Operating Budget Template

Operating Budget Template

It is recommended that you add a poll to the bottom of your budget proposal asking the community if they believe your proposal is ready to move to a vote.

Proposed Lead: Name

Proposed Operating Budget: X OP (+/- relative to previous Season)

Contact Info: Email

Please link to any previous work or qualifications to be Lead:

  • Link to community contributions (Forum posts, voting history, delegate communication threads, attestations, etc.)
  • Link to relevant work experience

Council Charter:

  • Link to existing Charter on Github here
  • Link to a PR request to the existing Charter, hosted here and considering the guidance provided by the Foundation here.
  • Please provide a plain English summary of the major changes proposed. Voters should verify that the above linked PR accurately represents the change log described here.
    • If this proposal is approved, the above linked PR will be merged into the canonical version of the Charter hosted in github and the changes will go into effect at the start of the next Season.
  • Note - with the Milestones and Metrics Committee becoming a new Council in Season 7, the prospective Lead will author the first version of the Charter within their operating budget proposal forum post and not Github.

Breakdown of Council Operating Budget:

  • Please note, Season 7 operations will run for [X] weeks. This includes the Season 7 Reflection Period.


  • Number of members = XXXX OP (+/- from last Season)
    • Please break down # by sub-committee, if applicable
    • Please indicate any leadership roles to be designated among members (ie. Ops Lead, Comms Lead, etc.)
    • Please explain any increase or decrease since last Season
    • It is strongly recommended that teams not exceed 7 members, but may support up to 14 if split into smaller teams. It is highly discouraged for teams to be larger than 14 (link to DAO Design Principles)
  • Lead = XXXX OP (+/- from last Season)
    • Please explain any increase or decrease since last Season

How should governance participants assess impact?

In order to avoid bureaucracy, KPIs should measure outcomes, not inputs or process.

User Experience KPIs:

  • XYZ
  • XYZ
  • XYZ

Performance KPIs:

  • XYZ
  • XYZ
  • XYZ


  • You can reference the Developer Advisory Board KPIs here
  • You can reference the Grants Council KPIs here
  • You can reference the Code of Conduct Council KPIs here

Consistent with other reward allocations, all rewards will be subject to KYC and claims flow process.