Optimism Fractal Weekly Events

Hi all! Are you ready to play an awesome Respect Game today? :sun_with_face:

You’re invited to join the 23rd Optimism Fractal event at 17 UTC!

Optimism Fractal awards public goods creators, coordinates decentralized governance, and fosters collaborations between builders in the Optimism Collective. You can RSVP for the event here and read below for some exciting updates!

Retro Funding Discussion

At last week’s event we discussed funding opportunities around Optimism Fractal and the recently announced rounds of Retro Funding. These include exciting topics such as how Optimism Fractal can help public goods creators earn Retro Funding and how community members can earn Retro Funding by contributing to Optimism Fractal. For anyone who missed last week’s meeting, you can listen to this discussion here.

Optimism Fractal and Retro Funding Synergies

We believe that contributions to Optimism Fractal could qualify for Retro Funding in the Onchain Builders, Governance, and Dev Tooling rounds (as referred to in this Optimism’s article). In addition, Optimism Fractal can also play a very helpful role in promoting, evaluating, connecting, and otherwise providing value for public goods creators and citizens assessing impact in the Optimism Collective. If you want to learn more and explore ways that you can get involved, you can check out our Notion site and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Latest Episode

What is the best way to set priorities and evaluate impact? After ranking each other’s contributions, the Optimism Fractal community explores how OPF Trees can coordinate collective decisions and enlighten the review process for Retro Funding :seedling::yellow_heart::bulb:

Today’s Event

If you want to join our weekly events, you can find the zoom room here. You’re also welcome to join Discord to keep up to date with the latest on Optimism Fractal. We look forward to seeing you soon :sparkles:

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