Governance Report : Special Voting Cycle #23a

Governance Report: Special Voting Cycle #23a

The Special Voting Cycles in the Optimism Collective are designated periods during which members of the Optimism community engage in the governance process by voting on multiple proposals. The special voting cycle #23a brought forward some operational as well as key foundational changes that we have mentioned below

Proposal: Final Protocol Upgrade #7 - Fault Proofs

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


The proposal focuses on implementing a fault-proof system to enhance the security and decentralization of Optimism’s network. This upgrade enables permissionless output proposals and fault proofs, reducing reliance on privileged roles for withdrawals.

Key Points

  1. Fault Proof System:
    • Allows anyone to propose output roots and participate in the dispute resolution process.
    • Includes a smart contract framework for future multi-proof systems.
  2. Guardian Role:
    • The Guardian can override the system in emergencies, ensuring network security during the transition.
  3. Technical Changes:
    • Updates to key contracts like OptimismPortal, DisputeGameFactory, and others to support the new system.
    • Introduction of DelayedWETH for handling bonds with delays to ensure integrity.
  4. Specifications:
    • Detailed specifications for fault proofs, including the deployment of relevant contracts and their roles.
    • Off-chain programs for monitoring and automating the dispute resolution process.
  5. Impact:
    • All pending withdrawals will need to be re-proven under the new system.
    • No anticipated downtime, but updates to tooling and SDKs required.


This upgrade is a significant step towards decentralization, ensuring safer and more trustless withdrawal processes on Optimism. It balances security with the move towards a fully permissionless system, laying the groundwork for future enhancements.

Proposal #8 - Guardian, Security Council Threshold, and L2 ProxyAdmin Ownership Changes for Stage 1 Decentralization

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


This proposal aims to advance the decentralization of Optimism by increasing the Security Council’s threshold, transferring the Guardian role, and changing L2 ProxyAdmin ownership. These changes align with Stage 1 decentralization requirements, enhancing network security and resilience.

Key Points

  1. Security Council Threshold:
    • Increase signing threshold from 4 to 10 out of 13 members.
    • Enhances security by requiring broader consensus for decisions.
  2. Guardian Role Transfer:
    • Transfer Guardian role to a new Guardian Safe controlled by the Security Council.
    • Foundation becomes Deputy Guardian, retaining emergency intervention capabilities.
  3. L2 ProxyAdmin Ownership:
    • Transfer ownership from the Foundation to the Security Council.
    • Ensures the Security Council has a blocking vote on L2 predeploy upgrades.
  4. Technical Specifications:
    • Modifications to SecurityCouncilSafe, GuardianSafe, and L2ProxyAdmin contracts.
    • Introduction of new modules to support liveness checks and secure contract ownership transitions.
  5. Impact:
    • No anticipated downtime; existing integrations remain unaffected.
    • Node operators and users experience increased decentralization and security.


This upgrade represents a significant step towards achieving Stage 1 decentralization. It enhances the security and decentralization of the Optimism network, ensuring a more robust and resilient system. The proposal underscores the commitment to a decentralized governance model while maintaining effective security measures.

Proposal #2 - Improvements to Advanced Delegation Allowance Calculations

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


This proposal addresses improvements to the advanced delegation allowance calculations within the Optimism governance system. The changes aim to rectify issues with the voting power allocation for delegates using the advanced delegation feature.

Key Points

  1. Advanced Delegation:
    • Fixes inaccuracies in voting power calculations for delegates receiving absolute and relative delegations.
    • Ensures delegates retain correct voting power in complex delegation chains.
  2. Motivation:
    • Enhances the functionality of the advanced delegation feature launched in December 2023.
    • Addresses scenarios not initially covered during testing.
  3. Technical Specifications:
    • Updates to the Optimism Governor contract.
    • Implementation verified and audited by OpenZeppelin, with no issues found.
  4. Impact:
    • No anticipated downtime.
    • Improved user experience for delegates in complex delegation states.


This proposal aims to refine the advanced delegation process, ensuring accurate voting power calculations. The updates, backed by thorough testing and auditing, enhance the governance system’s robustness and delegate experience.

Proposal: Season 6 Grants Council Operating Budget

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


This proposal outlines the operating budget for the Season 6 Grants Council. The budget aims to support the Council’s activities, ensuring efficient grant distribution and improved governance within the Optimism ecosystem.

Key Points

  1. Budget Allocation:
    • Total proposed budget: 610,000 OP, an increase of 170,000 OP from the previous season.
    • Breakdown includes compensation for reviewers, additional members, audit and special mission reviewers, and operations management.
  2. Council Structure:
    • 18 positions, including Superchain Mission Reviewers, Optimism Mission Reviewers, and a new Audit and Special Mission Review team.
    • Emphasis on enhancing review processes and supporting increased application volume.
  3. Operational Improvements:
    • Internal procedures for work distribution and accountability.
    • Focus on metrics and milestones to measure performance and impact.
  4. KPI and Performance Metrics:
    • NPS of finalists > 9/10.
    • Aim for a 5% increase in votable supply and active developers.
    • Evaluation based on grant performance and adherence to milestones.


The proposed budget for Season 6 reflects the need for expanded resources to handle an anticipated increase in grant applications and to ensure effective governance. The enhancements in council structure and operational processes are designed to improve efficiency and support the ongoing growth of the Optimism ecosystem.

Proposal: Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) Operating Budget for Season 6

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


This proposal outlines the operating budget for the Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) for Season 6. The budget aims to ensure the enforcement of the Rules of Engagement across Optimism-hosted platforms and enhance community governance and conflict management.

Key Points

  1. Budget Allocation:
    • Total proposed budget: 55,000 OP, an increase of 37,000 OP from the previous season.
    • Breakdown: 40,000 OP for five council members and 10,000 OP for the council lead.
  2. Council Responsibilities:
    • Enforce the Rules of Engagement, handle conflicts, and ensure compliance.
    • Elected council members to oversee reports and make enforcement decisions.
  3. SupportNERDs:
    • Introduction of SupportNERDs to assist the council, providing monitoring and raising issues.
  4. KPIs and Performance Metrics:
    • Response time, transparency, and accountability in processing reports.
    • Regular community updates and feedback collection.


The proposal seeks to renew and expand the CoCC, reflecting its importance in maintaining community standards and governance. The increased budget is justified by the need for specialized conflict management and enhanced operational scope.

Proposal: Developer Advisory Board Operating Budget

Status: Passed :white_check_mark: (Two options were given to voters)


This proposal outlines the operating budget for the Developer Advisory Board (DAB) for Season 6, led by Zach Obront. The proposed budget aims to enhance the board’s operational capabilities and responsibilities within the Optimism ecosystem.

Key Points

  1. Budget Allocation:
    • Total proposed budget: 90,000 OP (an increase of 20,000 OP from last season).
    • Breakdown includes compensation for the Board Lead, Upgrade Czar, Ops Lead, and additional members.
  2. Board Responsibilities:
    • Provide technical guidance on protocol upgrades and grant evaluations.
    • Ensure clear communication of technical decisions to the community.
    • Support the Grants Council by reviewing Mission Requests and grant applications.
  3. Expanded Roles:
    • New roles such as Upgrade Czar and Ops Lead to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
    • Increased responsibilities for the Board Lead.
  4. KPIs and Performance Metrics:
    • Measure the impact of non-technical summaries on voting participation.
    • Evaluate the quality and success of DAB-approved grants.


The proposed budget increase reflects the expanded responsibilities and aims to enhance the board’s effectiveness in supporting Optimism’s technical and governance needs. This proposal seeks to maintain high standards of accountability and performance.

Proposal: Season 6 Intents Ratification

Status: Passed :white_check_mark:


This proposal aims to ratify the strategic intents for Season 6, focusing on advancing decentralization, expanding the Superchain, and growing application developers within the Optimism ecosystem. These intents are crucial for guiding the collective efforts and resources towards strategic goals.

Key Points

  1. Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization:
    • Focus on both technical and organizational decentralization.
    • Target metrics: Stage 1 rollup with multiple fault proofs, increasing votable supply to 100M OP, and boosting confidence in Citizens’ House governance.
  2. Intent 2: Bring Chains to the Superchain:
    • Goal to add 20 new chains to the Superchain in the next 6 months.
    • Core development efforts include features like OP Plasma and interoperability.
  3. Intent 3: Grow Application Developers on the Superchain:
    • Aim to increase active developers to 9,500.
    • Support through Superchain Dev Console, infrastructure partnerships, and vertical-specific growth campaigns.


The ratification of these intents for Season 6 sets a clear strategic direction for the Optimism Collective. By focusing on decentralization, expanding the Superchain, and growing the developer community, the proposal aims to drive significant growth and innovation within the ecosystem.

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