Voting Cycle #2: Roundup

Voting Cycle 2 begins Thursday (June 23) at 12pm PST / 7pm GMT and runs until Wednesday (July 6) at 12pm PST / 7pm GMT.

Voting will take place in Snapshot. A snapshot of delegate voting weights will be taken at the start of the Voting Cycle.

For a detailed breakdown of the governance and voting process, see the Operating Manual.


Voting Cycle #2 begins the process of voting for Phase 1 of the Governance Fund. This begins the more open-ended side of the Governance Fund, where allocations are no longer restricted to existing Optimism Projects. A few notes on the process as we enter Phase 1:

  • Votes will not be batched and each proposal should be individually considered based on its own strengths and weaknesses.
  • As stated in the OPerating Manual, it is the recommendation of the Optimism Foundation that at least one delegate (with >0.0005% of voting power) signals their belief that the proposal is ready for a vote before passing.
    • The Optimism Foundation has made its best effort to enumerate which proposals have received such supporting signal. The order for this cycle prioritizes those proposals to the start of the list, both in this post and on Snapshot.
    • However, in our spirit of governance minimization, all proposals marked READY by authors are up for consideration and votable. As such, the recommendation of the OPerating Manual can be overridden if delegates so choose.
  • As a reminder, the purpose of the Governance Fund is meant to spur sustainable growth and activity on the Optimism network. More information can be found in the Governance Fund Phase 1 template.
    • The Optimism Foundation notes that there is a significant allocation OP tokens for Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RPGF), as detailed in the Allocations Documentation, which is distinct from Phase 1.
    • As above, in the spirit of governance minimization, the Optimism Foundation has not performed any filtering based on whether or not a proposal accomplishes this goal. The Token House could override the above intention and pass any of the votable proposals. As a reminder, this would not be decremented from the RPGF allocation, and instead be removed from the ~230M OP Governance Fund.


Aside from the approval/non-approval delineation, proposals are listed in order of first appearance on this forum.

Proposals with Explicit Delegate Approval

Proposals without Explicit Delegate Approval


You are missing ParaSwap I believe [LIVE] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] ParaSwap, they set LIVE as I think @OPUser said LIVE when he meant READY ([LIVE] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] ParaSwap - #24 by OPUser)

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You are right, just saw that too. It was a mistake on my behalf, I indeed meant Ready. Apologies.

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Looks OK. Mean Finance, good choice.


dang, I didn’t make a proposal fast enough </3

There are a few things I think that were missed here:

Mean Finance - The approval link quoted is that of the proposer and not of a delegator ([READY][GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Mean Finance - #25 by 0xged)

Raptor - I am unsure but I believe some people took back their support for Raptor after further discussion ([READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Raptor - #49 by OPUser)

Infinity Wallet - I believe it had support from @OPUser [READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Infinity Wallet - #14 by OPUser

Don’t think I missed anyone else!

Edit: There was also possibly [READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Beefy - #14 by MoneyManDoug as Beefy did reduce, but not sure!


Mean Finance (proposal D), Raptor (proposal E), Infinity Wallet (proposal K) are all here. Thanks for checking though!

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I mean missed in terms of supported by a delegator or not :laughing:

Hmm…wait, as I read further, am I able to create and submit a proposal still?

Thanks for the feedback!

WRT Mean Finance, just to share the logic–@OPUser 's react to the linked comment was considered an approval for this purpose. Something we should probably make more explicit going forward.


I will defer to @OPUser on the other two approval cases and can edit the post based on their reply.


where is it?
how vote ir?

You can make a proposal for consideration in Cycle #3!

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Do you happen to have a link for me to read up on Cycle #3?

Some personal stuff came up and I didn’t get a proposal together in enough time. :pray:

Thank you for the feedback, @ben-chain . Going forward will be more precise.

For other two, its not too late, please exclude Raptor from the list, Infinity Wallet will remain as I support their proposal.

Thank you for checking the approvals, appreciated.

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@OPUser No problem, training to become a delegator one day :wink:

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Some really good proposals, and some really bad ones too. Read each token distribution carefully.

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What is the reason for not including the rotki proposal in this voting round? I believe it meets all of the criteria specified here as I specifically tried to time them so: ?

The change from DRAFT to READY happened here: [READY] [GF: Phase 1] rotki - #14 by lefterisjp to meet the deadline.

Reading the linked guide on proposals I understood I should have done it myself. If someone else should have done it then no worries, I must have misunderstood.


Hi @lefterisjp I noticed your issue too.

For some reason you were the only [READY] Proposal that didn’t make it into the voting round?
And yes, from my own tracking, it was set as READY around 24 hours ago (and before other Proposals who did end up making it into the vote).
Finally, FYI: For my Proposal, I personally changed it from DRAFT to READY, so that shouldn’t be the issue with yours either.

Hope you get the explanation you seek.

Kind regards,