Infrastructure & Dependencies nominations for RPGF2

Infrastructure & Dependencies nominations for RetroPGF2

This is the thread to nominate projects for the Infrastructure and dependencies category of RetroPGF round 2. Please familiarize yourself with the Nominations process for RetroPGF round 2.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Overview of Timelines

  • Project nominations: Jan 17 19:00 GMT - Jan 31 19:00 GMT
  • Final project opt-in deadline: Feb 21
  • Voting: Mar 7 - Mar 21

:seedling: Scope of this round

RetroPGF round 2 is dedicated to projects that support development and usage of the OP Stack. For the category of Infrastructure + Dependencies you may nominate:

  • Software used to build or deploy the OP Stack;
  • Contributions to protocols or standards upon which the OP Stack runs
  • Experiments that support future development of the core OP Stack protocol

Note: The OP Stack refers to the OSS code powering Optimism. Today, this means the Optimism monorepo and its dependencies. Eligible projects need not be exclusive to the Optimism ecosystem, but there should be a connection. For example,

  • go-ethereum is an important dependency of the OP Stack, but is not Optimism-specific.
  • Ethereum L2 explorer pages which give stats on various L2s provide educational impact for the OP Stack, but are not Optimism-specific

:sparkles: How to Nominate a Project

Things to consider when nominating a project:

  • Try to describe as best as you can how this project has delivered impact relating to the scope of this round.
  • Make sure to nominate projects in the relevant category
  • Before nominating a project please see if this project has been nominated already, so we can avoid duplication.

For Projects:

  • If you are a project looking to participate in this round please have a read of the Project Manual, it has an overview of the process and an FAQ section to answer questions that might come up.
  • For your project to be eligible you will need to opt into the round and complete a project profile in the RetroPGF application manager by Feb 21 - 19:00 GMT. This will include providing more information about your project and verifying your Github or Twitter account. The application manager will be launched by end of Jan, more details to follow on this soon!
  • Any project without a correctly verified GitHub or Twitter account, any project impersonating another team, any project not relating to the scope of the round, or any project without a complete profile may be hidden from the voting round at the Foundation’s discretion.
  • Projects are allowed to nominate themselves.
  • Here the term “project” can describe work that has been done by both an individual or a group.
  • Collections, a term used to describe projects without a single person or entity that can be verified via GitHub or Twitter, may only be nominated by the Optimism Foundation.

Please use this template to Nominate a project:

  • The projects name:
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:

Project Nominations will close by Jan 31 at 19:00 GMT


I’ll get the ball rolling :slight_smile:

  • The projects name: Optimism DAppNode Package

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    This is a package I created that lets home users easily run an Optimism node on their DAppNode. 3 clicks (and a few days while it syncs) will get you a full node. It is now part of the official collection of packages in the DAppStore.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • Contact info for the project or project lead:
    Myself - you can message me here or on Twitter @DanieleSalatti


Happy to be here on Optimism!

  • The projects name: Fractal Visions NFT Marketplace

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: The need for prevailing NFT marketplaces has been an integral part of the Optimism ecosystem and we have worked very hard to establish a high level of social recognition for the OP NFT community with the use of optimistic blockchain scaling technology by constantly expanding our user base & key partners within our own network.

  • Ecosystem Awareness -
    The growth we have seen over the most recent Q4 of 2022 has been exceptional with close to 100,000 free NFT claims on layer two via Galxe & Quest3 platforms.

  • Retropgf.eth donations -
    Besides the educational based quests we also have 8 different NFT projects that continue to contribute directly to the Retropgf.eth address and we will continue to expand this aspect of our project with educational efforts as we onboard new users.

  1. Current development of an Optimism centric NFT marketplace to house our core native ecosystem NFT collections from Fractal Visions will assist in the initial formation of committee members for our future DAO voting structure related to the NFT market. This will expand into a high level niche category art & music marketplace as we curate the artists who join the layer two ecosystem after our initial launch and begin implementation of off chain voting via snapshot for artist curation with the community after the initial artist line up has been established.

  2. Dedicated tooling for an Optimism NFT Launchpad are also in the plans of development once our secondary marketplace operations have officially opened to the public.
    Recently the addition of the “Attestation Station” has also become another integration we are going to plan on implementing with our marketplace.

  3. Our goal is to help educate or assist other creators about crucial information and proper guidance when choosing deployment on the Optimism network for NFTs. This begins with basic 101 eduction on safety & security about blockchain technology before bringing them into the ecosystem.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • Contact info for the project or project lead:
    Myself - You can message my business account or personal account on Twitter @iglivision


The projects name: Lattice
A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: The Lattice team built an Autonomous World - OP Craft, a 3D voxel-on-chain world on top of the OP Stack, for me and for all optimists the first OP Chain we could test and explore, and a first step towards the infinite possibilities and ideas that can be realised on the OP Stack.
A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: GitHub - latticexyz/opcraft
(optional) contact info for the project or project lead:


Project name: Nested
Nested is the first one-stop DeFi app to build, manage and monetize portfolios. Very simple and intuitive app.


  • The projects name: Nested
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Nested help an average users to onboard DeFi in less than 5 minutes.
  • Nested abstract the nitty gritty of DeFi learning curve bottleneck that keep average internet users shy from interacting with the Decentralize Finance world.
  • Interacting and managing crypto assets on OP with Nested is an enjoyable experience to view portfolio, edit allocations, and research other’s portfolio movements and strategies.

Project name:NestedFi
NestedFi a unique project in the optimism ecosystem that combines the amazing technologies of NFT+DEFI+Social.The project has no competitors and attracts new users to the ecosystem because of its simplified interaction with the platform.Nested added the optimism network back in April 2022, indicating early support for the optimism ecosystem.At the moment, in the network optimism created 1460 investment portfolios, supporting the project grant it will be able to expand its user base, and therefore benefit optimism.The protocol team is creating something unique that aims to expand the DEFI ecosystem through social interaction. My personal opinion is that a grant from optimism will help the protocol create a flywheel to attract new users to the ecosystem. - The founder of the project


I also want to add my vote to Lattice (I know we’re not voting, this is a manner of speaking).

I’ll add two things:

  • They’re also to credit for the creation of MUD ( an entity-component-system (ECS) framework for fully on-chain. There are already multiple games building on MUD, including OPCraft and SkyStrife.
  • As a grant-funded organization, it’s certain that Lattice’s impact has been greater than its profits.

Project name: Nested
Nested is the first one-stop DeFi app to build, manage and monetize portfolios. Very simple and intuitive app.

  1. The projects name**: Nested fi
    Description of the projects development and usage of the OP Stack:
  • Nested helps the new and shy users to onboard the world of Decentralised Finance.

  • Interacting and managing crypto assets on OP with Nested is an enjoyable experience to view portfolio, edit allocations, and research other’s portfolio movements and strategies.

  • A link to their Twitter:


It is a variation of Optimistic Rollup which uses a nested structure of rollups to enable more complex use cases such as general state channels, flash loans, and more.
The idea behind NestedFi is to create more flexible layer 2 scaling solution by adding more layer 2 scaling on top of an existing layer 2 scaling

NestedFi Twitter



I want to nominate The Granary
I found this project during the OP quests, which i really love.
I’m so bullish on Optimism going forward


The projects name
Quix NFT platform

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack
Its a platform where you can buy and sell NFTS with OPTIMISM network
Its very cheap in gas fees and very fast
They use Optimism network and with that way they use the OP stack and support OP very well!

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter

contact info for the project or project lead

  • The projects name: L2Planet
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    -Sharing news and developments in our bi-weekly issues
    Superchain Article (English)
    -Running ‘OptimismTR’ Twitter and Youtube accounts.
    OptimismTR Twitter - (Turkish)
    -Preparing tutorial videos for special events like Quest
    Warden Swap OP Incentives Guide (Turkish)
    -Recording bi-weekly videos that cover governance and technical things
    Bi-weekly series Episode 4 (Turkish)
    -Building Optimism dApp store and dashboard (under construction) on our website
    L2planet Optimism (English)
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
    Github - Twitter
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:
    Discord: 0xemre#5457

Transparency note: I am a member of layer2planet team, we are 8 people in total.


The projects name: The Linux Foundation

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
The Linux Foundation supports the development of Linux, which is heavily used by the cloud infrastructure required to run mainnet Optimism. Without the years of open source work done on the LInux kernel, we would be in a world where proprietary operating systems are the norm in cloud computing.

Recent additions to the Linux kernel are speeding up disk i/o, which is a major bottleneck for execution. It is definitely possible to squeeze out more performance of go-ethereum by optimizing the operating system it runs on.

The Linux Foundation has tiers of sponsors:

Platinum Membership $500,000
Gold Membership $100,000
Silver Membership $5,000

You can see who the various members are here

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

(optional) contact info for the project or project lead:


Project name: Pool together
Pool together is a lossless prize savings protocol. Found this doing the quests

  • The projects name: Fractal Visions NFT Marketplace

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: The need for prevailing NFT marketplaces has been an integral part of the Optimism ecosystem and we have worked very hard to establish a high level of social recognition for the OP NFT community with the use of optimistic blockchain scaling technology by constantly expanding our user base & key partners within our own network.

  • Ecosystem Awareness -
    The growth we have seen over the most recent Q4 of 2022 has been exceptional with close to 100,000 free NFT claims on layer two via Galxe & Quest3 platforms.

  • Retropgf.eth donations -
    Besides the educational based quests we also have 8 different NFT projects that continue to contribute directly to the Retropgf.eth address and we will continue to expand this aspect of our project with educational efforts as we onboard new users.

  1. Current development of an Optimism centric NFT marketplace to house our core native ecosystem NFT collections from Fractal Visions will assist in the initial formation of committee members for our future DAO voting structure related to the NFT market. This will expand into a high level niche category art & music marketplace as we curate the artists who join the layer two ecosystem after our initial launch and begin implementation of off chain voting via snapshot for artist curation with the community after the initial artist line up has been established.
  2. Dedicated tooling for an Optimism NFT Launchpad are also in the plans of development once our secondary marketplace operations have officially opened to the public.
    Recently the addition of the “Attestation Station” has also become another integration we are going to plan on implementing with our marketplace.
  3. Our goal is to help educate or assist other creators about crucial information and proper guidance when choosing deployment on the Optimism network for NFTs. This begins with basic 101 eduction on safety & security about blockchain technology before bringing them into the ecosystem.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • Contact info for the project or project lead:
    Myself - You can message my business account or personal account on Twitter @iglivision

sounds useful, and i like how you added your two things so we can have a bigger picture about the project.

(post deleted by author)

  • The project name: go-ethereum
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    • go-ethereum is a core dependency and actually straight up one of the examples given, so I figured it should of course be nominated
    • it’s a perfect example because it’s such a core piece of tech in the Ethereum ecosystem, and Peter has stayed the course to maintain it even in the face of many opportunities to work on more lucrative projects
    • in general, many core devs are underfunded and hopefully this nomination will be the first of many in the round that considers some of the builders whose shoulders we’ve almost all stood on
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: