Due to other obligations of our team, we have neglected to post rationales for the votes of the year of 2024. Here is the backlog of these vote rationales.
Special Voting Cycle #17
Summary of Code of Conduct enforcement decisions
As the Code of Conduct enforcement mostly relies on trust (in order to keep parties confidential), we don’t have much information to express agreement/disagreement, so our approval is based on that continued trust in the committee, as well as the committee’s transparency and communication in these matters (to the degree that they are able). Also, none of the cases seemed to have any dissent from the accused or other parties, which added to our comfort with the committee’s decision.
Does it fulfill our mission?
“We strive to promote equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and effective community ownership and governance of key web3 infrastructure through thoughtful and researched decision-making and community engagement.”
Yes. Overall, this process marks an important departure from reliance on the Foundation and responsible handling of Code of Conduct enforcement.
Upgrade Proposal #3: Delta Network Upgrade
We voted FOR
The proposing team (TestInProd) is trustworthy and confirmed this upgrade with OP Labs. The report on the upgrade, including risks and mitigation factors, seem reasonable and thorough. Thus, we feel comfortable voting For.
Does it fulfill our mission?
“We strive to promote equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and effective community ownership and governance of key web3 infrastructure through thoughtful and researched decision-making and community engagement.”
Proposal to Reclassify Grant Misusage Enforcement
We voted AGAINST
Following the statement here.
“We do not believe the grant freeze power should be taken away from token house delegates. Although we support the idea of giving delegates less work to do, in the extreme case that the token house agrees that someone should not be eligible to receive grant funding, they should be able to take that action. The token house should be the ultimate owner of governance funds, they should be allowed to revoke people’s access to it.”
Does it fulfill our mission?
“We strive to promote equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and effective community ownership and governance of key web3 infrastructure through thoughtful and researched decision-making and community engagement.”
Yes. Rejecting this proposal is in line with the principle of community ownership and governance.
Voting Cycle #18
Protocol Upgrade #4
We voted FOR
Reasonable upgrade, and we have sufficient trust in OPLabs and their development process.
Mission Requests (Intents 1, 2, 3, and 4)
Due to our intent to apply for many of the missions across categories.
Voting Cycle #19
Protocol Upgrade #5
We voted FOR
Similar reason to protocol upgrade #4.
Protocol Upgrade #6
We voted FOR
Similar reason to protocol upgrade #4 and #5.
Voting Cycle #21
Governor Update #1: Improve advanced delegation voting
We voted FOR
Improves voting UX.
Season 5: Intents Budget Proposal #2
We voted FOR
We believe this reallocation could lead to funding more projects that improve the collective.
Voting Cycle #23a
Protocol Upgrade #7: Fault Proofs
We voted ABSTAIN
We don’t currently feel confident in our ability to give an educated vote based on the discussion occurring.
Protocol Upgrade #8: Changes for Stage 1 Decentralization
We voted FOR
Important upgrade with outstanding questions answered.
Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations
We voted FOR
Season 6: Grants Council Operating Budget
We voted ABSTAIN
We were unable to dedicate time toward a researched opinion.
Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal
We voted ABSTAIN
We were unable to dedicate time toward a researched opinion.
Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal
We voted ABSTAIN
We were unable to dedicate time toward a researched opinion.
Season 6: Intents Ratification and Budget Approval
We voted ABSTAIN
We were unable to dedicate time toward a researched opinion.
Voting Cycle #23b
Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade
We voted FOR
Reasonable and necessary upgrade
Grants Council Reviewer Elections
We voted ABSTAIN
Unable to provide researched opinion.
Developer Advisory Board Elections
We voted ABSTAIN
Unable to provide researched opinion.
Season 6: Anticapture Commission Amendment
We voted FOR
Season 6: Chain Delegation Program Amendment
We voted FOR
Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal
We voted ABSTAIN
Unable to provide researched opinion.
Voting Cycle #24-27
We voted ABSTAIN on all proposals.
Voting Cycle #28
Season 6: Standard Rollup Charter
We voted FOR
Governor Update Proposal #3: Enable onchain treasury execution
We voted FOR
Voting Cycle #29
Season 6: Standard Rollup Charter
We voted FOR
Governor Update Proposal #3: Enable onchain treasury execution
We voted FOR
Voting Cycle #31a
Upgrade Proposal #11: Holocene Network Upgrade
We voted FOR
We voted ABSTAIN for the rest of the proposals in this cycle
Voting Cycle #31b
We voted ABSTAIN on all proposals in this cycle
Main decision maker: @chaselb