World Republic Delegate - A global democracy experiment in the Token House

Hi everyone!

I’m Blaise and I’m posting here for the first time to tell you about a new experiment I’m about to launch.

Optimism’s vision is “to create a new internet that benefits all and is owned by all”, but currently the Collective is governed by two houses, an open and plutocratic one and an invitation-only and democratic one. But wouldn’t it be nice if the governance of the new internet included everyone, not just those with money or access?

So let me introduce the World Republic Delegate, who will be elected each season by open, democratic vote to represent the collective voice of humanity in the Token House.

The current plan:

  1. Candidates nominate themselves at the beginning of the season
  2. Open election on Snapshot (ranked-choice → instant-runoff), gated by proof of personhood, but nothing else
  3. The elected candidate uses the voting power delegated to the World Republic in that season

Candidate registration for the pilot will open soon. Until then, you can

Please feel free to comment below or DM me here/on Telegram with questions, feedback, or if you’d like to get involved in any way.


This sounds like a good idea! Republic as a World Mini app also has huge potential.

What are the goals for that as a community/movement beyond nominating an Optimism delegate?

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