Internal Operating Procedures Template

Internal Operating Procedures (IOP) Template

The Internal Operating Procedures in this document govern the activities of the Season [ X ] [structure]. This document sets forth the processes the [structure] will follow in fulfilling the Charter [link to specific Charter]. This structure is supported by [this] governance approved budget.

If ever a discrepancy arises between a Charter and the Internal Operating Procedures (IOPs), the Charters always take precedence and supersede the IOPs.


This section should make it clear how the community can get in touch with the structure.

  • [Please include the methods the community can use to get in touch with the structure, including email, discord channels, landing pages, etc.]
  • [Please link to your structure’s communication thread on the forum. It is recommended that updates about your structure’s operations be made at the end of each voting, or otherwise relevant, cycle.]
  • [If your structure hosts office hours, please provide the relevant information here.]
  • [If you structure operates a multisig, please list the multisig address here. Please also list the addresses of all individual signers, although these addresses do not need to correspond the signer’s name.] Example from the Security Council can be found here.

Community Feedback

  • [Please list any initiatives or efforts to collect and incorporate input from the broader community.]

Cycle Management

  • [Please outline the operational details of any regularly occurring operations, such as application review, signing periods, or voting cycles. You may breakdown cycles by sub-committee or responsibilities where applicable. Please include deadlines for deliverables, especially when there are dependancies on another structure or the Foundation. Whenever, possible, please coordinate operational cycles with governance voting cycles, as outlined in the public governance calendar.]

Workflow Management

  • [Please outline how work will be organized and tracked for members. This may include kanban boards, a notification system, etc.]

Internal Consensus and Voting

  • [Please outline how your structure will make decisions internally, including the method for coming to consensus (e.g. simple or super majority, etc.) and the definition of quorum.]
  • [Please link to any relevant decision making frameworks such as scoring rubrics, selection mechanisms, or evaluation algorithms.] Example from the Grants Council can be found here.
  • Leads may serve as tie breakers in the event that consensus cannot otherwise be reached.
  • All members should abstain from voting or signing due to conflicts of interests. These actions should be documented as “abstain” actions and clearly attributed to conflicts of interest.

Change Process

  • [Please define the process by which the Internal Operating Procedures may be changed. This should include both the frequency at which changes may occur as well as the member approval mechanism required for changes to be implemented.] An example can be found in the “Official Record and Rule Changes” section of the Grants Council IOPs here.

Please note that member responsibilities, budget details, accountability and resignation procedures are outlined in the Charter. The Internal Operating Procedures should not replicate information that is already represented in a Charter.