Cryptoversidad Impact Thread

The purpose of this thread is to

  1. Share updates of Cryptoversidad’s impact, contributions & insights over time
  2. Maintain an organized and transparent record of our impact metrics and activities
  3. Receive feedback, comments, questions and constructive ideas to improve and maximize the value Cryptoversidad provides to the Collective

Post 1: Introduction.

We’ll share a brief intro to Cryptoversidad and our wokr

About us

Cryptoversidad is the place where people learn and use web3 tech.

Our Journey

Cryptoversidad started in 2021, as a YouTube channel that explained crypto topics with animated videos in Spanish. We were inspired by Finematics to create easy to understand content about crypto that talked about the important things, and not the speculation side.

With the months, we created a 36-video series from topics ranging to the history of money, central banks to The Merge, Ethereum governance and Rollups.

After ETHMexico EthLatam and Devcon VI, we grew and started being one relevant resource for the Latam Community to understand the web3 world.

We’ve hosted multiple workshops and done some very good talks in IRL events.

In addition we’ve also created content for multiple ecosystem players, read more here.

Currently, we focus on: University education, explainer videos, tutorials, workshops and in-person events. All focused on making web3 easy to understand and use.

Our values

Cryptoversidad values are the essential characteristics that we want to practice, encourage and express within the team, the community and any product we create.

  1. Positive impact
  2. Commitment to Quality
  3. Ownership and proactivity
  4. Long-term thinking
  5. Learning, improvement and iteration
  6. Transparency

Relationship with Optimism

Past work

  • We received RPGF2 for creating a 36-series of animated videos in Spanish about blockchain, Ethereum and Scaling.
  • We participated in Season 4 on this proposal.
  • We received RPGF3 for launching a free “Intro to web3 course”, hosting technical workshops and helping individuals in their web3 professional careers.

Onwards Approach

  1. The Optimistic Vision resonates deeply with us, our ethos, team and priorities.
  2. Contributing to the Collective is a top priority for Cryptoversidad this 2024
  3. We are experimenting with different initiatives, in search of the most impactful one. We’ll share our insights along in this thread.
  4. We are pursuing initiatives that accomplish one, or more of the following
    1. Increase the quantity or quality of active participants in the Collective
    2. Increase the number of developers on the Superchain
    3. Increase the quantity or quality of onchain activity
  5. We are focusing on onchain & quality impact; it’s quite hard but interesting.
  6. Retro Funding has become a significant source of funding, and a possible avenue for funding our positive impact, medium-term.

To read more about our other projects, the team, resources, check out our website

We’ll use this thread exclusively for the purposes outlined above, for everything else, we’ll use the appropriate thread.

We’re always learning and improving, please give us feedback, let us know what you think.


Post 2: Cryptoversidad in Ethereum Lima Day


  • Cryptoversidad participated in Ethereum Lima Day by giving a talk about RPGF and helping people make their first transactions on Optimism.
  • 69 onchain attestations + 20 new people created their wallet with our help

What did we do?

  1. @dmars300 gave a talk about Optimism and RetroPGF for beginners. The focus was on motivating attendees to contribute to the Collective.
  2. We had a booth with the purpose of helping people do their firsts transactions on Optimism and answering their questions about crypto.
    1. We guided people step by step to download and use a wallet
    2. We sent them 0.0001 eth on Optimism, to start making transactions
    3. Our banner had CTA directly to the governance Forum.
    4. A lot of people were interested in participating on Optimism

What did attendees think of the talk?

Here we share 3 (unedited, just translated) comments that we got on the feedback form

  1. I thought that Optimism was just another layer 2 solution. The talk was very dynamic, clear, direct and I think anyone could understand. -Andyfer
  2. Congratulations on the excellent exhibition! Very easy to bring new people into the ecosystem. -Zelaguilar
  3. Everything very clear and with excellent dynamics and energy! It couldn’t be better explained! CONGRATULATIONS. -Leandraa

Impact metrics

*We are working on a comprehensive and easy to visualize way to view and verify all of our impact metrics.


  1. The booth’s focus (of onboarding new wallets) was on point, since most of the attendees were complete beginners, and did not even have a wallet.
  2. Attendees really liked our talk. There was a marked interest on Optimism, with a strong desire to learn more about the topic.
  3. The whole event was well executed (props to the Ethereum Lima team) and most speakers were top quality in Latam.

We’re always learning and improving, please give us feedback, let us know what you think

All of this happened on February 3rd 2024


Post 3: Cryptoversidad in ETH Salvador


  • Cryptoversidad participated in ETH Salvador by giving an educational talk about RPGF to +100 students in the Central American University (UCA)
  • 16 onchain attestations

Watch a short aftermovie here

What did we do?

@dmars300 gave a talk about Optimism (4:01:30) and RetroPGF for students in one the most important universities of El Salvador. The focus was on introducing beginner students to the Optimism Collective and the opportunities of Retro Funding.

What did attendees think of the talk?

Here we share 3 (unedited, just translated) comments that we got on the feedback form

  1. I loved the talk about optimism, it seemed like something very interesting and at the same time motivating where I can actively participate. -Marce
  2. The truth is that I found it interesting because as a young student I think it is a very incredible opportunity to grow. - Varenga54
  3. I loved it. Super digestible. There is great value in rewarding impact. -Karla

Impact metrics

  • 16 onchain attestations for attendees of the talk.
  • 26 attendees filled our feedback form
    • Average score of the talk: 9.6/10
    • 92% of people answered 10/10
    • 84% of people left a positive comment

*We are working on a comprehensive and easy to visualize way to view and verify all of our impact metrics.


  1. The audience liked the presentation, they like the dynamism and energy. In addition, they are very interested in knowing that they can earn money.
  2. The attendees were mostly university students and were manly beginners, who didn’t even have a wallet.
  3. Attendees were intrigued by Optimism’s way of funding projects.

We’re always learning and improving, all feedback is welcome, let us know what you think

All of this happened on March 9th 2024


Hello, the work of Cryptoversidad seems to have had an impact to the point that now some peruvians have also joined their team, I have heard very good things about the work they do so I will congratulate to you and your team. I was one of the many spectators at Ethereum Lima.


Great impact you have been making in Cryptoversidad I am very happy with the optimistic view you share!


As part of our ongoing Onboarding Course in partnership with the National University of Honduras (UNAH), we dedicated a class to talk about Optimism with @brichis
We talked about the OP Mainnet, The Collective, Governance, Grants & Retro Funding.
As a the class activity, students were tasked with creating a governance account and introducing themselves in this thread:)

This was just the intro, in the future, we’ll focus on identifying quality contributors and helping them get involved in the Collective. We’ll keep you posted.
More info about the course:


Hola, soy docente de la UV y me interesa Me interesa la parte educativa.


Hola, soy Jean Ezquerra de Perú, estudiante de Cryptoversidad.
Aspiro a ser una persona que pueda contribuir en blockchain y me interesa involucrarme en Optimism por su visión.


Hola Soy Sergio. Haciendo el curso de Cryptoversidad . Muy bueno


Hi, I’m Gerardo Uriel Perez Rojas, I’m from Mexico and I’m, interested in Optimism because I like the way of doing things well, quickly and efficiently.


Hola soy Jorge Vilchis de México y me interesa Optimism para participar en proyectos de impacto!!


Hello, I’m Wara, I’m from Bolivia and I’m interested in Optimism because I consider that there are many opportunities to grow professionally.


Hola soy Ricardo Mujica de la CDMX y me interesa mucho optimism ya que es fascinante este tema


Hola, soy Luis de Honduras, estudiante de Cryptoversidad y me interesa involucrarme en Optimism, una comunidad descentralizada y multidisciplinaria que involucra a todo tipo de talento humano que es muy necesario en este rubro. Saludos.


Soy Dey Borges, de Honduras y me llama la atención Optimism por qué veo que se puede causar impacto


Hola! Soy Mariely desde Argentina. Actualmente cursando el curso de Cryptoversidad y muy interesada en aprender todo aquello que me ayude a crecer profesionalmente.

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Hola, soy Martina de Perú y me gustaría aprender más de optimism.


Hola. Mi nombre es Olga soy de Argentina y me gustaría participar en OPTIMISM ya que me parece interesante el trabajo que se realiza en Comunidad.


Hi I’m Luz Dary from Colombia and I like Optimist for its vision and values, it would be great to reach more Hispanic community that may not speak English.


Hola. Daniel de Honduras. Me gusta mucho la filosofía de OP. A seguir aprendiendo de Web3.