Governance Update #5

Governance Update #5: Getting Ready for Season 3 and RetroPGF 2

Special Voting Cycle #9a has just concluded and the Token House has voted to run some exciting experiments in Season 3!

The first iteration of Citizens’ House is fast approaching, and voting badges are being distributed to its initial set of Citizens, which will vote in RetroPGF 2!

This governance update includes a recap of Special Voting Cycle #9a, an overview of what will happen in Special Voting Cycle #9b, and what you can expect for Token House Season 3 and RetroPGF2.

What’s Changing?: Recap of Special Voting Cycle #9a

After wrapping up Season 2, the community took a few weeks to reflect and make improvements to the governance process (Outlined in Guide to Season 3: Course Correcting.) This iterative feedback process resulted in several changes:

What’s Next for Token House?: Special Voting Cycle #9b

What what happens now that Special Voting Cycle #9a has concluded?

  • If you would like to be a Reviewer on the Grants Council, please nominate yourself here. Elections for Reviewers will be held during Special Voting Cycle #9b.
  • If you would like to apply to be the Council Lead, please submit your application here. Interviews will be conducted during Special Voting Cycle #9b.
  • If your protocol would like to self-nominate for the Protocol Delegation program, please do see here. Elections for the Protocol Delegation Program will be held during Special Voting Cycle #9b.
  • The deadline for all Special Voting Cycle #9b applications and elections is January 4th at 19:00 GMT.
  • The Token House is otherwise on a governance break until Special Voting Cycle #9, which runs from January 5th at 19:00 GMT to January 18th at 19:00 GMT.

What’s Next for the Citizens’ House?: RetroPGF2

  • RetroPGF 2 will take place in Q1 2023. You can see more details in our documentation here.
  • Timelines for RetroPGF 2 have been updated to accommodate delayed badgeholder onboarding and the holiday schedule. Updated timeline is as follows:
    • Project nominations: Jan 17 - 31
    • Final project signup deadline: Feb 7
    • Voting: Feb 21 - March 7
  • Token House delegates that have been elected to be badgeholders in RetroPGF2 will be contacted by the Foundation with further instructions shortly.

What to Expect in Token House Season 3

  • Season 3 will officially start on January 26th, one week after the end of Special Voting Cycle #9b to give the Council time to publish its operating framework for Season 3 and to allow for the opt-in process with Protocols receiving delegation.
  • The Season is likely to run for ten weeks, tentatively ending on April 5th, but this will ultimately be determined by the grant cycles the Council sets.
  • Season 3 will be followed by a Reflection Period during which period both the Council and the Protocol Delegation Program will be re-assessed.
  • Delegates may receive retroactive rewards for their work over the course of Season 3

It’s been an exciting few weeks, and Optimism Governance continues to evolve with the launch of retroPGF2 and Token House Season 3. Thank you to all the delegates that participated in the Reflection Period and that have been voting in the Special Voting Cycles. With the first iteration of the Citizens’ House fast approaching, we’re excited welcome all RetroPGF2 badgeholders to the Collective.

As always,

Stay Optimistic!


Nice to see a great feedback from the team


Can’t wait for the third season !


another one season? Ough yeah! :crazy_face:

Super optimistic! Good work, 2023 will be our year!

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You better believe it :100:

2023 will be great , let’s claim it!

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Better believe it !!!
Let be optimistic

Very optimistic of this proposed update! I hope Optimism will come a long way to success with this development!

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Hoping for the best yet to come for Optimism! :red_circle:

We are Collective! We are Optimists!

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I wish more successful years ahead for optimism ecosystem

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well done!great season.

I love the ethos of Optimism and cannot wait for Season 3! Generally, I’d love to see more user studies in Season 3; studies that foster not only community growth but particularly also user retention. E.g., ‘How can we retain citizens and generally members long-term beyond any financial incentives?’


cant wait for this!!!

RetroPGF we will wait for something interesting

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How can someone join RetroPGF 2?

That looks good, really shows that the Optimism team works nonstop

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Believe in OP this a future of decentralized :heart_eyes:


There is a lot of work that needs to be done for user retention!!! If we come up with a creative and fun way to keep people active on the network it will continue to grow. I am dedicated to this layer 2 blockchain and will be working very hard this year to help educate and onboard other high level creators and visionary leaders from around the world.


Hi FractalVisions

Thanks for sharing! Great to hear that you will do anything you can to educate and onboard high level creators! :sparkles:

Reg. user retention: Coming up with creative and fun ideas to keep people engaged is certainly a good approach - I’m thinking of ways that target users’ intrinsic needs & leverage their primary motivations for participating in the space. However, that might not be sufficient for sustained engagement. We just submitted a behavioral science proposal that aims to examine the underlying mechanisms for long-term user retention: [DRAFT] Social Bonding in the City of Optimism - A Social Science Study

Would love to hear your thoughts!