18th OP Community Governance Call + Recap was [March 28 at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET]

In the interest of lowering the # of posts and keeping things all in one place, I will now be posting the recaps and recordings for the calls as edits to the original community call post!

Call recording can be found here: Community call #18 recording March 28, 2023.mp4 - Google Drive


  • Two votes happening now on Agora (make sure to vote for both)
  • Check out Season 3 reflections thread: Governance Update #6: Season 3 Reflections
  • Important to move on and look forward from code of conduct issues
  • Anyone who wants to volunteer to host a discord community discussion, feel free to DM me!
  • Lot’s of process improvements for grants council. Preliminary review roundup thread here.
  • Next call is April 11th
  • RetroPGF announcement is Thursday

Hello Optimismts!

We will be having our 18th community governance call this Tuesday, March 28th, at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET.

Zoom link is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84087544843?pwd=cVpweHpEa2drYVRDZ1U0UklYSnR1QT09

As always, everybody is welcome. If you’d like any agenda topics discussed, feel free to add them to this thread.

Slides for the call are here.

See you there!


Awesome :sunglasses: see you there!


Agenda for the call is here.

Awesome guys :fire: great