[READY][GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Bankless Academy v2

EDIT: We have updated our proposal to the new OP proposal format.

Previous Proposal:

(Proposal) Bankless Academy v1

Project Name

Bankless Academy

Number of OP tokens requested

26,500 OP
(We will update this to equal $30,000 USD at time of governance vote.)

Author’s name and point of contact (Telegram, Email, Discord)

Telegram: @Tetranome
Email: tetranome.academy@gmail.com
Discord: Tetranome🏴#1965

L2 Recipient address

Bankless Academy Optimism multisig:


The Bankless Academy dApp launched at ETHDenver 2022, with 14,018 lesson completions (using only POAP incentives).

In total, there have been 8015 unique addresses connected to Bankless Academy.

Usages statistics as of posting:

Wallet Basics (Released Feb 2022)

Intro to DeFi (Released Feb 2022)

Blockchain Basics (Released June 2022)

Academy Community (Released July 2022)

Web3 Security (Released Aug 2022)

Increasing metrics through SBT badge distribution:

Since ETHDenver, our team has partnered with MintKudos.xyz to issue soulbound token badges to users who complete Academy lessons, allowing our community to display on-chain verification of their general onboarding and per-topic training.
To mitigate badge farming and other sybil-behaviour, only users who have completed proof of personhood through our Gitcoin Passport integration will receive Academy badges. This sybil-protection gateway opens up the possibility for other on-chain rewards in the future.

(Note: we will also be enabling retroactive badge claim for users who decide to complete proof of personhood at a later time.)

Onboarding users to Optimism:

For context, the Bankless Academy onboarding experience aims to guide users from Centralised Exchange through to becoming a DeFi/NFT/DAO Hero on Ethereum - building skills they can then take with them to other ecosystems should they choose.

Our ‘Essentials’ onboarding journey includes:

  • Going Bankless
  • Wallet Basics
  • Web3 Security
  • Blockchain Basics
  • Layer 1s: Ethereum and the Trilemma
  • Layer 2s: Solving the Trilemma

This is followed by a branching of paths, allowing the user to follow their curiosity deep into topics of DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and more.

We believe that by ending this ‘Essentials’ path with a lesson that shows engage with Layer 2s (in this case, Optimism), Bankless Academy can drive a large number of users to:

  • begin using Optimism as their default Layer 2 DeFi & NFT solution,
  • complete Ethereum proof of personhood,
  • discover and consider joining Optimism’s Citizen House,
  • purchase OP tokens to engage in Optimism governance.
  • flex their collection of Academy SBT credentials on the Optimism ecosystem, opening up an exciting range of possible ecosystem chemical reactions.

Our lessons also include an on-chain quest at the end, for which we would like to use a relevant Optimism service that helps the user test their knowledge on the topic of Layer 2s. We’d like to open this up as a topic of conversation with the Optimism community.
As an example, our Wallet Basics lesson briefs the user on wallet types and best practices, before finally linking them to a Metamask download and asking them to come back once installed to sign their first message and claim their first badge.
We also work with off-chain questions when appropriate. Our Blockchain Basics lesson runs the user through the basic functions of blockchain technology, and then requires them to enter the To & From addresses from the linked Etherscan transaction.

Optimism Alignment (< 200 words)

Bankless Academy is a free-to-access, open-source, education hyper-structure seeking to empower internet society with the information and tools necessary to achieve financial self-sovereignty; with going Bankless. Our bDAO-native team is on a mission to provide quality web3 education as a free-for-everyone public good.

With Optimism being a DAO that requires active participation to allocate value and build positive-sum structures, we believe that building a bridge between it and our growing Bankless Academy ecosystem will help to create an educated, sustainable and functional Optimism - and Ethereum - culture & economy.

For the User:

  • Users can onboard to cheaper fees on Optimism L2.
  • Users have a basis of understanding of Public Goods and why they’re valuable.
  • Users have an easy onboarding to what makes Optimism special — an explicit focus on public goods funded retroactively from the sequencer while maintaining Ethereum’s core ideals of decentralization and security.
  • Users have undergone proof of personhood (PoP), setting them up for Citizenship in Optimism.

For Optimism:

  • An Optimistic Ethereum L2 learning lesson.
  • A Bankless-native onboarding funnel.
  • Additional marketing within the Bankless ecosystem.

For Bankless Academy:

  • Development funding.
  • Association with the Optimism ecosystem.

Token distribution (< 1000 words)

Half of the tokens will be distributed to our contributors building the Ethereum Layer 2s (and Optimism) onboarding lesson. The other half will remain in the community treasury, to be deployed towards continued development of the Academy platform.

We have presently decided to avoid lesson completion token incentives for the following reasons:

  1. Even with current-gen proof-of-personhood, financial rewards disproportionately incentivise farming activity. We believe that our credential system poses a more interesting reward structure that inherently reduces farming behaviour and provides long-lasting ecosystem effects.

  2. Our vision of a Web3 University is aimed at creating a space where learning and positive-sum thinking are welcome - thus we want to avoid building a community based on incentivising lesson completions for the wrong reasons.
    The Bankless Academy journey still has the potential to lead to financial gain, but this is left to post-education when users can deploy their credentials in finding web3 work.

How will this distribution incentivize usage and liquidity on Optimism?

We have already presented our usage incentivisation above, and have no direct liquidity incentives to add.

Why will the incentivized users and liquidity remain after incentives dry up?

The Bankless Academy journey, through its education, credential issuance, and practical exercises, focuses on building long-term adoption and community involvement.

Over what period of time will the tokens be distributed?

There is no planned community token distribution.

How much will your project match in co-incentives?

There is no planned community token distribution.

Grant category:


Updated Proposal:

Project name:

Bankless Academy

Author name and contact info (please provide a reliable point of contact for the project):

Telegram: @Tetranome
Email: tetranome.academy@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tetranome
Discord: Tetranome🏴#1965

I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant: [Yes/No]


L2 recipient address:

Bankless Academy Optimism multisig:

Which Voting Cycle are you applying for?:


Grant category:


Is this proposal applicable to a specific committee? [y/n, link to committee]


Project description (please explain how your project works):

Bankless Academy is a free-to-access, open-source, education hyper-structure seeking to empower internet society with the information and tools necessary to achieve financial self-sovereignty; with going Bankless. Our bDAO-native team is on a mission to provide quality web3 education as a free-for-everyone public good.

Project links:

Additional team member info (please link):

Twitter: https://twitter.com/didierkrux
Discord: DidierKrux.eth🏴#6120

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iSpeak_Nerd
Discord: iSpeakNerd.eth :black_flag:#6969

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrnellaWeb3
Discord: OrnellaWeb3🏴#1111

Please link to any previous projects the team has meaningfully contributed to:


Relevant usage metrics (TVL, transactions, volume, unique addresses, etc. Optimism metrics preferred; please link to public sources such as Dune Analytics, etc.):

Bankless Academy initially launched with POAP incentives. We have since decommissioned POAP distribution in favour of Mintkudos.xyz soulbound tokens, which we will be launching next month. We plan to explore further incentivisation in the future.

Usages statistics as of posting:

14,018 lesson completions

8015 unique addresses connected

Wallet Basics (Released Feb 2022)

Intro to DeFi (Released Feb 2022)

Blockchain Basics (Released June 2022)

Academy Community (Released July 2022)

Web3 Security (Released Aug 2022)

Competitors, peers, or similar projects (please link):

While https://rabbithole.gg/ is pursuing similar functionality to Bankless Academy, we believe that our focus on interactive lessons, on-chain quests, and community-driven content creation offer a unique product that the Rabbithole on-chain quest formula does not offer.

Is/will this project be open sourced? Yes/No/In Future

Yes, our project is open source.

Optimism native?: Yes/No


Date of deployment/expected deployment on Optimism:

We are expecting to deliver our first Optimism lesson within two months of grant issuance.

Should our proposal pass through cycle-6, this would set projected delivery for end of November 2022.

Ecosystem Value Proposition:

  • What is the problem statement this proposal hopes to solve for the Optimism ecosystem?

    Optimism would benefit from an incentivised onboarding ramp that bolsters informed, active participation in its construction/upkeep of OP’s positive-sum structures.

  • How does your proposal offer a value proposition solving the above problem?

    Education / Tooling:

    The Bankless Academy lesson format:

    • educates blockchain explorers on a specific topic,
    • sends these explorers on an interactive platform quest,
    • distributes composable soulbound-token badges for successful completions, providing on-chain certification that a user has completed the lesson.

    Our user onboarding experience aims to guide users from Centralised Exchange through to becoming a DeFi/NFT/DAO Hero on Ethereum - building skills they can then take with them to other ecosystems should they choose.

    Our ‘Essentials’ onboarding journey includes:

    • “Going Bankless”
    • Wallet Basics
    • Web3 Security
    • Blockchain Basics
    • Layer 1s: Ethereum and the Trilemma
    • Layer 2s: Solving the Trilemma

    We believe that by ending this ‘Essentials’ path with a lesson that shows users how to engage with Layer 2s (in this case, Optimism), Bankless Academy can drive a large number of users to:

    • begin using Optimism as their default Layer 2 DeFi & NFT solution,
    • complete Ethereum proof of personhood,
    • discover and consider joining Optimism’s Citizen House,
    • purchase OP tokens to engage in Optimism governance.
    • flex their collection of Academy SBT credentials on the Optimism ecosystem, opening up an exciting range of possible ecosystem chemical reactions.

    Following the completion of our ‘Essentials’ journey, users reach branching paths allowing them to explore their curiosity deep into topics of DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and more. This provides limitless options for additional lessons and exploration for platforms/protocols operation within the Optimism ecosystem.

    User Research:

    Our lesson production pipeline includes iterative learning sessions that can help to identify OP user knowledge bottlenecks, and discover suitable metaphors for explaining advanced concepts.

    Marketing + Brand Association:

    Throughout lesson production, the Optimism ecosystem will benefit from:

    • Multiple build announcements via Bankless Academy communication channels.
    • Multiple tweets via @BanklessDAO to its ~59,000 followers.
    • A BanklessDAO newsletter feature - 10,000 regular subscribers, averaging 13,000 views.
    • Multiple announcements in BanklessDAO community calls.
    • OPTIONAL: Twitterspace + AMA with members of the Optimism team, talking specifically about Optimism as an L2 solution.
  • Why will this solution be a source of growth for the Optimism ecosystem?
    Through education, direct onboarding quests, proof of personhood, user research and marketing within the Bankless ecosystem, Bankless Academy has the ability to drive a large number of active and equipped users to use Optimism services - and even begin taking part in Optimism governance.

Has your project previously applied for an OP grant? If successful, please link to your previous grant proposal and provide a brief update on milestones achieved with the grant. If unsuccessful, and this is a resubmission, please specify how you have incorporated significant changes in accordance with feedback.


Number of OP tokens requested:

33,000 OP
(We use USD valuations to reward our contributors, even though they will be sent OP. This number has been updated from our past proposal to reflect a valuation of $30,000 at time of posting.)

Did the project apply for or receive OP tokens through the Foundation Partner Fund?: Yes/No/In Process


If OP tokens were requested from the Foundation Partner Fund, what was the amount?:


How much will your project match in co-incentives? (not required but recommended, when applicable):


Proposal for token distribution:

  • How will the OP tokens be distributed? (please include % allocated to different initiatives such as user rewards/marketing/liquidity mining. Please also include a justification as to why each of these initiatives align with the problem statement this proposal is solving.)

    Roughly 60% will be distributed to our contributors building and marketing the Ethereum Layer 2s (and Optimism) onboarding lesson. The other half will remain in the community treasury, to be deployed towards continued development of the Academy platform.

    We have presently decided to avoid lesson completion token incentives for the following reasons:

    1. Even with current-gen proof-of-personhood, financial rewards disproportionately incentivise farming activity. We believe that our credential system poses a more interesting reward structure that inherently reduces farming behaviour and provides long-lasting ecosystem effects.
    2. Our vision of a Web3 University is aimed at creating a space where learning and positive-sum thinking are welcome - thus we want to avoid building a community based on incentivising lesson completions for the wrong reasons.The Bankless Academy journey still has the potential to lead to financial gain, but this is left to post-education when users can deploy their credentials in finding web3 work.
  • Over what period of time will the tokens be distributed for each initiative? Shorter timelines are preferable to longer timelines. Shorter timelines (on the order of weeks) allow teams to quickly demonstrate achievement of milestones, better facilitating additional grants via subsequent proposals.

    Distribution to contributors would take place according to our monthly distribution cycle that takes place on the 8th of every month.

  • Please list the milestones/KPIs you expect to achieve for each initiative, considering how each relates to incentivizing sustainable usage and liquidity on Optimism. Please keep in mind that progress towards these milestones/KPIs should be trackable.

    M1) Lesson production begins:

    • A consulting session, establishing lesson goals, content direction, and a timeline for the collaboration.

    M2) Iterative Learning Sessions & build events:

    • 3x 1.5 hour live learning sessions.
    • Text AMA on our gm.xyz page (see our 1inch AMA here).
    • Collaboration Twitterspaces event.

    M3) Lesson launch:

    • Academy marketing campaign on Twitter and other media platforms.
    • Announcement on the BanklessDAO Community Call.
    • Announcement in the BanklessDAO Newsletter.
    • Permanent feature on the Bankless Academy site and community pages.
  • Why will incentivized users and liquidity on Optimism remain after incentives dry up?

    The Bankless Academy journey, through its education, credential issuance, and practical exercises, focuses on building long-term adoption and community involvement.

Please provide any additional information that will facilitate accountability:(smart contracts addresses relevant to the proposal, relevant organizational wallet addresses, etc.)

Bankless Academy multi-sig:


I love this proposed project. Alignment is on point. Modest number of Tokens requested. Would like to see some co-incentives but I’ll probably use this educational tool myself.


I am fully on board with this initiative. I believe Bankless Academy is an innovative platform with endless potential to onboard new users to Web3, and what better use of that tool than to direct them to the Optimism ecosystem.


I love this proposal and you’ll have my full support. I’ll also recommend citizen NFTs for each individual involved on this project in the future given the perfect alignment with public goods this project has.

I’m part of banklessDAO @Tetranome do you mind dming me on discord Dhannte#1010.


Agree. Bankless Academy would be a good group to work/align with since Optimism is also onboarding the world to web3. This could also provide more exposure to Optimism as an L2 of choice.

I’m also a member of BanklessDAO and have shared Optimism’s Get Started app with my network as a way to educate folks.


Huge fan of Bankless! This proposal sounds like the funds requested will be used to fund internal operations, is that correct?


@Ovetta Thank you for the feedback! Hope to see you around our community.

@NFThinker, @Gonna.eth, @Benjiming thanks for showing your support.

Hi @katie, that’s correct, the OP would go towards team compensation during and post lesson build!


Well thought-out initiative. Wish you all the best! :+1:


I like your proposal, project which offers a unique area of contribution to the Optimism ecosystem (knowledge), and the requested grant meets the needs.


Isn’t this more suited for RPGF. Knowledge and education by nature is public good, I also see that your website you’re mentioning your project as public good.


Fully onboard with this proposal. If there’s anything in terms of onboarding users web3 needs in general, and L2s in particular, that is education.


First off, Bankless, thank you for on boarding me into Layer 2s in 2021. Much appreciated!

I agree with using the OP to fund internal developement work vs providing direct token incentives to users 100% at this point.

Would you be able to go into a little more detail as to the items you listed as direct benefits to Optimism?

For example what would be involved in the OP specific lesson and would users actually be interacting with OP apps or just learning about them on screen?

How would the Bankless-native onboarding funnel work in general? Once the user is at the end of this funnel what would they have interacted with or been exposed to within the OP ecosystem?

Would the marketing be Bankless promoting OP specific lessons and learnings?


I’m fully in support of this proposal. Bankless Academy has been building a cutting-edge education platform for Web3. Would love to see a deeper integration with OP!! Great work!


Completely agree with the idea

1 Like

I’m a team member for Bankless Academy as well, thanks for all the support on here, it’s very encouraging to see the positive response the project has gotten so far!


I want to support every project that tries to educate people about web3, any amount that is requested seems reasonable


Hi @jrocki.bedrock, great to see the Bankless movement is alive and well on Optimism.
Thank you for your feedback, let’s dive in.

Excellent, reassuring to hear this from within the OP community.

At Bankless Academy we are very focused on balancing wide coverage of general crypto-knowledge with the recommendation of tools that align strongly with Bankless values. Because of this we want to build our ‘Essentials’ lessons - lessons that are supposed to focus on introductory blockchain theory - to focus on general topic theory (in this case Layer 2s), but end with an on-chain quest that interacts with a specific protocol to give the user real-world experience.
At this point in the user journey, the Academy Explorer has come from their native CEX, learned about what it means to go Bankless, set up their first self-custody wallet, covered fundamental blockchain theory, and has learned about the blockchain trilemma and why we want to prioritise decentralisation/security on the base layer. They are approaching our Layer 2 lesson expecting to understand how Ethereum is solving the scalability aspect outlined in the previous lesson, thus it is important that we cover fundamental theory before we try to sell them on a specific ethos/product.

So with this context, to answer your question, we would cover Optimism itself in the final slides of the lesson (what OP offers the user/ecosystem, why we’re sending the user there, and some tips on how to best get involved), and finish with an Optimism quest (perhaps funding their wallet through an OP on-ramp, or bridging from their CEX).

Worth mentioning is that after the L2 lesson, the Explorer is ready to begin branching out into our DeFi, NFT, and DAO lesson branches (under construction), which of course would lead to the user interacting with further platforms/protocols and communities operating on OP.
Our DAO branch aims to cover DAO-specific onboarding, where we could look to create a follow-up lesson, in the future, that allows the user to go beyond basic Optimism usage and delve into a full Optimism governance onboarding experience. We’re currently building one of these for BanklessDAO, where they will be ending the lesson with issuance of an on-chain badge, and membership purchase options.

Here’s what the Optimism community can expect:

  • 3x small class iterative learning sessions where we cover the general topic and the collaborator’s platform/protocol + all marketing this includes.
  • Multiple build announcements via Bankless Academy communication channels.
  • Multiple tweets via @BanklessDAO to its ~59,000 followers.
  • A BanklessDAO newsletter feature - 10,000 regular subscribers, averaging 13,000 views.
  • Multiple announcements in BanklessDAO community calls.
  • OPTIONAL: Twitterspace + AMA with members of the Optimism team, talking specifically about Optimism as an L2 solution.
  • NOTE: Bankless Academy was born out of BanklessDAO, so we do not have direct access to BanklessHQ’s communication channels.

If the Optimism Collective is interested in joining us for a full collaboration build, like our current ‘DEX Aggregators’ lesson build with 1inch, the lesson build would receive heavily amplified marketing exposure. Lessons built with involvement from a well-known team tend to attract increased hype and legitimacy. This collaboration option requires the availability of an Optimism subject-matter expert who joins our team to:

  • interact with our learners in the 3x small class iterative learning sessions used to identify learning bottlenecks,
  • join an Academy/Optimism Twitterspace, and text AMA event hosted on our gm.xyz community.

I hope this answers your questions! Please let me know if I can provide more information.


Hi @OPUser, yes we definitely aim to operate Bankless Academy as a public good. While I understand there will be more appropriate channels for public goods funding at Optimism in the future, we plan to begin building our L2 lesson within the next month and I understand that RPGF is not yet active.


Yes, you are right and I am super excited about Citizen house and wish to see the first batch in action in coming months.

Although we have a dedicated funding on public good, we can be little flexible when reviewing an edge case proposal and this also was discussed quite a lot in the past.

You have a huge user base, content you create help users understand the settlement layer along with overall web3 space. But in my opinion, for a proposal to be considered as an edge case it must be focused only on Optimism chain.


@OPUser it is reassuring to hear that there are paths available for projects with alternative value propositions!

I would like to address the concern around Optimism exclusivity.

Our Layer 2 lesson is planned to follow the same structure of our Layer 1 lesson, where we cover the many varieties of L1s before focusing in on Ethereum.

In our L2 follow-up, the lesson would reference both Optimism and alternative L2 solutions for comparison sake in the theory section. We would outline the trade-offs each L2 is making through their tech choice, and include references to the culture/principles underlying each.
The Optimism-focused section in the closing half then explains why we believe Optimism aligns most closely with Bankless values. We would cover some key information to provoke curiosity around the various parts of the Optimism ecosystem, and end with an Optimism on-chain quest that rewards the user for beginning their Optimism L2 journey.

In our team’s opinion, a lesson collaboration that covers fundamental blockchain theory and solution comparisons, followed by with an individual recommendation + information to get started + on-chain interaction makes for a stronger user experience than a fully sponsored lesson that omits surrounding information. We believe that helping the user build fundamental context around our recommendations and the areas of exploration we present builds a stronger and more sustainable ecosystem culture for everyone.