CyberDyn0x Delegate Thread

Hello Optimism Collective!

We are a newly formed delegate team looking to apply our collective experience to support progressive decentralization and governance experimentation, research and education. Stoked to be here to support the growth of the Optimism ecosystem. @lee0007 @mel.eth @shawn16400 @alibama

Delegate Statement
Transparency & Collaboration Workspace

Update May 2023: While we reach team consensus for each of the votes based on individual perspectives, our collective rationale is summarised best in reference to our delegate teams’ governance values

  1. Unbiased stewardship, advancing the needs of the collective ahead of any individual
  2. Progressive decentralization, in favour of distributed &/or decentralized &/or subsidiarity autonomy
  3. Collaboration through positive-sum games to go further together
  4. Experimentation, the courage to take risks, learn from mistakes and build collective knowledge
  5. Radical transparency to minimise information asymmetry
  6. Structural mechanisms (code if possible) that align incentives and uphold equality
  7. Empathy & alignment to achieve peaceful governance & judicious outcomes
  8. Effective decision-making, communication and stakeholder advocacy
  9. Engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives
  10. Challenge the status quo to drive progress and innovation

As of Cycle 12a we intend to speak to these values to convey our rationale for voting. We do not intend to identify issues/challenges here unless we also present solutions, and where we are able to suggest solutions these will be presented via Collective Intent & Mission aligned proposals.


Cycle 11

Due to the timing of our Agora Delegate Profile creation we missed the 23 March Snapshot and carried 0OP voting power for Cycle 11. As such we approached this cycle as a testing of our teams coordination, deliberation and decision making processes.

Bedrock v2 Protocol Upgrade

Decision: Unanimous 5/5 Support

We support this as a significant step towards the super-chain future based on our understanding of

:art: Design Philosphy
:fire: Reduce Reuse Reengineer
:dart: Ethereum Equivalence
:building_construction: Modularity
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Attention to Security
:safety_vest: Extensive Code Review & Audits
:bridge_at_night: 2-phase withdrawal process

Kudos to @ben-chain & the OP Labs team for this milestone achievement. Thank you for providing transparency. While we can not fathom the true extent of this undertaking we acknowledge the investment of time, talent and expertise, heart and dedication it required :heart_on_fire:

Delegate Suspension

Decision: Undetermined.

Despite robust conversation and discovery process, we had several unresolved questions and were unable to formally confirm supermajority before the closing of this vote. Questions have since been addressed.

Learning: This highlights the need for early awareness and engagement with proposals, prior to voting, to be resolved by our presence at the outset of Cycle 12 onwards.


In response to the Optimism Foundation Mission #2: Code of Conduct Enforcement, we have proposed a Conflict Resilience Alliance

… a forkable, collaborative approach to design and transition enforcement of the Code of Conduct from the Foundation to the Community that reflects the Collective’s ability to communicate, decide, adapt and iterate at scale while maintaining and establishing checks and balances. We propose a phased approach to 1) help identify and develop solutions while 2) accommodating different governance preferences and 3) proactively preparing teams and piloting tools to prevent and manage conflict.

IPFS Version 1.0 | Notion Version 1.0

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Cycle 12a

We believe all the proposals in cycle 12a reflect our governance value #3 Collaboration through positive-sum games to go further together. While differences in individual perspectives are reflected in Decisions > Votes here, our team are collectively aligned on governance values and voted as follows.

Protocol Delegation

FOR this proposal as it also reflects

  1. Progressive decentralization, in favour of distributed &/or decentralized &/or subsidiarity autonomy

  2. Experimentation, the courage to take risks, learn from mistakes and build collective knowledge

  3. Engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives

Intent 1 Towards Technical Decentralization

FOR this proposal as it also reflects

  1. Unbiased stewardship, advancing the needs of the collective ahead of any individual

  2. Progressive decentralization, in favour of distributed &/or decentralized &/or subsidiarity autonomy

  3. Structural mechanisms (code if possible) that align incentives and uphold equality

  4. Challenge the status quo to drive progress and innovation

Intent 2 Innovate on Novel Application

While we believe this proposal also positively reflects #8 Effective decision-making, communication and stakeholder advocacy. We voted AGAINST this proposal due to concerns in regard to a combination of factors across

  1. Unbiased stewardship, advancing the needs of the collective ahead of any individual

  2. Progressive decentralization, in favour of distributed &/or decentralized &/or subsidiarity autonomy

  3. Radical transparency to minimise information asymmetry

  4. Structural mechanisms (code if possible) that align incentives and uphold equality

  5. Engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives

Intent 3 Awareness of the Optimistic Vision

While we believe alignment with the Optimistic Vision is core to collective success, we voted AGAINST this proposal due to concerns in regard to a combination of factors across

  1. Radical transparency to minimise information asymmetry

  2. Effective decision-making, communication and stakeholder advocacy

  3. Engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives

Intent 4 Governance Accessibility

FOR this proposal as it also reflects

  1. Unbiased stewardship, advancing the needs of the collective ahead of any individual

  2. Progressive decentralization, in favour of distributed &/or decentralized &/or subsidiarity autonomy

  3. Empathy & alignment to achieve peaceful governance & judicious outcomes

  4. Engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives

Cycle 12b

Treasury Appropriation

AGAINST this proposal, we could not meaningfully align this proposal with our governance values, except to engage w the community (& stakeholders) to seek diverse perspectives.

Inflation Adjustment Proposal

AGAINST this proposal, due to concerns relating to

  1. Radical transparency to minimise information asymmetry
  2. Structural mechanisms (code if possible) that align incentives and uphold equality

Growth & Builders Council Elections

We used the Borda Count method to aggregate our preferences and identify the council members we voted for. We believe it is important to understand the benefits and trade-offs of different preference aggregation methods and have proposed knowledge building to address this in our Foundation RFP Bid

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