[Mission Request] Gaming Infra in the Superchain

[Mission Request] Gaming Infra in the Superchain

Delegate Mission Request Summary

Boost the growth of OSS Game Development frameworks and infrastructure already available in OP chains, along with the development of additional tools that accelerate game development in the Superchain.


Intent 3 Grow application devs on the Superchain

Proposing Delegate/Citizen

Joxes / SEED Latam

Total grant amount

150,000 OP (up to 75k per applicant)

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants

Multiple applicants

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

This proposal focuses on attracting infrastructure developers and builders to enhance the Superchain by leveraging existing OSS Game Development Frameworks (GDFs) or crafting new ones to accelerate deployments and reduce onchain integration friction. This mission aims to offer flexible deployment options within the Superchain and to strengthen the ecosystem’s infrastructure, increasing the number of high-quality applications and developers, and ultimately positioning the Superchain as a leading onchain platform.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

  • OSS Game Development Frameworks (GDFs) already available in the OP chains to incentivize their integration into Superchain Video Games with growth grants.

  • Protocol Teams or Developers to build new GDFs or infrastructure to accelerate the game development in the Superchain.

  • Public data about GDFs adoption.

  • Increase promotion of GDFs available in the Superchain.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission Request?


  • RFP issuance and GFS, tools, and infra teams selection.

  • Set a Growth grants distribution calendar for GFS, tools, and infra available in the Superchain.

  • Promote GFS, tools, and Infra, offering Growth incentives

  • Track progress of new GFS, tools, and infra in the Superchain.

  • Coordinate the launch campaign in the Superchain for new GFS, tools, and infra.


  • Number of Superchain GDFs, tools, and infra repositories.

  • Number of developers building GDFs, tools, and infra in the Superchain.

  • Number of game studios, teams, or developers actively building with Superchain GDFs.

  • Number of games’ smart contracts deployed in the Superchain.

  • Gas Fees spent on Superchain games.


  • Push the Superchain as the leading onchain game development platform.

  • Growth of devs building in Superchain GDFs, tools and infra.

  • Increased adoption of the Optimism technology stack and the Superchain game development frameworks.

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request?

@habacuc.eth @Joxes

Which metric will the success of this Mission Request be evaluated against?

The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is # of transactions emitting event logs, as it tracks the aggregated onchain activity that this program facilitates. This metric was suggested by the Foundation and approved by the Grants Council.


I would like to sponsor this Mission Request if we could reduce the amount of OP to 150K (75k per applicant) as it reduces the risk of this initial experiment and if this strategy is proven to work we can always use this to justify a larger portion of funding in future seasons.

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We think your suggestion is reasonable and agree with it, so we’ve updated the budget. The changes are now included in the proposal.

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As a member of the grants council I will be sponsoring this mission request to move it to token House vote.

@seedlatam can you tag me as the sponsor in the " Proposing Delegate/Citizen" field?

A North Star Metric has been added at the bottom of this Mission Request in an effort to enable the Collective to make data-driven decisions. By using a single metric for each Mission Request, the Collective is better able to evaluate the performance of all the Season 6 missions in a standardized manner, which will be critical when the Collective makes decisions about Intents, budgets, or other critical components of governance.