Season 6: Anticapture Commission Amended

Season 6: Anticapture Commission Amended

This is an amended version of the original Anticapture Commission Charter approved in Season 5. This will become the authoritative Charter in the case the Season 6 proposed Amendment is approved.

Season 5 introduced an Anticapture Commission, comprised of high impact delegates. The Anticapture Commission has the below mandate (refined.)

The Anticapture Commission exists to prevent capture of the Token House by any one stakeholder or group of stakeholders (protocols, OP Chains, etc.).

Please note this commission’s duties are in service to tokenholders. The commission may not explicitly limit tokenholder power and may not limit the rights of tokenholders in favor of any other stakeholder group in any way.

We have run or proposed similar delegation programs in the past. The Protocol Delegation Program and recently proposed Chain Delegation Program are similarly temporary delegation programs aimed at increasing the representation of important tokenholder groups. The Anticapture Commission is delegated 10M OP from the Governance Fund through Season 6. At the end of Season 6, the Anticapture Commission would need to propose any continuation of the program to Governance, but the intention is for this program to expire.

Anticapture Commission Charter


  • Provide alerts to the Citizens’ House when concerns arise over significant imbalances in power between groups of stakeholders using the process outlined here. Please note any member of the community may flag a concern to be considered by the anticapture commission via the commission’s email.

  • Vote on all proposals that are subject to a Citizens’ House veto. The Commission is not expected to cast votes on all proposals but exercising the Commission’s delegation is important to passing Protocol Upgrades, and any other proposals subject to Citizens’ House veto.

  • While not required, the Commission may also chose to:

    • Advocate for the continued decentralization of governance infrastructure and processes, so no one party exercises undue influence over the system.

    • Research, analyze, and advocate for transparency related to the distribution of voting power.

Commission Structure

The Anticapture Commission would be comprised of high impact delegates (delegates meeting the membership criteria outlined below). Anticapture Commission votes would be cast based on a simply majority of individual member votes, unless the Commission Internal Operating Procedures stipulate otherwise.


Membership will be determined based on the below criteria at the beginning of each Season.

  • Members must be an individual or professional delegate and not a representative of a protocol or corporation

  • Members, as described above, must be in the top 100 delegates AND

    • Maintain = > 70% voting participation over the previous Season (including the following Reflection Period.) This requirement has been simplified to ensure delegates have enough context without overcomplicating criteria.

    • Have received retro rewards for governance participation in any Season.

  • All qualifying members must opt-in to be part of the Commission. Any qualifying member may choose not to opt-in for any reason. If less than 50% of qualifying members choose not to opt-in before the start of Season 5, the Commission may be reconsidered.

Please note: All members will need to KYC to vote as a member of the Anticapture Commission

Member Responsibilities

In exchange for being entrusted with additional voting power, Anticapture Commission members will be expected to:

  • Members will be expected to vote on 70% of all ACC votes expected to be cast in the Token House. Last season, participation requirements were underspecified. If a Member does not meet this expectation, they will not be eligible to be on the Anticapture Commission the following Season. This is in line with the voting participation requirements of top delegates and all delegation programs in the Collective.

  • It is recommended, but not required, that members attend internal meetings and/or community office hours, as appropriate. Members that cannot attend should provide async feedback on drafts or meeting notes.

  • It is recommended, but not required, for members to make best efforts to provide feedback on and/or contribute to authorship of any reports circulated to the Citizens’ House.

  • Members may designate other leadership roles amongst themselves as necessary/desired

  • Members will receive group delegation, but not OP rewards, for their participation on the Anticapture Commission. However, meeting the criteria required to be part of the Anticapture Commission may be included in the qualification criteria for retro delegate rewards

  • Members must elect a Commission Lead each Season, by simple majority vote among qualifying members

The Anticapture Commission Lead should:

  • Qualify to be a member of the Anticapture Commission

  • Organize regular commission meetings. It is suggested that meeting minutes or summaries be made available to the community. The frequency of internal meetings is at the discretion of the Commission Lead but should be aligned with governance minimization.

  • Coordinate the execution of votes from the delegation wallet (possibly via a commission snapshot space)

  • Author, or coordinate authorship, of any reports circulated to the Citizens’ House, according to the process outlined here . A report must have 4 delegate approvals from commission members to be considered valid.

  • Exercise decision-making authority in the event that the commission cannot come to consensus on a matter (ie. serve as tie breaker)

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