Recap: The Iterative Nature of @Optimism Governance” that Justine from Optimism Foundation (@lavande) did with 3 delegates during @EthereumDenver 🚀

Optimistic Community! :v:t3:

I share with you a review of the interview called “The Iterative Nature of @Optimism Governance” that Justine from Optimism Foundation (@lavande) did with 3 delegates during @EthereumDenver :rocket:

The interview on @Optimism governance initiatives, including the Grants Council and the Delegate Program. Btw a delegate is a person who participates in Optimism Governance.

They were:
Jacob - @YouthGlobal
Alex - @VelodromeFi
Chris - @l2beat

The 1st question was:
Why did they become token House delegates? :house:

*Because OP aligns closely with the purpose of ETH and seeks to scale by making less expensive transactions.
*Velodrome was launched a few days after OP Token with the purpose of being the liquidity Hub :red_circle:

Also…Something interesting that they do at @OptimismGov is “Reflection period” which they do after the voting season, after the voting season, the idea is to take feedback from delegates and propose new initiatives that come from the delegates. :100::rocket:

Another question was:
What is your role as a delegate?

*Review the Grant Council builders subcommittee and provide feedback so that they align with the optimism vision. :rocket:
*Distribute the funds that the token house makes available.
*The idea is to maximize the number of builders in the ecosystem, sometimes we help them restructure their proposals.
*If they are successful, the Token house is successful.

  • We review how that project aligns with our goals within @Optimism :red_circle:

Another question was:
How do you organize voting information? :thinking:

We prepare a table with all the proposals, we organize office hours and the idea is to review the applications and give feedback on how this adds to the token house. :100:

Finally, voting is just the result of all the research work done on the projects, the feedback shared and taken into account. The vote is the result of our work. :v:t3:

Interview: The Collective DAO Archives by Justine Humenansky:

And… I ask you, are you agree with this? Do you have any feedback to consider for those who are recently joined as delegate? :arrow_down: