You’re invited to join Optimism Fractal events on Mondays at 17 UTC
Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration and awarding public goods creators on Optimism. Our weekly events provide a perfect place to collaborate with innovators, promote your work, and earn awards for helping the Optimism Collective. At each event we play the Respect Game, a profoundly helpful consensus game that provides a fun way to fairly recognize positive impact.
Our next event is happening today and we’d love to see you there. You can join our weekly events, watch videos to follow our progress, and explore to learn more. Optimism Fractal is presented by Optimystics, which you can learn more about in the post below. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments below or on the Optimism Fractal discord.
Everyone is invited to join Optimism Fractal event today. Please find more details in the shared tweet and find the latest episode below. Let’s grow Optimism together
What’s the best way to evaluate public goods? In our last event of the year, we meet optimists, play a fun consensus game to rank each other’s contributions, and brainstorm about Optimism Fractal
Let’s meet up - we’d love to connect with more optimists! Optimism Fractal is a community on a mission to grow Optimism
We cordially invite you to join our 13th Optimism Fractal event today, January 29th at 17 UTC. You can expect an introductory presentation about Optimism Fractal, a brief outline on how to play the Respect Game, and an awesome experience playing with other optimists. This innovative consensus game is designed to award public goods creators, foster collaborations, and create profound benefits for the Optimism Collective!
Optimism Fractal events are helpful for builders, creators, and anyone interested in Optimism. You can join in the zoom room and RSVP for our upcoming weekly events here. Feel free to share any questions or comments below or in our Discord. These events are recorded and shared on social media, so please only join if you are comfortable with this.
Let’s grow Optimism and summon Ether’s Phoenix together. Looking forward to seeing you there!
How do we award innovators building a protopian future? We play the Respect Game with open source tools to evaluate impact, build relationships, and foster collaborations in Optimism
Hey optimists! Open invitation to join Optimism Fractal today at 17 UTC
Optimism Fractal weekly events provide a great way to collaborate with innovators, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. You can RSVP on our event page and watch our previous videos at
Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. You can find the zoom room here. Hope to see you there
We invite you to join Optimism Fractal 15th event at 17 UTC for a joyful and very optimistic gathering.
Optimism Fractal fosters collaboration and awards public goods creators on Optimism via awesome consensus games. You’re welcome to watch previous episodes and explore Optimystics’ blog to learn more about how Optimism Fractal can create profound benefits for all communities.
There have also been many exciting developments happening at Optimism Fractal lately, which you can read about below.
In addition to the main event, you can now join Optimism Fractal Planning sessions each week at 18 UTC where community members can brainstorm, coordinate, and create the future of Optimism Fractal. The planning session is in the same zoom room and you’re welcome to join for the full 90 minutes or just for one of the events if you prefer. It will last for 30 minutes and start right after our regularly scheduled Respect Game from 17-18 UTC.
Council Formation
During last week’s planning session, the Optimism Fractal Council was officially activated following a 12-week bootstrap phase and the community celebrated the unanimous approval of its first proposal!
You can find details about the new consensus process in the Discord channel here and read about the first approved proposal in this message. Anyone who has earned Respect by playing the Respect Game can make polls for the community and proposals for the council in the Optimism Fractal Snapshot Space. Community members can vote in the registration poll before 17 UTC to join the next council.
We invite you to join Optimism Fractal on Mondays at 17 UTC
Optimism Fractal awards public goods creators and provides fun networking opportunities for anyone interested in Optimism. You can RSVP on the event page and watch videos of previous events at
Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. You can find the zoom room here and explore below for some exciting updates about Optimism Fractal’s thriving community. Hope to see you soon
Making Proposals
Anyone who has earned Respect by playing the Respect Game can make polls for the community and proposals for the council in the Optimism Fractal Snapshot Space. Anyone who has earned Respect can also use it to signal their opinions in polls and proposals. The more Respect that you earn at weekly events, the more influence you gain to help guide Optimism Fractal.
We’re excited to share Optimism Fractal’s 11th event which you can watch below. On related note, we’re working on producing and sharing the latest videos as soon as we can. Meanwhile you can keep up to date by joining Optimism Fractal’s Discord, where each video is posted within a few days of the event. Thanks for your patience and support
Let’s grow Optimism and summon Ether’s Phoenix together. Looking forward to seeing you there!
How do collaborative events empower creativity? After a game of Respect, we explore the new Optimism Fractal notion site, review a first season retrospective, and extend the weekly event for community growth
Hey optimists! This is an open invitation to join Optimism Fractal today at 17 UTC
Optimism Fractal weekly events provide a great way to collaborate with innovators, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. You can RSVP on our event page and watch our previous videos at
Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. You can find the zoom room here. Hope to see you soon!
We’re excited to share Optimism Fractal’s 12th event which you can watch below.
How will optimistic communities coordinate their future? After a fun Respect Game we meet for the first Optimism Fractal Planning session and explore innovative mechanisms for collective decision-making
The Optimism Fractal Council approved a proposal to change the meeting time of weekly events to Thursdays at 17 UTC going forward. The main reason for this change was to eliminate a scheduling conflict with the Optimism Grants Council Office Hours, so now everyone can easily join both events. This proposal was approved with Optimism Fractal’s consensus process and we can use same process if we ever want to make other changes to the time in the future.
The next Optimism Fractal event will be on this Thursday, March 7th. I just updated the main event page and planning sessions event page to reflect the new time. I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!
You’re invited to join the 18th Optimism Fractal event on Thursday at 17 UTC, our new weekly meeting time!
As a reminder, the Optimism Fractal Council changed the time of weekly events, about which you can find more details above. Optimism Fractal is dedicated to fostering collaboration and awarding public goods creators on Optimism. We’d appreciate your help to spread the word for communities pioneering decentralized governance on Optimism by sharing this cast.
You can join the event in the zoom room, RSVP for weekly reminders here, and watch exciting event episodes at to experience the future of collaboration. Learn more about the Optimism Fractal consensus process in our 13th episode below. Enjoy!
What is the best way to make collective decisions? After thoughtful social games, we debut an innovative consensus process and enter a new era of community-led governance with the first Optimism Fractal Council
Hey optimists, congrats on rolling out blobs! Let’s connect, have fun, and grow Optimism!
You’re invited to join Optimism Fractal’s weekly events today at 17 UTC to collaborate with talented onchain builders, share your exciting work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game!
You can RSVP, watch videos of previous episodes, and recast to spread the word. As always we’ll also have a planning session at 18 UTC where we can talk about anything you have in mind related to Optimism Fractal, so feel free to let us know if there’s anything you’d like to discuss.
Hope to see you there
How does Respect facilitate consensus? Following a respectful consensus game, the Optimism Fractal Sages Council approves it’s first proposal and we explore the roots of fractal cooperation
You’re invited to join Optimism Fractal’s 20th event today to collaborate with innovators, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game! We’d appreciate your help to spread the word about Optimism Fractal by sharing this cast.
You can find a link to the zoom room, RSVP for weekly reminders here, and watch many exciting episodes from previous Optimism Fractal’s events in our media page. Enjoy!
Join us today at Optimism Fractal where innovators collaborate and share their work to help Optimism. We are grateful to receive weekly feedback about how much you enjoy playing the Respect Game and we appreciate all the support and positivity
You can RSVP for the event here and read below for some exciting updates!
Event Discussions and Community Page
In the past few weeks we’ve discussed many interesting topics, including the development of a Respect Game app, considerations to create a referral program, integrations with EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service), and much more. We encourage you to check out the community notion page and explore the projects to learn more about these initiatives and get involved.
Btw did you see the announcement for the upcoming RetroPGF rounds? I know! This new design is super exciting and we look forward to creating a better future as a collective. We’d love to discuss more about RetroPGF and explore funding opportunities for public goods creators at upcoming Optimism Fractal events.
We are thrilled to announce that Optimism Fractal is to going to soon celebrate 6 months since the beginning of this adventure! We are working hard to make an eventful experience and will announce more details soon.
Latest Episode
What do you see in the future of Optimism Fractal? We play a joyous Respect Game then brainstorm on our collective vision and explore innovative plans to nourish communities
Today’s Event
If you’re interested in collaborating with innovators and getting involved in Optimism Fractal’s exciting progress, join our events in this zoom room at 17 UTC, and feel free to reach out with any questions. See you there!
Let’s summon Ether’s Phoenix today at OptimismFractal’s event! This is a friendly reminder that the event starts in less than an hour and we hope that you’re ready to play. Let the games begin!
We invite you to share with friends, show support by retweeting, and join the community conversation in Optimism Fractal’s Discord. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. You can find the zoom room here and we hope to see you soon!
Hi all! Are you ready to play an awesome Respect Game today?
You’re invited to join the 23rd Optimism Fractal event at 17 UTC!
Optimism Fractal awards public goods creators, coordinates decentralized governance, and fosters collaborations between builders in the Optimism Collective. You can RSVP for the event here and read below for some exciting updates!
At last week’s event we discussed funding opportunities around Optimism Fractal and the recently announced rounds of Retro Funding. These include exciting topics such as how Optimism Fractal can help public goods creators earn Retro Funding and how community members can earn Retro Funding by contributing to Optimism Fractal. For anyone who missed last week’s meeting, you can listen to this discussion here.
Optimism Fractal and Retro Funding Synergies
We believe that contributions to Optimism Fractal could qualify for Retro Funding in the Onchain Builders, Governance, and Dev Tooling rounds (as referred to in this Optimism’s article). In addition, Optimism Fractal can also play a very helpful role in promoting, evaluating, connecting, and otherwise providing value for public goods creators and citizens assessing impact in the Optimism Collective. If you want to learn more and explore ways that you can get involved, you can check out our Notion site and feel free to reach out with any questions.
Latest Episode
What is the best way to set priorities and evaluate impact? After ranking each other’s contributions, the Optimism Fractal community explores how OPF Trees can coordinate collective decisions and enlighten the review process for Retro Funding
Today’s Event
If you want to join our weekly events, you can find the zoom room here. You’re also welcome to join Discord to keep up to date with the latest on Optimism Fractal. We look forward to seeing you soon
Join us today for the final Optimism Fractal event of the second season where we’ll celebrate public goods creators and welcome our two-week spring break!
As a reminder, contributions to Optimism Fractal may be eligible to earn Retro Funding if you create a positive impact to the Optimism Collective. Discover how Optimism Fractal empowers builders, leaders, and creators to earn Retro Funding in the above forum post and feel free to reach out with any questions
You can RSVP in our event page and read below for some exciting updates!
The Optimism Fractal Council approved a proposal to start our third season on May 9th, following a two week spring break. The community is super excited for the season finale and look forward to seeing you all in Season 3!
You can see the proposal in this Discord message and find details around the consensus process which provides an overview of the council as a governance body coordinating the future of Optimism Fractal.
Latest Episode
How can communities synchronize? With Respect earned in onchain games, the Optimism Fractal Council approves a proposal to change the day of weekly events and set a new rhythm for decentralized coordination
Today’s Event
If you want to join our weekly events, you can find the zoom room here. You’re also welcome to join Discord to join the conversation on Optimism Fractal. We look forward to seeing you soon
I’m sharing this message as a friendly reminder that Optimism Fractal is now on a two week break and will return to start it’s 3rd season on May 9th. You can see the approved proposal from the Optimism Fractal Council to explore the rationale for this change and learn about our consensus process used to make this decision in this article.
As always, you can find the latest updates and feel free to share your thoughts here in the Optimism Fractal discord. The break can also provide a perfect time to watch videos from the first two seasons, explore our community notion site, and prepare for the next rounds of Retro Funding by creating public goods on Optimism. We’re excited for many new initiatives in the upcoming season and look forward to seeing you soon at the events.
Enjoy the break and have a great day!
Newest Episode
By the way, did you know that you can find all the most recent videos of our events in our discord server? Check it out and watch the video of last week’s event above to see the joyful celebrations with talented public goods creators on Optimism