Voting Cycle 24
June 27 - July 10: Mission Request Creation and Representative Onboarding
The first two weeks are for setting the Foundations for Season 6
Onboarding! The Following Representative Structures were renewed for Season 6. Members will spend the first Voting Cycle Onboarding to understand their structure’s processes and goals.
- Developer Advisory Board
- Grants Council
- Anticapture Commission
- Code of Conduct Council - Please note elections for the Code of Conduct Council will occur in Voting Cycle #25. You can nominate yourself here.
Mission Request Creation: Members of the Grants Council and Collective Feedback Commission will draft Mission Requests, using the guide provided here and referencing Suggested Mission Requests.
If you have any idea for the Grants Council, you can suggest it here and any member may choose to sponsor it!
All Mission Request drafts must be posted to the forum by July 8th at 19:00 GMT. The CFC and the GC will then determine a suggested rank order to propose to delegates.
Delegate approvals are not required for Mission Requests in Season 6. We do not expect any other proposals to go to a vote in Voting Cycle #24.
July 11 - July 17th: Token House Rank Orders Mission Requests
A Voting Cycle Roundup will be posted here with all eligible Mission Requests. In the meantime, you can view this guide on How to Vote on Mission Requests.
July 18th - July 24th: Citizens House Veto Period
We do not anticipate any votes in the Citizens’ House during this Veto Period.
July 18th: Mission Applications Open at 19:00 GMT! 
- You can view this Guide to Mission Applications in the meantime.