Commission Reports should be shared with the Citizens’ House when the Commission believes an imbalance or conflict has arisen in the Token House that needs to be addressed by the Citizens’ House. Most often, this will relate to a vote that the Commission believes the Citizens’ House should consider veto-ing.
MVP Process
- The Anticapture Commission may file two types of reports:
- Statement of Concern: Early alert to badgeholders about imbalances arising in Token House
- Request for Veto: Request for badgeholders to veto a specific proposal
- Both types of reports must be posted on the forum and Discord (tagging badgeholders)
- Requests for veto must be posted no later than the start of the voting period for the relevant proposal
- Badgeholders should abstain from voting on a proposal until the next Voting Cycle if they believe further deliberation is needed
- The Foundation will facilitate a deliberation between Houses during the subsequent review period, if needed
MVP Statement of Concern Template
- Statement of concern
- Steps taken to address concern in the Token House
- Recommendation to Citizens’ House
- Proposed forum for further deliberation
MVP Request for Veto Template
- Overview of proposal
- Reasons why the proposal should be vetoed
- Steps taken to revise the proposal in the Token House
- How the proposal would need to change in order to remove the need for veto