- Nominating delegate: jackanorak.eth
- Link to delegate commitment: Delegate Commitments - #136 by jackanorak
- Link to verify delegation of >0.5% of the votable supply: Optimism | OP Token House - Delegate Voting Weight Tracker #30 with 0.65% of voting weight
- Name of delegate you’d like to nominate: @millie @MinimalGravitas
Link to nominees’ delegate commitments:
Delegate Commitments - #65 by mastermojo
Delegate Commitments - #25 by MinimalGravitas
Given these criteria:
- Is this person a proven advocate for the value of public goods, in crypto or beyond?
- Can this person help advance the process and structure of retroPGF as a funding mechanism?
- Is this person a domain expert in any of the categories up for funding in RetroPGF 2?
- Has this person shown strong alignment with the long term growth of the Optimism ecosystem and the mission of the Collective?
@millie and @MinimalGravitas are two deeply involved figures in Optimism coming from different poles of interest. Both of them are undeniably model citizens along these dimensions, and I’d love for them to help shape the future of RPGF.
Millie’s most visible role within governance is as a Synthetix Ambassador, but I think anybody who’s spent time around the Optimism eco knows him as a highly independent thinker with a genuine commitment to the most fundamental tenets of Optimism, defi, and crypto more broadly. I know from the many disagreements we’ve had that he’s clearly a domain expert and general brain with regard to the app layer and that he’d be quick to offer improvements and see what others might not.
@MinimalGravitas, coming from a different view, has been a consistently thoughtful, principled voice coming from within governance, someone whose desire to keep pushing Optimism toward bigger goals is evident. They’ve put in time where others haven’t, participating in conversations of all kinds, spotting unique angles, and asking challenging questions. I’d feel comfortable knowing they were an advocate. And critically, discussions on RPGF would I think be directly in their wheelhouse; they are as much an authority on all things ‘public good’ from first principles as anyone I’ve witnessed among the highly active individuals here.