Education nominations for RPGF2

Education nominations for RetroPGF2

This is the thread to nominate projects for the Education category of RetroPGF round 2. Please familiarize yourself with the Nominations process for RetroPGF round 2.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Overview of Timelines

  • Project nominations: Jan 17 19:00 GMT - Jan 31 19:00 GMT
  • Final project opt-in deadline: Feb 21
  • Voting: Mar 7 - Mar 21

:seedling: Scope of this round

RetroPGF round 2 is dedicated to projects that support development and usage of the OP Stack. For the category of Education you may nominate

  • Work to spread awareness and knowledge of how Optimism works, whether technically or socially.

:sparkles: How to Nominate a Project

Things to consider when nominating a project:

  • Try to describe as best as you can how this project has delivered impact relating to the scope of this round.
  • Make sure to nominate projects in the relevant category
  • Before nominating a project please see if this project has been nominated already, so we can avoid duplication.

For Projects:

  • If you are a project looking to participate in this round please have a read of the Project Manual, it has an overview of the process and an FAQ section to answer questions that might come up.
  • For your project to be eligible you will need to opt-in to the round and complete a project profile in the RetroPGF application manager by Feb 21 - 19:00 GMT. This will include providing more information about your project and verifying your Github or Twitter account. The application manager will be launched by end of Jan, more details to follow on this soon!
  • Any project without a correctly verified GitHub or Twitter account, any project impersonating another team, any project not relating to the scope of the round, or any project without a complete profile may be hidden from the voting round at the Foundation’s discretion.
  • Projects are allowed to nominate themselves.
  • Here the term “project” can describe work that has been done by both an individual or a group.
  • Collections, a term used to describe projects without a single person or entity that can be verified via GitHub or Twitter, may only be nominated by the Optimism Foundation.

Please use this template to Nominate a project:

  • The projects name:
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:

Project Nominations will close by Jan 31 at 19:00 GMT


This one is fresh in my memory after getting some help for some recent Quest completions…

I’d like to nominate:

Projects Name: Subli (YouTube Channel)

Description of description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Subli is an easily found resource to access ‘How To’ tutorials that show (new) users how to actually make use of some of the Dapps on the OP stack.

While the Channel is targeted towards DeFi in general, there are a number of tutorials specifically dedicated to Optimism and the Dapps on its platform.

The tutorials are clear and effective, i.e. they allow a newbie to understand and use previously unfamiliar Dapps, confidently, in a matter of minutes. That is, his tutorials work, they are not fluff with silly thumbnails, and they are dedicated to learning the skills to access Defi and not about getting rich quick from crypto.

The Channel is also multilingual, which is a strong positive in the spirit of inclusion, diversity and decentralisation.

The Subli Defi Channel has a low level of Subscribers and thus isn’t likely getting the reward deserved from YouTube monetisation. Thus, I think the RPGF is a good alternative to recognise the impact it is having, and can have in the future.

Links to Project: (The YouTube Channel) (Twitter)

Contact info for the project or project lead:
I don’t know their contact info. Although he is in this forum: @Subli_Defi

Note 1: I don’t know if they want to participate. I assume they’ll have to ‘Opt-in’?
Note 2: After just looking up their Twitter for this nomination, I see they describe themselves as a “Optimism Ambassador” so I’m not sure if that disqualifies them from eligibility. I honestly just liked and used their YouTube tutorials to learn a few new things, everyone so far has been nominating themselves, so I wanted to nominate them. I’ll let everyone else take it from here.


gm, I’d like to nominate L2 Beat

Projects name: L2 Beat (Website)

Description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

L2BEAT is an L2 explorer page that educates visitors about different L2s including Optimism, their respective points of differentiation, as well as how they work and where they stand with their milestones and development progress.

As such L2BEAT has supported the usage of the OP stack, Optimism as a network, and the whole L2 ecosystem by means of

  • educating users about the benefits of L2s and Optimism specifically
  • showcasing users how to use L2s and how to bridge over
  • updating on Optimisms development progress
  • informing users on security implications, risks, as well as things to be aware of

Below is a description of the project’s value prop in their own words:

"L2BEAT is an analytics and research website about Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling. We provide a comparison of the various Ethereum L2 systems available today.

An important differentiator between L2BEAT and similar sites is that L2BEAT is committed to educating users and lists only projects that match our narrow definition of L2. We define layer two as a chain that fully or partially derives its security from layer one Ethereum so that users do not have to rely on the honesty of L2 validators for the security of their funds.

Because of our commitment to education we present various non-trivial metrics aside from Total Value Locked (TVL). We have carefully examined each L2 project to determine the inner workings of their technology as well as the associated risks. To learn about any of our listed projects visit their respective page on L2BEAT."

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:


I want to nominate 0xParc ( for their educations initiatives, including

  • their Circom / Halo2 learning groups at
  • the MIT zk-IAP course ( that they are organizing
  • their various residencies & collaborative research initiatives which they write about on their blog (0xPARC)

Beyond education, 0xParc has also been responsible for advances in applied zk technology (see for instances the posts on Batch-ECDA, zkPairing and Ecne on their blog). However, I have chosen to nominate them under education, because I feel that this is where their impact has been the greatest, introducing a whole new generation of hackers to the marvels of zero-knowledge technology — a technology that is profoundly transformative and whose impact over the coming years and decades will be tremendous.


Project Name
thesleeper.eth blog and translations

thesleeper.eth maintains a blog written in Thai that shares information about Optimism, the Optimism Collective, and the OP Stack. As of the writing of this post, the blog contains 30 posts. These posts include translations of almost all of the English information outputted by the Optimism Foundation and OP Labs over the past year. Given that the Thai community represents a significant part of the Optimism ecosystem, this blog is invaluable in giving people native-language information about the Optimism Collective and its efforts. I don’t believe that any of the blog posts or tweets have been monetized.


Can be contacted via Twitter

I work for OP Labs. I am making this nomination in my capacity as an individual and not on behalf of OP Labs. I have no existing relationship with thesleeper.eth other than following them on Twitter.

  • The projects name: Nested

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Nested help an average users to onboard DeFi in less than 5 minutes.

  • Nested abstract the nitty gritty of DeFi learning curve bottleneck that keep average internet users shy from interacting with the Decentralize Finance world.

  • Interacting and managing crypto assets on OP with Nested is an enjoyable experience to view portfolio, edit allocations, and research other’s portfolio movements and strategies.

  • A new user ( totally not have knowledge of DeFi before) can set up their wallet within seconds (abstract to account creation) and start buying OP assets from their credit card/ bank wire.

  • After the user is more aware of the DeFi usages, they can learn about the private keys and take control of their account, while being totally self-custody with Nested.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:

  • The projects name: web3beach

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack(not relevant with Optimism directly): By adapting incentivizing environmental impact and web3 education, they’re able to encourage the local community to participate in environmental efforts. Instead of playing games, they’re making environmental and social impact while accelerating web3 adoption in Honduras.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:
    discord: carlosjmelgar#2531


my nomination goes to Nested Fi

it has been playing its part on onboarding new and shy people to the world of decentralised fi, making it easier

thank you.


The projects name : Nested
A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack :

As you know DEFI is difficult even for experienced users, not to mention newcomers, new people getting into the space are lost among the countless names of projects, not to mention the understanding of the complex DEFI protocols, this really scares and discourages new users, which is so necessary to our space for early implementation in everyday life. Nested tries to solve this problem and help newcomers to enter the space even with zero knowledge literally in a couple of clicks.

Note the ways of logging in is really what newcomers are used to seeing. Nested tries to simplify their introduction to the space in the most important way, because the hardest thing to start.
The project has a really user-friendly interface, the ability to copy other users’ investment strategies is an attractive proposition for beginners, and for experienced investors is a great way to monitor their knowledge, as the platform built in a royalty for each copy.
Thanks to the link profile to tweeter we can go directly to the identity of the investor and even communicate with him in private messages.Bot in telegram notifies us of changes in our portfolio and we can quickly make changes to our investment strategy.So the project is aimed at important narativ is social interaction, attracting new people into the space, introducing them to the technology DEFI.So many interesting protocols built on Optimism, but how to attract new users and teach them to use them.Nested solves this problem and, thanks to a grant from optimism, will create a flywheel of usefulness and an influx of new users to the promising Layer2.

  • The projects name: Revolte
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Onboard Web2 users into Web3 is too difficult ! Revolte is an adventure game (or interactive novel) in which players discover all Web3 concepts (blockchain, wallet, public/private keys, token ,gas, layer 2, …) following the events of the story. Some interactions (like wallet installation) are mandatory to continue the adventure. There are 3 chapters:
  • chapter 1 : No relation with a network : The aim is to introduce the story/universe and to grab audience’s attention
  • chapter 2 : Installation of a wallet and first steps on Goerli
  • chapter 3 : Exploration and real use of Web3 applications (swap, deposit, bridge) on Optimism
  • The projects name: Nested

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: NESTED offers the possibility of creating a decentralized portfolio, has expanded its blockchains including Optimism helping more people to manage their assets faster and cheaper.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:


gm, I would like to nominate ZachXBT

  • Projects name: ZachXBT Crypto Scam Research

  • Description: I think ZachXBT helps educate people, especially in the ETH community.
    Here is the description from the Gitcoin page:

Over the past year I have built up a pseudonymous identity on Twitter shedding a light on all the wrong doing that goes on in the Crypto/NFT space. The topics I’ve researched range from insider trading, rug pulls, undisclosed promotions, & other unethical behavior.

After falling victim to similar things as a newcomer during the last crypto bull-run cycle I began to experience deja vu as I noticed it all start to occur once again. I eventually became fed up and decided to research and document the shady things that go on to hopefully educate as many people as possible and increase transparency in the space.

What began as just one Tweet quickly evolved into something much larger. My work has been featured in places such as Bloomberg, Vice, NYT, & many more.

Most of my time is spent researching leads using on-chain tools (Breadcrumbs, various blockchain explorers, & Nansen) as well as other tools (Twitter search, Archive org, YouTube, etc). A good percent of the leads either end up not being worthwhile or where I am unable to reach a conclusion. All findings are then openly shared with my Twitter audience.

All funding received will go to equipment upgrades, future legal costs, and to whatever you value my time working about 8+ hours daily, researching & answering as many people as humanly possible. All of my work thus far has gone unpaid besides a donation address I set up at the end of January.


Project Name: ITU Blockchain

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Optimism Virtual Machine (OVM) is an EVM-Compatible machine, Solidity is used in writing smart contracts. For the first time in history, ITU Blockchain published Solidity training in Turkish, which lasts more than 34+ hours completely for free of charge. Before, despite the high interest in cryptocurrencies in Turkey there was limited access to resources to build and develop this technology. Thanks to this training we have reached around 50,000 views, hundreds of people learned Solidity and participated in hackathons. The resources used in all our trainings are shared as open-source. All the codes and resources in our Solidity training are also shared on Github. In addition, Optimism and dApps on Optimism are one of the networks/dApps we use in our trainings.

In addition, ITU Blockchain is the community that conducts the most comprehensive face-to-face training on blockchain in Turkey. Every year, face-to-face trainings are held on Blockchain 101, Blockchain Advanced, DeFi, NFT, Layer 2s and DAO. These trainings are open to everyone. Anyone who wishes can attend the training without pre-registration. Since our trainings are the most qualified face-to-face trainings, more than 150-200 people attend each training. Especially in Layer2s training, a lot of information is given about Optimism.

In addition, ITU Blockchain has been publishing and sharing crypto money and blockchain news every week for almost 3 years in a way that can be read in 5 minutes. It sends news to nearly 4000 newsletter subscribers by e-mail every week under the name of Genesis News.

ITU Blockchain has also participated in dozens of hackathons so far. The most important of these are ETH Bogota, ETH Mexico, ETH Berlin, ETH Barcelona, ETH Prague, ETH Online and Avalanche Barcelona Hackathon. They have won awards from many of these hackathons. They developed many hackathon projects organized by ETH Global on Optimism and was nominated for Optimism awards.

Links to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: Twitter (20K+ followers), Github (410+ stars), Youtube (128K+ views), Instagram (4K+ followers)

Contact info for the project or project lead: or @ismailemin007 on Telegram


Good afternoon, I would like to nominate Truffle Optimism Box

Projects name: Truffle Suite (Website)

Description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Truffle Optimism Box provides developers with the boilerplate structure necessary to start coding for Optimism’s Ethereum Layer 2 solution.

Truffle provides the initial building blocks to get to work on Optimistic Ethereum without pushing developers to write any particular sort of application. With this box, Users will be able to compile, migrate, and test Solidity code against several instances of Optimistic Ethereum networks.

Optimism’s Layer 2 solution is almost fully compatible with the EVM, though it uses an “optimistic” EVM called the OVM. The main difference between the EVM and the OVM that developers will notice is that some opcodes are not available for contracts that are deployed to the OVM. The Truffle Optimism Box is complete with the Optimistic solc compiler already referenced in the truffle-config.ovm.js file. Users can see a complete list of differences between Optimism’s fork of the solc compiler and the original

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • The projects name: Bankless Academy

  • A description of how the project has supported the development and usage of the OP Stack: Bankless Academy is a free-to-access, open-source, education hyper-structure seeking to empower internet society with the information and tools necessary to achieve financial self-sovereignty; by going Bankless. The banklessDAO-native team is on a mission to provide quality web3 education as a free-for-everyone public good.

While I know they got a grant to build most of the Optimism content, I believe having some resources with no strings attached will make this team go further and double down their efforts.


Proposal to nominate the NFT project Optichads.

Optichads is a wellness and health minded community of optimism users that utilize basic psychology to help fuel healthy habits in a positive way. The thesis behind optichads is that your chad is a vehicle of motivation because of the artwork when a person looks at a chad and does a comparison, they see the chad like features to be a potential goal. This coupled with the congregation of like minded people leads to better health and wellness for chad holders. I personally have experienced greater motivation for health and wellness just by being in the community. The last RGF benefitted Optichads and was a success for their proof of physical work for distribution to the diverse set of chad holders. Optichads is the largest original pfp project on optimism with vibrant, knowledgeable community members, rewarding Optichads would be rewarding optimism, dedication, and motivation for physical and mental health and wellness. There are countless conversations within the community about the mental benefit from getting strong. The endorphins help a lot of people be healthier mentally and physically. It would behoove optimism to have governance members that value mental and physical health and wellness.
Down below I linked Optichads episode on OP Radio, which can provide a wealth of more resources on the project:

twitter contacts:

The project itself has also done a slew of donations to public goods!


The projects name: The Blockchain Guy (@Michael)

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

  • Michael’s YouTube Channel has a lot of really great Optimism educational content covering everything from Optimism native protocols to how governance works in the ecosystem

  • I consider Michael’s work hosting many Optimism Governance community calls an educational public good for two reasons. First, it is the host’s job gather topics to discuss during the call as well as facilitate a productive conversation surrounding those topics during the call. Secondly he provides a summary of each call he has hosted for anyone who does not have time to attend or listen to the recording (efficiently educating the community)

  • As a final cherry on the top he has also contributed to the Optimism codebase

In the end I have nominated Michael as there is not doubt in my mind that the Optimism ecosystem would be worse off without his above contributions to the public good.

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • The projects name: Bored Town
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:From the very early days of OP network launch, Bored Town has on boarded many new users to OP NFT space through various projects and quests and with free mints to support new users of all socioeconomic range and many non-English speakers. Bored Town has brought many projects under one roof and has cross promoted with others to support projects outside of Bored Town as well, and in doing so, has demonstrated traits and patterns of true builders that build trust and confidence in the OP network, as well as exemplified the good will of the Optimism movement. I always have confidence in projects promoted by Bored Town and can confidently on board other non-OP users to come to network.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: @boredtownnft
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:@sorryvrerror_co


Zain recommended that I nominate myself for the the educational content I’ve done around Optimism and the Ethereum ecosystem in general.

  • The projects name: Thumbs Up Finance

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

I, Thumbs Up, am a content creator focused on producing deeply-informative, yet engaging and entertaining content around cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized finance. I have worked with a number of DAOs, am the recipient of numerous grants and winner of dozens of writing contests for the quality work I produce.

I’m a big believer in public goods funding and have promoted Optimism (and, similarly Gitcoin) extensively on twitter because of our aligned beliefs.

My work for PoolTogether’s Optimism launch was extensively shared and is the reason Zain contacted me in the first place. That piece follows my signature style of written explainer (deep dive) + video tutorial.


The projects name: The Web3 Experience

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
JRockie (@Jrocki ) and @espresso have become my personal go-to when I want to know “what’s going on in OP right now?” The range of content they’ve orchestrated brings in audiences of all types and highlights what makes the Optimism ecosystem and ethos different from other chains.

@Jrocki’s youtube videos on the Optimism Quests are a perfect example of how The Web3 Experience provides practical education and outreach to the masses. Their in-depth interviews with special guests on the more structured podcast episodes can really blow your mind and often teach you about some new or very well-known Web3 service.

Even off the air, The Web3 Exp has done whatever they can to connect like-minded individuals and make waves that have lasting, trickle-down effects. They were instrumental in getting eyes on the OptiChads proposal for Round 1 funding and helping Dicaso move that along to the finish line, which ended up introducing a lot of people to OP NFT’s.

In more times than I can count, @espresso and @Jrocki have said that they would continue doing what they’re doing even without popularity or money for their efforts, which is exactly the kind of people you want helping to onboard outsiders to OP.

A link to the project’s Twitter:

(optional) contact info for the project or project lead: