RetroPGF 3: Reported application errors

This thread is to collect all applications that have accidental errors in them. Applications themselves can not be edited post the application deadline.


Past grants and funding
Application: RetroPGF 2 - 4,490,000.00 OP
Actual: RetroPGF 2 - 44,938.67 OP


Past grants and funding
Application: RetroPGF 2 - 145.6 OP
Actual: RetroPGF 2 - 145,698.50 OP


Impact metrics
Application: Downloads - 111,000
Actual: Downloads - 111,000,000

Small Brain Games

Past grants and funding
Application: RetroPGF 2 - 282,670 OP
Actual: RetroPGF 2 - 28,260.70 OP


Small Brain Games

Past grants and funding
Application: RetroPGF 2 - 282,670 OP
Actual: RetroPGF 2 - 28,260.70 OP


Thanks Jonas for this thread. I’m very disappointed to have made a kid flaw.

The title of my Application is The Opimist and should have been The Optimist.

Apologies for this human error :pray:


PR0 should be named Scry as this is for the project not personal funding. Retro PGF


Thanks for the thread.

Link to submission: Optimism Agora


I should’ve added a link to our github: TheOpenXproject (The Open X Project) · GitHub

While signing up, I didn’t realize the picture I chose for my profile would appear on the submission. I’d like to change that to this image if possible:

Thanks for your help.



I’ve accidentally named my project as my personal profile

Link to submission: Optimism Agora
Name should be “Ethernal” and ideally the profile picture should be:



Error with website link.

Correct Links:


Link to submission: Ethers


The impact metrics for “Downloads” should be 110 million, not 110k.

Thanks. :slight_smile:



Something went wrong while adding the Impact Metrics for LandTorn - Lorak:

Link to Submission: LandTorn-Agora


Impact Metrics:

Metrics displayed:

Spoil Transactions: 35
Settlers Minted: 81
Dungeons Transactions: 420

Correct Metrics (Until the submission deadline)

Spoil Transactions: 34,626 (34.6k)
Settlers Minted: 80,967 (80.9k)
Dungeons Transactions: 416,746 (416.7k)

Thanks :upside_down_face:


Hello all:

Just wanted to share that I realized my contribution links and impact metric links were all changed. They were meant to point at RPGF3 projects I have onboarded and guided through their Optimism journey. This was linked before they were approved to the round. I assume links changed once approved so now they just point to all the applications.

(Impact linked at bottom of page)

Carlos Melgar

No one is at fault. I don’t think anyone expected someone to point at other applicants as impact. If you search “Carlos” other projects appear because they reference my support. All of the others include me in the "Where did you hear about RPGF from question.

These are the projects I onboarded:


Ivan on Tech

Mr Crypto Arabic


This post details some of the work:

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Hi all, just want to share an update to one part of our contribution for Optiland Quests

“helping onboard 25,000 Coinbase Wallet users onto Optimism”. This is technically 25,000 mint. We have high level of confidence that this was around 25,000 actual users, as this quest was only advertised through coinbase wallet app and you had log in to your coinbase account and be a KYCed customer before you can mint and receive any coinbase reward from the mint. The mint cost money and the NFT had minimal value there was little incentive for anyone to sibyl attack the mint. Since the number in the impact link is live, it is now 29,000.

So I do believe this campaign brought significant amount of coinbase wallet users to optimism, through our contribution and in collaboration with other third parties.


I found an error on

ERC1155 Bridge

They say they had 0 forks… but really they had 2600 forks


I have most likely messed up the link in the profile of my application

Any chance it is possible to correct it?

Similar to this: Pin Save

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This is the only way to let badge holders know about mistakes on the application…

Keep posting and getting the right link :link: in front of them. Bumping this post for visibility of a fellow Gitcoin community member. Go Pin :pushpin: Save !!

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Hello all:
I would like to report something that has happened in my project T2 LATAM. Many of the lists in which it appeared have disappeared, some even with several thousand OP Allocated. It suddenly went from being in 7 lists to 2. Is this a bug? Is there a way to review it? Other projects have told me they had the same issue.

Thanks :smiley:


Hey, we see a note in the discord that says they are still working on fixing this just to let you know hang on and hopefully it will be resolved soon!! :crossed_fingers::pray::heart:


Yes, I am not sure what happened, I have only the first lists available
Plus the number of votes goes down from time to time
I am not sure if its badgeholders playing mind games on me or another bug

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