Delegate Commitments [OLD]

Name: PoolCollective

Address or ENS: 0x3D2d722B443A5cAE8E41877BB7cD649f3650937C

Discord username: Tjark#0815

Verification (Tally profile or tweet): Tweet

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes.

I understand that becoming a delegate is a significant commitment: Yes.

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: We are a collective of PoolTogether community members. PoolTogether has been an active participant within the DeFi and DAO ecosystems since their inception. While being at the frontier of decentralized governance it is important to us continuously experiment and evolve. We are looking to bring in our experience and apply learnings from the process to both PoolTogether & Optimism governance. We are dedicated to the Optimism-, and therefore the Ethereum-, ecosystem and desire to help the Optimistic Vision succeed.
You can find our introduction on Mirror.
Individuals voting on behalf of the collective: Tjark, underthesea, Illpo

My view on the Optimistic Vision : With PoolTogether ultimately being designed as public good, our community is working toward this vision already. We thrive to create a more fair and empathetic world where basic human needs are accessible to all.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution:
1. This is a β€œWorking” Constitution. Always has been. In a system with many moving parts, it is important to adapt to changes and constantly improve on learnings from the process.

2. OP Citizens and OP Holders will equally coexist within the Collective. We agree. All life is about balance. As a community around a decentralized protocol that aims to serve as an important financial infrastructure owned by its users, we see this as an invitation to participate.

3. The Optimism Foundation will be a steward of the Optimism Collective and its early governance model. We see the Optimism Foundation as an important part of facilitating and stewarding the process while protecting the vision and constitution. We trust in its decisions and guidance.

My Web3 interests: Accessibility, DeFi, Governance, Infrastructure, Social impact

Languages I speak and write: en, de