Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

A Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) was created in Season 5 to experiment with decentralizing the enforcement of the Code of Conduct.

Since then, the Code of Conduct has been rescoped twice, reducing the responsibilities of the Code of Conduct Council:

You can find the retrospective of the Season 5 Code of Conduct Council here.

Councils may be authorized by the Foundation for an initial pilot period (at least one Season.) After this pilot, representative structures must be renewed by governance for a subsequent Season. The Code of Conduct Council is in this stage. If successfully renewed this Season, the CoCC will become a persistent structure in the Collective, assumed to continue unless a Council Dissolution proposal, outlined in the Operating Manual, is passed.

Given the above rescoping, if renewed for Season 6, the Code of Conduct Council would have a scope limited to enforcing the Rules of Engagement, which govern the usage of all Optimism hosted platforms.

  • If delegates believe an elected Code of Conduct Council should enforce the Rules of Engagement, delegates should vote to approve a Code of Conduct Council Operating Budget. If delegates do not believe an elected Council is necessary to enforce the Rules of Engagement, they should not approve any associated operating budget.
  • In the event that an operating budget is not approved for a Code of Conduct Council, the supportNERDs will continue to monitor the forum and enforce the Rules of Engagement as they previously have. supportNERDs are not selected by the Foundation, but rather operate as an open contribution path. If any decisions made by the supportNERDs are questioned, they may be appealed to a third party (which may be the grant recipient for a Foundation Mission for mediation services.)

All prospective Leads may propose a Code of Conduct Council Operating Budget for Season 6. Delegates that believe the Council should be renewed, should only vote to approve one Code of Conduct Council Operating Budget. The budget proposal with the highest proportion of “Yes” votes will be approved. Delegates are effectively electing the Lead that has authored an approved budget. If continued, the rest of the members of the CoCC will be elected, according to the process outlined here.

Proposal drafts, with 4 delegate approvals, are due by May 22nd at 19:00 GMT.

Please see the Collective Reward Framework for help evaluating budget requests.

Code of Conduct Council Operating Budget Template

It is recommended that you add a poll to the bottom of your proposal asking the community if they believe your proposal is ready to move to a vote.

Please note, we believe the contributions of the Code of Conduct Council are best suited to Retro Funding, as we don’t want to incentivize conflicts or bureaucracy, and therefore recommend the Council be primarily rewarded retroactively.

Proposed Council Lead: Name

Proposed Council Operating Budget: X OP **(+/- from last Season)

Contact Info: Email

Please link to any previous work or qualifications to be Council Lead:

  • Link to community contributions (Forum posts, voting history, delegate communication threads, attestations, etc.)
  • Link to relevant work experience

Council Charter:

  • Link to original Charter: Season 5 Charter
  • Link to proposed Season 6 Charter
    • Please note that the Charter of the Council will need to be updated to account for the following changes in Scope:
      • The Code of Conduct Council will only oversee the Rules of Engagement
      • As such, the decisions of the Code of Conduct Council will no longer be subject to optimistic approval by governance
      • All members will be accountable to governance as they remain removable via the Representative Removal proposal type outlined in the Operating Manual
      • [to reflect any other material changes outlined by proposal authors, as necessary and permitted]

Breakdown of Board Operating Budget:


  • Number of Members = XXXX OP (+/- from last Season)
    • Please break down # by sub-committee, if applicable
    • Please indicate any leadership roles to be designated among members (ie. Ops Lead, Comms Lead, etc.)
    • Please explain any increase or decrease since last Season
    • It is strongly recommended that teams not exceed 7 members, but may support up to 14 if split across smaller teams
  • Lead = XXXX OP (+/- from last Season)
    • Please explain any increase or decrease since last Season

How should governance participants measure the Council’s impact, and ensure its executing on its Charter?

Reporter Experience KPIs:

The Foundation suggests the below measures, or similar:

  • Response time and response rate on filed reports
  • Number of reportees that completed mediation/did not escalate to enforcement action

Performance KPIs:

  • The Foundation suggests the below measures, or similar:
    • Number of community members that disengage/resign/offboard due to unmanaged conflict

Consistent with other reward allocations, all rewards will be subject to a KYC and claims flow process.

What Does This Mean for Delegates?

Please see Code of Conduct Rescoping #2 before voting on this proposal.

Delegates will vote on a Code of Conduct Council Operating Budget in Special Voting Cycle #23a. Approving a Code of Conduct Budget elects the proposal author as the Council Lead. If approved, delegates will vote to elect Council members in Special Voting Cycle #23b as outlined here.

If you do not wish to renew the Code of Conduct Council, do not approve any operating budget proposals. In this case, the supportNERDs will continue to monitor the forum and enforce the Rules of Engagement as they previously have. If any decisions made by the supportNERDs are questioned, they may be appealed to a third party (which may be the grant recipient for a Foundation Mission requesting mediation services.)