[DRAFT] Latam Women Biz Hackathon in the OP Ecosystem

S4 Intent 40: Spread Awareness of the Optimistic Vision

Proposed Mission: Increase the number of female builders in the OP ecosystem in order to create more products within this network. Also, support them with tools that are entirely useful.

+20 face-to-face events organized

+70 attendees per event.

+ 30 scholarships awarded for events.

+700 members in our main communication channel.

+5000 followers on all social networks (Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Tiktok)

We are on the news: Women Biz: Organización de mujeres peruanas gana importante ronda de financiamiento internacional | Women biz | mujeres peruanas | empoderamiento femenino | empoderamiento de la mujer | brechas de género | noticia | CHEKA | PERU21

Proposal Tier 45: Fledgling Tier

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: If an Alliance is comprised of individual contributors tiers, the Tier at which that Alliance may submit should be the Tier at which the Alliance Lead qualifies.

Baseline grant amount: 40k OP

We also want to get feedback from the OP ecosystem.

% of total available Intent Budget: 0.5%

Please check here if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: [yes/no] There is no guarantee that all approved Missions will receive cash grants. Yes, because we will have some expenses before the event (not significant)


Alliance Lead: Lilian Santos

Contact info: liliansantosm12@gmail.com . Twitter & telegram: @piuranA_InBlock

L2 recipient address: 0xD280C617492b02607a72c1099082 096C19548f0f

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

  • Briguit Reinaldo: Founder at Women Biz. Winner of Globant Women Awwards Latam and founder of Ayni Educativo (Children non-profit school).
  • Veronica Ttupa: Commercial Director at Women Biz. Winner of LATAM WEB3 HACKATHON in Peru.
  • Allison Alvarez: Financial Director at Women Biz. Co-funder of Weex (House exchange).
  • Belen Agurto: Talent Director at Women Biz. Co-funder of Women Biz.
  • Lilian Santos: Grants Director at Women Biz. Co-funder of English Networking Club (space where people can learn & practice their english skills while testing web3 products).

Our social networks:

Please explain how this Mission will help accomplish the above Intent:

LATAM WOMEN BIZ HACKATHON is an empowering and inclusive event designed specifically for Latin women in the field of technology and innovation. It serves as a platform to showcase their talent, foster collaboration, and promote diversity in the web3 industry and OP ecosystem.

This hackathon brings together aspiring female developers, builders, designers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts from across Latin America. It offers a unique opportunity for participants to engage in an intensive and collaborative environment where they can develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

The event features a rich and diverse program that includes inspiring keynote speeches, expert-led workshops, mentorship sessions, and networking opportunities. Participants have the chance to learn from industry professionals, gain valuable insights, and enhance their technical skills.

LATAM WOMEN BIZ HACKATHON will take a place in Lima, Peru but most of the workshops will be online. The participants need to form teams and work together to build projects that address specific problems or create impactful solutions in the OP ecosystem. Throughout the event, mentors and industry experts provide guidance and support, fostering a culture of learning, growth, and empowerment.

What makes your Alliance well-suited to execute this Mission?

Our Alliance’s combined expertise and knowledge about web3 and also we want to be part of the OP ecosystem because we can help to expand in Latin America and focus on Women empowerment. This is one of the goals in OP is to bring the tools for more people.

Lilian has experience with OP tools and management processes. Enthusiast in web3 products. Builders week scholar in Lisbon, Portugal

Briguit has power in planification, organization of projects.

Vero, in Commercial & Relationship with customers.

Allison in the Financial environment.

Belen in Talent and working with female developers.

Please list a critical milestone. The critical milestone should be a measure of whether you’ve made best efforts to execute what is outlined in this proposal or not. If you fail to achieve your critical milestone, your grant may be clawed back.

How should Token House delegates measure progress towards this Mission: These should focus on progress towards completion. Including expected completion dates for each.

*** Benchmark milestone 1: Planification and preparation of our team and get involved with the Optimism Collective. July 31, 2023.**

  • Defining goals and themes of the hackathon.

  • Researching and selecting the event location.

  • Setting dates and duration of the event.

  • Creating an organizing committee.

  • Estimated costs: Variable depending on the location and duration of the event.

  • Selecting prominent speakers and mentors.

  • Designing the program of activities, workshops, and talks.

  • Organizing challenges and competitions.

  • Coordinating parallel activities like lightning hackathons and networking.

  • Estimated costs: Variable depending on the number and reputation of invited speakers and mentors. (Aprox. 5kOP)

  • Benchmark milestone 2: Look for a place to organize the event, separate dates and get in contact with speakers. November 3th, 2023.

  • Renting a suitable space for the hackathon.

  • Hiring catering and food services for participants.

  • Renting technical equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) and furniture.

  • Designing and producing promotional materials and signage.

  • Estimated cost:. 5kOP

  • Benchmark milestone 3: Registration and Marketing launch with dates confirmed. December 18th, 2023

  • Developing a marketing and promotion strategy.

  • Creating a website and online registration for participants.

  • Advertising on social media, local media, and tech communities.

  • Printing promotional materials and brochures.

  • Hiring staff for participant registration and logistical support.

  • Coordinating transportation services for participants.

  • Hiring security services and medical assistance.

  • Organizing translation services if needed.

  • Estimated costs: 13k OP


1rst: 10kOP

2nd: 5kOP

3rd: 2k OP

All the participants need to give us a MVP builder in OP red.

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission? These should be focused on performance and may be used by badgeholders to assess your Misson’s impact in the next round of RetroPGF.

  • KPI : N° participants and diversity

Number of Participants: Measures the number of Latin women who register and participate in the hackathon. This will give you an idea of the acceptance and reach of the event.

Diversity of participants: Evaluates the diversity of participants in terms of ethnic origin, nationality and professional profiles. This will help you assess whether you are succeeding in attracting a diverse audience.

  • KPI 2

Participant Satisfaction Level: Conduct surveys or questionnaires to assess participant satisfaction with the organization, activities, speakers, mentors, and overall experience.

Number of projects developed in OP ecosystem: Count the number of projects that are developed during the hackathon. This will give you an idea of the active participation of the teams and the level of creativity and collaboration.

Breakdown of Mission budget request:

I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones: Yes

I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: Yes

I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant: Yes

I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: Yes


Hi Llili! I’m happy to see proposed missions than supports inclusion in web3! But I have a comment about this proposal, I’m not sure if you’re considering this…

First, the mission for Intent #3 should be completed by the end of the Season (Sept 20th)

Second, the OP tokens will be locked for one year

Maybe you can find an option with Intent #2 Growth Category (I’m not sure because that is for Novel Applications), reach Grants Council (Optimism Channel Grants :bow_and_arrow:). The deadline for Intent #2 is tomorrow and it’s another process.

and the alliances which is it? the deadline is today

Alliances are the people who work on the mission. Today’s is for missions under Intent #1, #3 and #4.

oka, got it. Thanks!!

Just flagging that this section is not yet complete recognise the numbers are included elsewhere may help to list again here…

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Hi Lilian, I’m glad to see a proposal like this, events like this can really help onboard new users which might’ve ever had a chance before . I just had a couple questions I wanted to ask:

  • All Mission grants are locked for a period of one year. , which might not be a problem for the hackathon winners, but I see benchmarks which are coming relatively soon for the event. Could you give us more details on how your alliance will deal with these costs while waiting for the OP to unlock?
  • While the current KPIs are definitely strong measures of whether this event would follow the intent, could you give us more quantifiable measures for each of these KPIs to know whether these objectives were hit or not? How many participants are you planning to attend? What’s the expected diversity level? How many of the projects built during in this hackathon do we expect to become fully-fledged OP ecosystem projectS?
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Hi Oxyocin, GM

  • All Mission grants are locked for a period of one year. , which might not be a problem for the hackathon winners, but I see benchmarks which are coming relatively soon for the event. Could you give us more details on how your alliance will deal with these costs while waiting for the OP to unlock?

—We can organise it with our money until the funding come to us. The idea is to put terms and conditions so that the prizes are delivered months later, that also helps us to have a tracking that they are developing it.

  • While the current KPIs are definitely strong measures of whether this event would follow the intent, could you give us more quantifiable measures for each of these KPIs to know whether these objectives were hit or not? How many participants are you planning to attend? What’s the expected diversity level? How many of the projects built during in this hackathon do we expect to become fully-fledged OP ecosystem projectS?

  • We want to reach more than 60 participants in all Peru & Latam.

  • About 30% outside of Peru, but within Latam and 20% from other regions of Peru.

  • We expect that within the OP ecosystem there will be approximately 15 of them.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Thank you!!

Hey, we acepted all of those request or we need to do something else?

Hi all!

I think that the proposal is too ambitious for the state of the peruvian community at the moment, therefore this wouldn’t ended up helping the OP community.
I attended the event of the picture and a following event in Lima and there was a lot of people who didn’t even know what blockchain is and they were focused on trading. Even so, the talk about optimism was pressured in the middle of another panel that had NOTHING to do with optimism which demonstrates lack of professionalism of the alliances.
Saying this, i think that the peruvian community should be focused in onboarding and teaching the basics first and the moving to the next level like layer 2 technology and governance.
In addition, the budget requested is also too high for the latin american community, i think there should be more thought on that and present a new one if they persist on doing the event.

TL;DR: If we do not take care of the resources and help the community to use them wisely we would not continue growing.


As a contributor of @seedlatam for the @Joxes delegation, I have analyzed this mission following the criteria mentioned in this post.

Summarizing in concise lines the main points of this proposal:

  • The proposal doesn’t respect the format: “Breakdown of the Mission’s budget request”. Is not indicated.
  • Regarding the request: 40k OP - seems to be excessive for the impact it intends to have
  • It is not framed in the times, this must be completed at the end of the season (09/20); event date not yet defined, but after reference milestone 3 (12/18)
  • While accepted in subsequent comments; It is not established in the formal publication what the disbursements of $OP will be, since these will remain blocked for one year, they will not be available to cover event costs as defined in the proposal

hello, the HACKATHON will be next year, because this rest of the year we are going to focus on educating people, we will have tours throughout Peru and we will also organize educational workshops such as the Women Biz academy that will be 100% focused on educating on web3 from the essential.

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we are considering a gap to give more for the girls’ projects and their implementation.
The details of the Budget we told the OP team that we will upload today.

On the other hand, the date will be next year, after the 3rd point. so this year we will focus on education throughout the regions of Peru and LATAM to exceed our expectations.

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In Peru, it is known that Andino and WomenBiz are part of the same group. And among the DRAFTs, there are 3 requests between Andino and WomenBiz:

  • Latam Women Biz Hackathon in the OP Ecosystem: 40,000 OP
  • Optimism’s tour of universities in Peru: 43,530 OP
  • English Networking Club for testing web3 products with Optimism: 15,000 OP

In practice, they are requesting 93,530 OP. As a community, they have not worked with Optimism before, yet they applied for RetroFunding and received 21k OP without having conducted any retrospective activities with Optimism. Even after the results, they have not carried out any activities related to Optimism.

The only known fact is that they appear on social media mentioning that they received funds from OP. But do they receive funds just to mention that they received certain funds?

For example, the first photo refers to a side event of a blockchain event where blockchain companies like Hive or Metis attended, and WomenBiz only mentioned that they received public good funds from Optimism (at the precise moment the photo was taken).

On the other hand, WomenBiz/Andino contributed to the organization of the blockchain event, but there was not even a workshop on Optimism (even though they had already received funds by that time).

Honestly, it seems like they are requesting funds because it seemed easy for them to get them the first time. I am not saying that their objective cannot be good. But if they already have funds without having previously carried out activities, I believe it is appropriate to use them correctly and request additional resources based on subsequent measurements. Requesting nearly 93,530 OP sounds concerning, and that does a lot of harm to the Peruvian ecosystem. The promptness of these actions makes one think that they are doing it for the funds rather than for the growth of the ecosystem.

It’s as if adding “with OP” is enough for what happened in the RetroFunding to happen again. Finally, being an initiative that generates Public Goods does not entitle us to indiscriminately ask for funding in every financing round that comes up (both within the Optimism ecosystem and beyond).We must not only take care of Optimism’s health but also that of the entire ecosystem.

The Peruvian community has noticed this, and in a strange move, they only announced today that they will do something with Optimism for the first time.


Hey Jadmat, this is our budget. We´re focus on Latam, so for that we want to make this event so full of women, more than 100 women hopefully.

Month Description Budget
Sept-Oct 2023 Workshops by Women Biz Academy, where we will discuss layer 2, governance, the Optimism mission, and how to build projects on the Optimism network. The workshops will be held in the cities of Lima, Piura, Cusco, and Arequipa.
We will cover the costs of transportation, merchandise, payment for mentors, venue, insurance, and other expenses. 2kOP
oct. 2023 In-person event in Lima, which will be livestreamed for the all Latin American community. During this event, we will talk about smart contracts, how to create your own NFT collection on the Optimism network, loot, and proposals for improving community projects. 1kOP
nov. 2023 We will organize the Women’s Web3 Congress in Peru. This event aims to invite renowned speakers from Latin America to share their experiences in web3 and provide workshops for developing projects on the Optimism network.

In our community, over 70% of women are entrepreneurs, and our challenge is to encourage them to implement this technology in their businesses, whether through smart contracts, NFTs, Poaps, or by innovating in their processes.

This event will be open to participants from across Latin America, and we will provide scholarships for 20 girls to attend. We will also give away merchandise such as t-shirts, water bottles, stickers, bags, and laptop sleeves. The event will span three days, with different themes covered each day.
may 2024 Hackathon Week: It will be an entire week during the girls will receive training on web3, how to build on the Optimism network, and other related topics. We will conduct in-person activations and live broadcasts for all of Latin America. The costs we will incur are as follows:

- Coworking space for hacking (5 days)
- Donations for speakers, mentors, and active participants
- Investment in marketing, including merchandise, video recordings, photos, and electronic equipment

We will have volunteers who will assist us with logistics each day.
Other costs include catering, transportation, medical assistance, translation services, and miscellaneous expenses.

[July 2024] Prize distribution will follow the terms and conditions mentioned in the application:
The remaining funds will be invested in the Women Biz Incubator program, which supports women who are just starting their startups, with the aim of supporting more projects that build on the Optimism network.
Coworking place + coffee break for a week in Lima 3k OP
OP and Women Biz merchandise 0.8k OP
General marketing expenses 5k OP
Volunteer will receive a payment of 100 OP per day. With a total of 20 volunteers 2k OP
July-September Mentors, judges for all their job 1,2 k OP
1st place 10k OP
2nd place 5k OP
3rd place 2k OP
Women Biz Incubator 3k OP
Total 40k OP



Onboarding more girls in Peru:

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Our girls with the ambassador team

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