligent approach. We mention Latin American countries because it is the region where we were born and where we work. However, we are not oblivious to countries like Spain, Andorra, Equatorial Guinea and other Spanish-speaking regions worldwide (for example, Miami). This gives us a broader reach in linguistic terms.

Creating educational material in Spanish is important, and we greatly value the work of #translators and #contributors within the Optimistic collective. However, producing original content in Spanish with a critical perspective is more challenging and requires more time and resources. And this is what we need—a critical perspective to adapt the benefits of Optimism to our region.

To provide some perspective, here are some data points:

A new approach to incentivize

Educating retail and building communities is important, but it is also crucial to create incentives for research and development of tools and infrastructure. If we fail to do so, the Latin ecosystem will continue to follow trends rather than contribute new discussions and tools.

  • To the governance of Optimism: Teams in our region operate under very different conditions than teams in other regions, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • To the Latin ecosystem: we can set the task of attracting web2 builders to Optimism on the horizon. We could explore categories such as research, tooling, and infrastructure too.

  • To the Optimistic collective: we need to start considering the task of developing classification filters with a capture-resistant approach as one of our priorities.

In this regard, SEED Latam did not submit a proposal for the :bow_and_arrow: Mission Proposals. We believe that we are an established team. We have never monetized nor will we ever monetize our content or any other actions generated by us (courses, events, hackathons, etc.). Being an initiative that generates Public Goods does not entitle us to indiscriminately ask for funding in every financing round that comes up (both within the Optimism ecosystem and beyond).

Everything mentioned above is based not only on safeguarding the health of Optimism but also the health of the entire ecosystem. For example, the RPGF2 was an experiment that, with its successes and failures, serves as a model for other chains to review. The clearest case of this is this proposal in the Arbitrum forum, where the RPGF2 is mentioned as a parameter for thinking about a superior and definitive model for grant allocation in Arbitrum.

In that regard, we applaud and celebrate the work of Grants Council considering complex and specific rubrics at this time seems to be the wisest approach for evaluating initiatives. This translates into better allocation of resources and, consequently, a greater impact on communities.

To Latin and global teams: Good faith and an Optimistic Vision should be the guiding principles for every action we take. We have seen several submissions in this stage. In a bear market context, it is difficult to maintain contributors, especially in Latin America, and it is natural to seize funding opportunities as soon as they arise. However, we must be careful when applying and evaluating. The lack of quality or differentiation in initiatives diminishes the real impact, and this can discourage the arrival of better proposals or cause them to migrate to other ecosystems. We run the risk of the human oracle approving new proposals of lower quality than in the previous Season simply because “something needs to be approved.”

If we manage to work in a coordinated and complementary manner, we can grow as a region and help the inhabitants of Latin America. We are at a crucial point where Ethereum’s scalability options are emerging, and we can attract more people to Optimism.

Together, we can bring forward proposals that truly benefit the ecosystem with unique ideas, avoiding repetitive attempts to exploit the system.

Let’s not miss the opportunity to use Optimism as a protocol for human coordination.

P.D.: Aquí tienes un link en Español con la traducción de este post, o más bien, con la versión original en Español :slight_smile:


Hey there frens, this is a really well put together post and I appreciate you taking the time to extend the initiative to continue to coordinate to unlock continually more flourishing futures. I wanted to share some reflections on your post as well as some thoughts with regards to how we can continue to collaborate towards driving more adoption and unlock a greater sense of freedom throughout a region that has continually been held back by centralized and extractive systems.

First, the reflection:

I 100% agree that for a number of reasons we must continue to work towards more collaboration and organised coordination across the region. By that said, I also think that taking into account the vast diversity that is Latin America is hugely important as well. In Guatemala alone, the country where I reside, there are dozens of languages that are non-Spanish speaking and many of these indigenous communities have expressed an interest in exploring decentralized governance systems that give folks an opportunity to step away from the currently existing paradigm that many of us live under. Further, crypto is viewed so differently across each of the countries and regions - in Central America, we have a very present toxic BTC Maxi perspective throughout our local communities, which can make it challenging to propose Ethereum-levered solutions, whilst in other countries transacting with DAI is a commonplace and well-received practice. So yes, let’s continue to coordinate collectively and also celebrate and nurture local grassroots initiatives that are looking to nurture the local diversity that has much to contribute to the Optimism Collective and vice versa.

I often times feel that we do need more well-thought approaches to where Optimism plays a substantial value-add to the region and having a more critical stance is certainly important. I would also add that we need more examples and experiments with regards to where Optimism can be deployed today to ensure that we’re moving beyond smoke and mirrors and towards real utility (I’ll expand on this in the latter section).

Gitcoin, and Optimism - I’m personally really energised and excited to see so many grassroots communities coming forth and leveraging crypto-native ways of mustering support for their initiatives. I think grassroots education is the way to go - and it is a necessary step for us to work towards more building, research, and development focus in LatAm.

Let’s do this! Often times, many web2 builders see crypto as being the Wild West, and that’s where I’m personally really encouraged to see more adoption and education happening locally (even if it isn’t entirely focused on building quite yet - in some cases).

I think that we’ve got to focus on building actively rather than being passive users of protocols. There has already been so much coming out of LatAm (particularly the South where I know many of the SEED community is based) and for those of us in Central America, we’re super keen to continue to build projects where we aren’t just seen as another “user” but rather have a stake in the game and are able to create a dialectic relationship where we can continue to add substantial value back and forth across the wider ecosystem.


Ok, and now here are some additional thoughts that are somewhat exogenous to the post:

Education and Communities:
As I mentioned before, I’m personally really encouraged to see more grassroots communities. As you mention, there is an already pre-existing barrier that we have in the region with regards to the base-line financial education and technology requirements being necessary to continue to develop an effective approach to more adoption and building. Let’s continue to support these local communities that are flourishing throughout LatAm to focus more on building protocols and engaging with more technically-focused developments.

Building tooling and research in the region:
I’ve always believed that an less-than-ideal outcome would be one where we are just farming airdrops or using protocols without having a more critical perspective on what each of these protocols is missing and where we can uniquely add value to the ecosystem. Let’s think of new protocols that we can develop that will change the way our financial systems operate, our national governance systems function, and the rest of our digital engagements occur. We’re the region that is ripe for adoption, but also one that needs to be even further nourished and supported to focus on more technical developments.

Some more things I’d like to see:
It’d be great to see us build the transition step where folks can build more technically-minded initiatives and I believe we can do this by encouraging the local communities to build more through hackathons and bounties that are regionally focused. Let’s work closely with the existing technical and economic infrastructure in the region and offer crypto protocols as solutions that will aid us in addressing some of the HUGE inefficiencies that are present throughout LatAm.

We’ve got a lot to do and I’m super grateful to have this community as a thoughtful space to continue to grow and flourish collectively :slight_smile:


As a part of Brazilian community that is just entering in contact with Optimism, I would like to ask a question:

  • I am a university professor in Brazil and also an artist, collector, and curator on virtual worlds. I am looking for a blockchain to develop a project of bringing academics to the blockchain through the development of a community and an app. As Brazil is located in Latin America but speaks Portuguese instead of Spanish, I would like to know if there are funding possibilities and their process. As a community, we could translate documents to Portuguese (maybe I can make it an extension project from my university), mint academic products and services on Optimism, build the app to distribute in Brazilian universities (I have a group of more or less 40 PhD professors in philosophy working under my coordination to translate many entries of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, with due authorization, and publishing them in the form of books by a university publisher; we received a grant from John Templeton Foundation, and also a grant from NEAR Foundation to develop a virtual library on voxels with academic books as nfts).

I recommend you contact the Eth Samba community. Many of the members are leaders in the spaces and would be very happy to help guide your towards building on Optimism.

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around 1/3 of latin-american population live in brazil and don’t speak spanish. is there any effort or resource from this collective being applied to brazil? is it appropriate for a project to be called “seed latam” if not? feels like “seed spanish” would be more aligned with the team goals.
btw i am brazilian.


The website explains what each letter means, it’s a game: