Tooling & Utilities nominations for RPGF2

Tooling & Utilities nominations for RetroPGF2

This is the thread to nominate projects for the Tooling and Utilities category of RetroPGF round 2. Please familiarize yourself with the Nominations process for RetroPGF round 2.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Overview of Timelines

  • Project nominations: Jan 17 19:00 GMT - Jan 31 19:00 GMT
  • Final project opt-in deadline: Feb 21
  • Voting: Mar 7 - Mar 21

:seedling: Scope of this round

RetroPGF round 2 is dedicated to projects that support development and usage of the OP Stack. For the category of Tooling + Utilities you may nominate

  • Work that helps builders create applications on Optimism mainnet
  • Work that helps builders build on the OP Stack
  • Work that helps builders interact with governance of the Collective
  • Work that helps builders use applications built on Optimism

Note: The OP Stack refers to the OSS code powering Optimism. Today, this means the Optimism monorepo and its dependencies. Eligible projects need not be exclusive to the Optimism ecosystem, but there should be a connection. For example,

  • go-ethereum is an important dependency of the OP Stack, but is not Optimism-specific.
  • Ethereum L2 explorer pages which give stats on various L2s provide educational impact for the OP Stack, but are not Optimism-specific

:sparkles: How to Nominate a Project

Things to consider when nominating a project:

  • Try to describe as best as you can how this project has delivered impact relating to the scope of this round.
  • Make sure to nominate projects in the relevant category
  • Before nominating a project please see if this project has been nominated already, so we can avoid duplication.

For Projects:

  • If you are a project looking to participate in this round please have a read of the Project Manual, it has an overview of the process and an FAQ section to answer questions that might come up.
  • For your project to be eligible you will need to opt into the round and complete a project profile in the RetroPGF application manager by Feb 21 - 19:00 GMT. This will include providing more information about your project and verifying your Github or Twitter account. The application manager will be launched by end of Jan, more details to follow on this soon!
  • Any project without a correctly verified GitHub or Twitter account, any project impersonating another team, any project not relating to the scope of the round, or any project without a complete profile may be hidden from the voting round at the Foundation’s discretion.
  • Projects are allowed to nominate themselves.
  • Here the term “project” can describe work that has been done by both an individual or a group.
  • Collections, a term used to describe projects without a single person or entity that can be verified via GitHub or Twitter, may only be nominated by the Optimism Foundation.

Please use this template to Nominate a project:

  • The projects name:
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:

Project Nominations will close by Jan 31 at 19:00 GMT


I think this belongs to this category?

  • The projects name:

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    When the OP token was launched there was some confusion on how users could change delegate after completing all the steps in the airdrop process. I created as a tool to let people see who they are delegating to and change delegate in a couple of clicks.
    Today it is still used. I started collecting anonymous statistics in October, they are public and you can see them here. Recently I started tracking how many times it was used to actually change delegate. In the last 30 days it has received ~4500 visitors which resulted in ~2000 changes of delegate.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • Contact info for the project or project lead:
    Myself - you can message me here or on Twitter @DanieleSalatti

  • The projects name: Attestation Station Interface

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

    • This project provides a no-code solution for builders and community members to directly interact with the AttestationStation smart contract.
    • The Optimism team will (or already has used) it to help with the distribution of Citizen House voting badges.
    • Allows anyone to create and read attestations.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: Github

  • Contact info for the project or project lead:

  • The project’s name: Solady
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Solady is an incredible Solidity library aiming to provide gas optimized and secure Solidity utilities. It is widely used across Solidity projects, many of which are deployed on Optimism, and it has served as an educational resource for many upcoming smart contract developers. As of right now, it is being maintained primarily by Vectorized as well as several open-source contributors.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: GitHub - Vectorized/solady: Optimized Solidity snippets.
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:
  • The projects name: Pika Protocol
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    Pika has one of the most fortunate potentials in Perpetual Trades. They have experienced and caring devs hyperfocused on presenting an ever progressing product. They are gaining more and more users everyday and considering the importance of perps in near future of crypto markets, they sure can be host to many new Optimism Traders.
    I believe they need grants to develop some essential parts of the dApp to be fully prepared for the mass adoption of Optimism.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

I work at OP Labs, but making this nomination in my personal capacity.

  • The projects name: DefiLlama

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

DefiLlama is a crypto data aggregator with dashboards and APIs covering DeFi TVL, DEX Volume, CEX Liquidity, token prices, DeFi yields, and more. DefiLlama also has high-quality data curation, which makes it a reliable source for the community, analysts, and developers (i.e. avoiding double counted TVL, splitting out native vs incentivized yield). As an example, the TVL APIs are my main data source for DeFi flows & OP incentive performance tracking (link).

The dashboards and APIs are offered as a free public good, and have become a core resource for the crypto community.

  • The projects name: Synpress
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Synpress is an e2e testing framework based on and with support for metamask. It’s currently used by Optimism, Synthetix, Kwenta, EY Blockchain, Agora, and about 130 additional repos on Github

Supporting a project like this is super beneficial to Optimism, as it ensures that developers’ apps on Optimism are properly tested and that time is used wisely (as manual testing is beyond painful)

Jakub and Synpress have worked 1:1 with devs across Optimism to support them in using Synpress, and he would like to continue developing the project, expand the scope and features of the tool, and be able to better support developers on Optimism with testing automation.

Gitcoin Link - Synpress - web3-enabled e2e testing tool | Grants | Gitcoin

  • Name: Attestation Station Interface

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

  • This project provides a no-code solution for builders and community members to directly interact with the smart contract.

  • The Optimism team will/has used to distribute the Citizen House voting badges.

  • Allows anyone to create and read attestations.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub : Github


The projects name: GiveStation

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

What is GiveStation ?
A multi-chain Give-To-Earn grant protocol where contributors get rewarded for funding public goods, ideas and projects in web3.

There are creators who create new grants under Optimism blockchain, 98% of the OP tokens allocated will be distributed to those who choose to contribute to these projects and the remaining 2% will be used to incentivize weekly activities like competitions and tasks where the users who partake in it will get OP as rewards.

We leveraged on L2 technology and as at the time of this writing, we are currently live on testnet and have deployed the Dapp on 5 blockchain protocols including Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Binance and Gnosis and we do have more to come as we move further in the development process.

On testnet so far, we have recorded the following.
· Total number of grants created: 1,500+

· Number of active contributions on all 5 blockchain networks: 10,100

· Total GivePOINTS Earned — 1, 065

. Total OP earned - 0

Optimism Testnet guide is here:

Back in October 2022, we partnered with Quix NFT marketplace to give OP rewards to those who purchased our official NFT called Givnaut.
Read more here: Get 5000 OP tokens as rewards. 🔴5,000 OP Partner rewards have been enabled for the Givnaut NFT collection! 👨‍🚀 💰Boost amount … - GiveStation - Medium

A link to the project’s
GitHub: GitHub - MrBloomguy/givestaion-team-dapp: Created 202207072327

Contact info for the project or project lead:

Co-founder (myself) - you can reach me on Twitter @0xmikki or email:

  • The project name: Dune Analytics

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

    • Dune is a powerful tool for blockchain research, complete with all the tools you need to discover, explore, and visualize vast amounts of blockchain data.

    • Dune allows builders to create their own dashboard with different key metrics by using crypto data collected from different applications and also allows users to easily explore the activity and data of different applications in the Optimism ecosystem.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • The projects name: Infinitism (ERC-4337)

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

The Infinitism Team developed ERC-4337, the Account Abstraction proposal that avoids consensus-layer protocol changes. Work includes:

i. The Entrypoint Contract: a singleton contract to execute bundles of UserOperations (the description of a user’s transaction)
ii. A reference Bundler implementation & specification test suites: node or (block builder) that bundles multiple UserOperations and create a transaction.
iii: Proof of concept implementations: A base wallet, Safe and BLS Wallet

Their work is not exclusive to Optimism Network, but is already used by teams building on Optimism like us at CANDIDE Wallet and others like Biconomy.


I work at OP Labs, but making this nomination in my personal capacity.

The projects name: Flipside

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

The Flipside Crypto team has worked alongside the OP Labs team to make Optimism data more accessible and help bootstrap Optimism’s ecosystem-wide attestation/identity efforts.

The data tables, SDK, API, and other core services are offered as free public goods - enabling the creation of a wide range of products and tools for Optimism.

Specifically, the Flipside team’s efforts and investments to the OP Stack include:

  • Data & Analytics Suite
    • Core Optimism data tables (blocks, transactions, event logs, and traces)
      • All entirely backfilled - data tables updated every two hours
      • Ingesting OP data every 15-20 minutes
    • curated models for all aspects of Velodrome activity, NFT sales on popular exchanges (Quix/Seaport), and SushiSwap
    • dimensional models for helpful dimensions such as contract labels, fact tables for important activities such as token transfers, token delegations, and hourly token prices
    • data was used to calculate retroactive delegate rewards & voting participation:
    • adding an ez_dex_swaps table to cover the top dexes on Optimism
    • 1892 analysts have run 850,000+ queries on Optimism data
      • 137,000 queries in the last month alone (December 2022)
  • Software
    • API, SDK (software development kit), and data shares for unparalleled access & use in data science / visualization tools - including The Optimist Score
    • ShroomDK - ShroomDK by FlipsideCrypto, API key NFT mint pulling the most comprehensive data set in all of crypto
    • Snowflake Datashare, allowing data scientists to use and query Optimism data directly from the Snowflake UI for free -
  • Governance and Attestation Apps
    • - OP Governance Dash, displaying key governance metrics delegations, unique voters, active delegates, and specific requests per OP Labs team
      • new features such as 'Dark Mode’
      • links directly to the OP forum + delegation UI
  • The Optimist Score, built by the Flipside data science team, aiding with Optimism’s epic goal of providing on-chain attestation

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

Contact info for the project or project lead:

Fig Gowen:


:heart_hands: The projects name: Foundry

:bow_and_arrow: Ethereum Development Toolkit which has been built from the ground up in the Rust Language making it extremely fast, as compared with the more popular tooling

:bow_and_arrow: Suite of 4 tools (no hard limit)

  1. :dagger: Forge - Testing Framework
  2. :dagger: Cast - Swiss Army knife for interacting with EVM chains
  3. :dagger: Anvil - Local Ethereum Node
  4. :dagger: Chisel - Solidity Repl

:gear: A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

:speaking_head: - Indirect support for development of optimism stack

:gun: Major Advantages over existing tools

  1. :dart:Robust Testing - Powerful testing set of functions
  2. :dart:Beginner Friendly - All tests are written directly in solidity preventing the need to have mastery of some other language to do serious development
  3. :dart:Open Source - Very active development, new features and bug fixes happen all the time
  4. :dart:Active Community - Participative and willing to answer most basic queries

Description of my usage

  1. :yum: Primarily for testing & bug hunting
  2. :yum: Learning about ethereum development in general

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

(optional) contact info for the project or project lead:

  • The projects name: Messari
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Messari has built comprehensive open-source subgraphs at the network level (note: WIP) as well as for individual projects on Optimism (Aave, Curve, Velodrome, QiDAO, etc.). We’ve used these to build live data dashboards tracking fundamental metrics (TVL, revenue, trading volume, loans originated, etc.) at the aggregate protocol level as well as for individual pools.

We’ve also created freely available governance reports to help get better analytics to the the DAO in order to make more informed governance decisions.


I am nominating my own project,

  • The project’s name:
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: is a suite of web3 security tools. It offers a dashboard to manage token and NFT allowances on Optimism and 30+ other chains. It also provides a browser extension that warns users when they are about to perform potentially harmful actions, such as approvals or NFT listings.

By providing these services, users of Optimism and other supported chains enjoy more security while transacting on-chain and interacting with other applications on Optimism.

  • The project name: ethers.js
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    • ethersjs aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with Ethereum, and is arguably one of the most widely used libraries in the space with nearly a million weekly downloads
    • without this tooling, it would be significantly harder for developers to build the applications that will ultimately run on the OP Stack
    • ricmoo has been actively and diligently maintaining this infrastructure for years in good faith without any expectation of return
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • The projects name: Remix IDE

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    The Remix IDE is a rich toolset which can be used for the entire journey of contract development on EVM compatible chains. Without this project, it would be significantly harder for developers to build applications on the OP Stack.
    I used it to deploy my first smartcontract on Optimism.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
    GitHub - ethereum/remix-ide: Documentation for Remix IDE

  • The projects name : Gitcoin

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

    Gitcoin is a platform where you get paid to work on open source software in Python, Rust, Ruby, JavaScript, Solidity, HTML, CSS, Design, and more.

    Gitcoin is going to help Optimism in allocating the fund in the retroPGF2 to different projects through voting on their platform

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
    Github: Gitcoin DAO · GitHub


  • The projects name: Pika Protocol
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    Pika has promote Perpetual Trades on OP Ecosystem. The team is 100% focused on product & community. They are increasing users and TLV day by day.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: