Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread

Token House: May 14th, 2024

Recording: May 14, 2024 S6 AMA and Token House Call.mp4 - Google Drive

  • Cycle 22 Final Grants Roundup

    • Total of 530 mission request applications and 130 finalists.
    • The season is now closed and new applications for season 6 will open on July 18th.
  • Season 6 AMA

    • We are currently in Season 6 Reflection Period: Reading Period. The reflection period will last till June 26th, read Season 6: Reflection Period Guide for all dates and details.
    • Season 6 will start on June 27th till December 11th.
    • Seasons are now standardized to be six months long, a six week reflection period and three week voting cycles.
    • Retro Funding rounds 4, 5, 6 and 7 will all take place during season 6 this year.
    • The goal for season 6 is to refine and improve existing programs and structures to support strategic goals for the Superchain.
    • Read the Season 6: Guide to learn more about this season Intents, each intent has a target metric.
    • The process for mission requests will be slightly different in order to make a better experience for builders. Season 6: Missions v2.5
    • Grants Council will continue to process applications for grants on the OP Mainnet but other OP Chains will also be able to apply to the governance fund to request tokens and run their own grants program.
    • There are going to be some small changes based on feedback for the Anticapture Commision, resizing from 10M OP to 20M to be delegated across different OP Chains and incentivise more participation in governance. Read the post Season 6: Anticapture Commission Amendment
    • Anybody who would like to lead a board or a council can put forward a proposal for an operating budget to support that board or council. It needs to be posted in the forums and be approved by four top 100 delegates by May 22nd 19:00 UTC.
    • Use the Collective Reward Framework as a guideline to assess operating budgets for boards and councils. (optional)
    • Protocol upgrades will continue to be voted on during reflection periods.
    • A separate AMA will be hosted the 21st during the community call to have the upgrade proposals authors and engineer team walk through those protocol upgrades.
  • Introducing Blockspace Charters: Superchain-first Governance

    • Is a new, technical-focused governing framework for the Superchain.
    • The goal is to acknowledge and address what is going on with chains using the OP Stack, and what the changes made in the code mean for the blockspace, basically to provide the same level of clarity that the operating manual does around the constitution for the law of chains. This is a way for the community to understand what are the different trade-offs that these chains are making and what are the properties that they have.
    • Consists of three primary components: Criteria, Governing Policies, and Precommitments.
    • Will be rolled out alongside two supporting components: the Superchain Registry, and an improved upgrade proposal process.
    • An initial draft of the Standard Rollup Charter for community feedback can be found here.