Optimism Fractal Season 3

Hey friends! Join us for the first event of Optimism Fractal Season 3! :fireworks:

We’re excited to start the season in style with a Respect Game to grow Optimism, then discuss a new proposal in today’s planning session. The proposal aims to implement a social coordination game called Cagendas that enables everyone to vote with Respect on topics to discuss after our weekly Respect Games.

Cagendas is proposed to take place at a new event called the Optimism Town Hall, which is envisioned as a collaborative space for structured discussions about the Optimism Collective powered by Optimism Fractal Respect. This would replace the Optimism Fractal Planning Sessions at 18-18:30 UTC, so the total event time would remain the same.

You can read more details in the introductory post, the proposal on Snapshot, and join the zoom room for the event here. We’d appreciate your support by recasting to help spread the word. We look forward to seeing you soon :blush:


Hey optimists! Thanks for the great event on Thursday, it was amazing seeing everyone and a wonderful way to start season 3 of Optimism Fractal!

I’m pleased to announce that the proposal to implement Cagendas after the Respect Game at weekly events was approved by the Optimism Fractal council. This means that we’ll host the first Optimism Town Hall event this upcoming Thursday at 18 UTC following our weekly Respect Game and a topic for the event will be chosen on Monday at 17 UTC according to the rules in the proposal. We’ll also repeat this process at weekly events going forward until some other change is proposed and approved with our community’s consensus process. I appreciate all the thoughtful feedback shared during the event and the votes in support of the proposal.

To kick off the first town hall, I just created a topic proposal called Exploring Optimism Town Hall and Cagendas. At this event, I’d like to share a brief presentation that provides a more in-depth overview of the potential benefits, next steps, and rationale of these new initiatives. The material for this topic can be found in the introductory post, which includes links to projects with more details about Optimism Town Hall, Cagendas, Optimism Fractal Season 3, and the value that these initiatives can provide for the Optimism Collective. We’ll have an open discussion after the presentation and I’d love to hear more feedback about this topic, so please feel free to share any thoughts here in the chat or at the upcoming town hall event.

As per the rules approved in the proposal, anyone who has earned Respect at Optimism Fractal can propose a different topic to discuss after this week’s Respect Game event by creating a poll in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space. Anyone who has earned Respect at Optimism Fractal can vote on these polls with their Respect to help determine the discussion topic for each weekly event and whichever topic proposal received the most votes by Monday at 17 UTC will be the topic discussed during the upcoming Town Hall event. If you want to propose a topic, make sure to set your topic proposal poll to end on Monday at 17 UTC (or earlier) to be eligible as a formal topic proposal for the week’s event. Feel free to propose any topic that is related to Optimism Fractal or the Optimism Collective.

For anyone who missed last week’s event, I recommend watching the video to see all the great things that happened in our first episode of Optimism Fractal Season 3. We discussed this proposal to start playing Cagendas at Optimism Town Hall at 4:10 and 1:19:52 in the video. In addition there were also outstanding contributions in the Respect Game, awesome discussions with talented newcomers, and a very interesting conversation about collaborating to build the upcoming Optimism Fractal app.

I encourage everyone to register for our weekly Optimism Town Hall event and invite friends who are interested in Optimism. If you’re not yet familiar with Optimism Fractal, we invite you to explore OptimismFractal.com, join our weekly events, and feel free to reach out with any questions. I’m looking forward to seeing all the topics that the community will propose this season and excited to see you at our 26th event on Thursday! Thank you! :pray:t4::sunflower::sun_with_face:


Hi optimists!

You’re invited to join the 26th Optimism Fractal event today at 17 UTC and the first Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC!

Respect Game

Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration and awarding public goods creators on Optimism. Each of our events is based around the Respect Game, which provides excellent opportunities to network with innovators, promote your work, evaluate impact for the benefit of the Collective. You can watch awesome videos from each of our prior events to learn more about the profound benefits of this onchain social games and see amazing contributions from talented builders.

Introducing Optimism Town Hall

We’ll host the Optimism Town Hall event each Thursday at 18 UTC following our weekly Respect Game and the topic for today is called Exploring Optimism Town Hall and Cagendas. Today there will be a presentation that provides a more in-depth overview of the potential benefits, next steps, and rationale of the value that the Optimism Town Hall and Cagendas can provide for the Optimism Collective. See the post above for more details. We’ll have an open discussion after the presentation and would love to hear your feedback!

Latest Video

How will we grow Optimism around the world? We recognize public goods creators in dynamic social games, then explore referral awards for inviting new participants into Optimism Fractal’s thriving community :raised_hands:t4::apple:

Today’s Events

If you want to join the optimistic movement, you can RSVP on the event pages for Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall. Everyone is welcome to join both events and they will both be recorded so everyone can watch. For ease, you can find the zoom room for both events here and also join Discord for the latest updates. We look forward to seeing you at the events :smiling_face::sparkles:


Introducing OPTOPICS

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to introduce OPTOPICS, an innovative consensus game crafted to enrich our discussions at Optimism Town Hall. OPTOPICS is a new Cagendas game mode that allows respected community members to propose, vote, and dynamically coordinate discussion topics during our events.

OPTOPICS enhances the original Cagendas game mode by providing structure for real-time interaction and flexibility during events. This collaborative agenda game is designed to optimize our meeting time by providing a simple structure, facilitating more interactive conversations, and helping us focus on what’s most important to the community. It’s a fun way to organize events that taps into the wisdom of our community to more effectively grow Optimism Fractal and maximize our impact for the Optimism Collective with Respect.

Please see the introductory post for more details and upvote the topic proposal to play Optopics at this week’s Optimism Town Hall if you support this initiative. Feel free to share any questions or comments, your participation and feedback is much appreciated. I’m looking forward to collaborating with you all to create the future of collective decision-making and community coordination at Optimism Fractal!

Cagendas Topic Proposals

As per the recently approved proposal to implement Cagendas, anyone who has earned Respect at Optimism Fractal can make a different topic proposal to discuss after this week’s Respect Game event by creating a poll in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space before Monday at 17 UTC. Alternatively you can also suggest topics in the Optopics game proposed above. You can see the rules for Cagendas in the proposal above and feel free to propose any topic that is related to Optimism Fractal or the Optimism Collective.

Council Registration Poll

Here is the registration poll for the next week’s Optimism Fractal Council. In exciting news, this is the first week where we’ve had a full council with 6 sages. Big thanks to the Optimism Fractal councilors for the participation and support! :pray:t4: :man_mage:t4:


Hey all! Let’s dive into Optimism Fractal this Thursday for an exciting Respect Game and jump into the second Optimism Town Hall to play a new Cagendas game - OPTOPICS! :octopus:

Respect Game

The Respect Game is a joyful consensus process mechanism that helps foster collaborations, evaluate positive impact, and coordinate decentralized governance. You’re welcome to play the Respect Game at Optimism Fractal weekly events on Thursdays at 17 UTC! You can explore more benefits of the Respect Game and recent feedback from Deez below:

Deez, Head of Growth at Mode Network, shared his thoughts on Optimism Fractal at 56:40 describing its community-building efforts as the most beautiful seedlink portion of that, emphasizing the nurturing and sharing among members. He lauds the Respect Game for fostering accountability and excitement weekly, as participants strive to impress and grow alongside their peers—key elements in the web3 remote industry. He further notes the importance of being seen and recognized for one’s passion, a simple yet often overlooked aspect across various platforms, which tends to get lost in the noise of Telegram and Discord channels.

Let’s play OPTOPICS

Since the topic proposal in the above post was approved according to the rules of Cagendas, we’ll play OPTOPICS for the first time at the second Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. This new Cagendas game is crafted to enrich discussions at Optimism Town Hall and enable community members to dynamically coordinate topics during events. You can read more about Optopics in this article.

As per the method described in the above post, topic suggestions shared before Wednesday at 17 UTC are now added to a Snapshot poll where everyone who’s earned Respect can vote to determine our agenda. Didn’t get your topic added yet? Don’t worry! You can suggest topics for upcoming town halls in the channel or propose topics in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space. Feel free to suggest any topics that you’d like to discuss at the event in the new #optimism-town-hall channel.

First Optimism Town Hall Event

The creation of Optimism Town Hall sprouted from the Optimism Fractal’s established governance system and community effort. We believe that this is one of the best ways that Optimism Fractal can provide value to the broader Superchain.

You can now watch the first Optimism Town Hall episode about it’s purpose, rationale, and ways it can grow at 1:06:23. You can also watch an exciting short announcement about the new Optimism Town Hall event and collaborative forum during the Joint House Call on May 21st at 1:02:58. We encourage community participation to foster discussions on important Optimism matters and are grateful to be able to provide an open space for everyone to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about Optimism. Join the weekly Optimism Town Halls at 18 UTC to build culture that is open to express their optimistic vision and values. Stay optimistic!

Latest Video

In our second episode of the season we dive deeper into the potential benefits, next steps, and rationale of how the Optimism Town Hall maximizes positive impact for the Collective :red_circle: :sparkles:

Today’s Events

In addition to the Optimism Fractal event featuring the Respect Game, we encourage you to RSVP to the new Optimism Town Hall event. For ease, you can also find the zoom room for both events here. We’d appreciate if you recast this promotional message to help spread the word. As always, stay optimistic. Looking forward to seeing you there! :drum::ocean:


Join us for the 28th Optimism Fractal event now to play a joyful Respect Game! This event provides an excellent opportunity to earn awards for creating public goods, collaborate with talented innovators, and help optimize collective decision-making on Optimism :red_circle:

The Respect Game will be followed by the third Optimism Town Hall event where we’ll play a Cagendas game - OPTOPICS! In the Cagendas game room, our friends Sunny Flower and Opie the octopus will help us vote and choose the best topics for Optimism Town Hall using Respect earned at events!

We invite you to see the suggested topics and vote in this Snapshot poll. This innovative agenda game is crafted to enrich our discussions at Optimism Town Hall and enable community members to dynamically coordinate topics during events. Feel free to suggest any topics that you’d like to discuss at an upcoming event in the new #optimism-town-hall channel in Discord.

You can RSVP at the Optimism Fractal event page and find the zoom room for both events here. We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Looking forward to playing together! :dizzy:

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Hey all,

This is a friendly reminder that you can see the the topic proposals in the Optimism Town Hall snapshot space, vote for any topics you’d like to discuss at this week’s event, and feel free to propose any other topic that you’d like to discuss.

As per the rules of Cagendas, whichever topic has the most votes in Monday at 17 UTC will be the main discussion topic for this week’s event. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and help lead Optimism Collective governance.

The topic proposals that have been submitted for this week’s Town Hall are:

:sunflower: Reflections on Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall

:large_blue_circle: Base Onchain Summer

:red_circle:Optimism Collective Season 6

I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts and hope to see you at this week’s events!

By the way, I just realized that the Optimism Collective is accepting nominations for the Grants Council until June 5th. This is a part time position for a job to review Mission submissions throughout Season 6 and help allocate funding to grow Optimism. It’s historically been quite a well paid position and good opportunity to collaborate with talented builders in the Collective. You can learn more and apply here if you are interested.


Hey all!

You’re invited to join the 29th Optimism Fractal event today at 17 UTC to collaborate with innovators, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game! :seedling:

Optimism Town Hall

After the Respect Game, we’ll have a community reflection session at this week’s Optimism Town Hall and the most upvoted topic is ‘Reflections on Optimism Fractal and Optimism Town Hall’. You can read more exciting details about the most upvoted topic in this Snapshot poll and explore the Town Hall in this article. Curious to hear your thoughts!

Latest Video and Town Hall Reflections

In the below video, we practice the new process of collective agenda setting called Cagendas. The two topics that received the most upvotes and were discussed at the event were OPTOPICS and Base.

This collaborative agenda process aims to provide a framework for the Town Hall to serve as an open forum for everyone to express and upvote topics of their interest. We are working hard to refine the process and would appreciate your feedback to refine it further to help grow Optimism!

How can communities navigate discussions by voting on topics with Respect? We ride the Superchain waves in a Respect Game, then dive into the second Optimism Town Hall with Opie for a collective agenda game and an introduction to Base :large_blue_circle: :red_circle:

Today’s Events

You can find the zoom room for both events and you can spread the word by retweeting this post. We are looking forward to seeing you there and hearing your thoughts! :rainbow::sunflower::mirror:


Hi friends! The Optimism Fractal event is coming up today at 17 UTC and we’re grateful for the opportunity to provide a space where Superchain builders come together to learn, collaborate, and create the future of governance! :dizzy:

Optimism Town Hall

After a Respect Game, we’ll discuss core intents and exciting topics at Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. The topic with the most upvotes for the town hall is ‘Optimism Fractal’s Core Intents’ which you can read more about in Discord and also in the Snapshot space. Other topics lined up include Onchain Summer initiatives by Base, Optimism Season 6, and more :large_blue_circle: _ :red_circle:

Latest Video

What software will empower millions of communities on the Superchain? Watch builders share impressive presentations in the Respect Game, then choose discussion topics at Optimism Town Hall and preview a next generation Optimism Fractal app :sunflower::calling:

Today’s Events

You can find the zoom room for both events in the events calendar and navigate from there. We appreciate your help in spreading the word by retweeting and look forward to seeing you soon! Let’s build!


Nice call! Take advantage to all the opportunities we have on Base. Onchain Summer is a great opportunity to start building on the superchain! :muscle:t2:

I hope to join the next call! :muscle:t2:

All the best!


Thank you @Liliop.eth! I agree and am stoked to build on Superchain with Base this Onchain Summer. I hope to see you at the next call and learn more about what you’re building! :muscle:t4:

Wish you all the best! :raised_hands:t4:


GM Optimists! Hope you are having a great week! :red_circle::sparkles:

Following up on our discussion from last week, I just created a proposal to update Optimism Fractal’s Core Intents to the following: “Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration, awarding public good creators, and optimizing governance on the Optimism Superchain.”

If this proposal is approved then these new core intents will replace the previous core intents near the top of OptimismFractal.com/details. The new core intents will also be featured at the top of the website homepage, social media profiles, and in other places. This proposal introduces two changes from the current version, which is “Optimism Fractal is a community dedicated to fostering collaboration and awarding public good creators on Optimism.” The two changes are including ‘optimizing governance’ and specifying ‘the Optimism Superchain.’

You can vote on the proposal here, see rationale in this page, and watch a discussion on this topic at last week’s Optimism Town Hall to learn more about this proposal. The community members who registered to be in this week’s council are me, @rosmari, and @zaal. I voted to approve this proposal, so it will be approved if either Rosmari or Zaal vote yes as per our approved consensus process.

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday! :pray:t4::sunflower:

I’m also planning to introduce Optimism Fractal at today’s Onchain Summer Office Hours hosted by Base, which recur on Tuesdays at 20 UTC and Thursdays at 10 UTC this June. The next one starts in about half an hour in the Base Discord and it would be great to see you there :slight_smile:


Hi optimists, what are you building this Onchain Summer? :large_blue_circle::red_circle:

You’re invited to join Optimism Fractal’s event on Thursdays at 17 UTC to collaborate with builders, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. The Respect Game is an onchain social game which is all about building in public! This provides a great place to meet innovators, share weekly progress, and learn from each other. You can RSVP at the events calendar and recast to support the movement :sparkles:

Optimism Town Hall

After a joyous Respect Game, we’ll discuss Onchain Summer initiatives by Base at Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. You can check the next topics on the agenda about Optimism Season 6 in the Snapshot space.

The deadline to apply to the Onchain Summer Buildathon has now been pushed back to June 30th, as you can see in the official Buildathon application site. The latest workshop by Base on ‘What makes a good Buildathon project: Onchain Summer Buildathon’ is available to watch here for the latest information and tips on how to apply. You can also find a list of Base resources that we’ve curated for your convenience.

We’ll share all the important details about Onchain Summer at today’s town hall and invite you to to ask any questions at the event. We’d love to see you there!

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

How do you feel about Optimism Fractal? We praise each other’s work in a Respect Game then reflect upon our progress and develop strategies for future growth :sunflower::deciduous_tree:

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Hi all! You’re invited to join Optimism Fractal event on Thursdays at 17 UTC to collaborate with builders, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. The event provides a great place to collaborate with onchain innovators, learn about governance, and share what you’re building with the community. You can find the zoom room for the events and explore the events calendar for more. We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word by recasting :seedling::red_circle:

Respect Game

The Respect Game is an onchain social game that supports public goods creators through friendly competition and building in public. Participants rank each others’ work and earn Respect tokens by reaching consensus. Respect enables people to participate in the community council and vote on discussion topics at Town Halls, along with many other use cases which you can read about in this article.

Optimism Town Hall

After we play the Respect Game, we’ll discuss Optimism Season 6 at Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. This is the Snapshot topic with the most votes for this week and everyone is welcome to propose topics for next week’s town hall in the Snapshot space. We’ve curated many more details about Season 6 and the Mission funding opportunities that you can explore on this page. We’d love to hear from you and discuss this exciting initiative by the Optimism Collective at the event. We look forward to seeing you soon :rainbow::sparkles:

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

What are Optimism Fractal’s core intents? After an impressive Respect Game, we delve into a draft proposal about optimizing Superchain governance to give builders more opportunities to collaborate, innovate, and learn together :handshake:t4::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Hey friends! Watch the new video to learn about Onchain Summer and how you can get involved :sunny: :large_blue_circle:

This town hall episode provides a concise overview of how everyone can unleash their creativity and get rewarded by building on Base this summer.

Today is the last day to join the Onchain Summer Buildathon, but Superchain builders will be building all summer long! To learn more, visit base.org/onchainsummer.

Optimism Town Hall is a collaborative show about exciting Superchain topics, like Onchain Summer and Optimism Season 6. It happens right after Optimism Fractal weekly events where builders play onchain social games, collaborate, and earn awards for helping the Superchain. As always, everyone is welcome to join at the event page, suggest topics on Discord, and/or propose topics on Snapshot before Monday at 17 UTC.

We’d appreciate any feedback, so feel free to share any questions or thoughts you have. Looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!

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Hi optimists! You’re invited to join the Optimism Fractal event on Thursdays at 17 UTC to collaborate with Superchain leaders, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. This dynamic onchain game empowers public goods creators by fostering friendly competition and building together in public. You can find the zoom room for the events and explore the events calendar for more. We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word by recasting :sunflower::sun_with_face:

Respect Game

The Respect Game is an onchain social game that supports public goods creators through friendly competition and building in public. Participants rank each others’ work and earn Respect tokens by reaching consensus. Respect enables people to participate in the community council and vote on discussion topics at Town Halls, along with many other use cases which you can read about in this article.

Optimism Town Hall

After we play the Respect Game, we’ll discuss “Helping the Superchain” at Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. This is the topic with the most votes for this week, and everyone is welcome to propose topics for next week’s town hall in the Snapshot space. We’d love to have a conversation about our core intents, products or services that we offer, or anything else related to how Optimism Fractal can provide value for the Superchain. It’ll be an excellent discussion to help refine our value propositions, so we look forward to hearing from you. See you at the event :seedling:

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

What exciting opportunities await builders this Onchain Summer? Superchain builders gather for a delightful Respect Game, then explore the Buildathon and funding sources by Base to bring the next billion users onchain :large_blue_circle::ocean:

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Hi friends!

You’re invited to join the Optimism Fractal event this Thursday at 17 UTC to collaborate with builders, promote your work, and earn awards by playing the Respect Game. The event provides a great place to build in public, learn about governance, and get more involved with the Superchain. You can RSVP at the events calendar, watch exciting videos, and recast to support the movement :apple:

Respect Game

The Respect Game is an onchain social game that fosters friendly competition and relationship building. Participants share what they did to help Optimism, rank each other’s work, and earn Respect tokens through consensus. These tokens allow participation in the community council, voting on discussion topics at Town Halls, and much more!

Optimism Town Hall

After we play the Respect Game, we’ll discuss the topic “Preparing for Season Four” at Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. We’d love to hear feedback on Season 3, any focus areas for the remaining weeks, potential themes and goals for Season Four, and more. This is the topic with the most votes for this week, and everyone is welcome to propose topics for next week in the Snapshot space or suggest any other topics on your mind.

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

What opportunities are available in Season 6 at Optimism? We play a Respect Game and then explore how Superchain builders can get involved in this city of growth and opportunities :rainbow::red_circle:

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GM Optimists!

I’m writing to provide some exciting updates about Optimism Fractal and our work with the Collective:

Optimism Fractal Season 4

I’m pleased to announce that a proposal to start the 4th season of Optimism Fractal was approved by the council with our consensus process. This means we’ll start the fourth season of Optimism Fractal on August 15th, following a two week summer break. The last event of our third season will be next Thursday on July 25th. You can watch video of last week’s event we discussed this and planned our steps for next season here.

Mission Requests

After discussing Mission Requests at the past few events, I’m excited to share a few Mission Requests that I created in Optimism Season 6:

Develop Onchain Social Games that attract Builders to Optimism

Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism

Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance

Each of these Mission Requests are designed to help Optimism Fractal grow and create a more positive impact for the Optimism Collective and Superchain. You can learn more about these Mission Requests in the links above and also see this post for more details about why the first Mission Request can be so helpful for Optimism (which also partly applies to the other two Mission Requests as it includes a detailed section about Optimism Fractal). I also created a fourth Mission Request about Community Events that you can see here, but this one didn’t get sponsored this season.

The first Mission Request about developing onchain social games has reached the quorum and the other two Mission Requests need an additional 2-4 million OP votes from Optimism Delegates in order to be approved by the Token House. I plan to apply for each of these Mission Requests in the coming weeks and it would be great for all of them to be approved so that they each could benefit Optimism Fractal, the Collective, and the Superchain in different ways. In the near future, I also plan to request additional budget allocatations for each of these Mission Requests.

I’d really appreciate if any delegates reading this can vote for these Mission Requests, as well as anyone who can encourage any friends who are delegates to approve these Mission Requests before the deadline, which is tomorrow (Thursday) at 18:09 UTC. For any Optimism Delegates who may be reading this, you can vote here to support the first two Mission Requests (under Intent 3a) and vote here to support the third Mission Request (under Intent 1).

More Details and Discussions about Missions

For anyone who missed our prior discussions about Mission Requests and would like to learn more, you can watch the Optimism Town Hall episode where we spoke about Optimism Season 6 in this video and explore more in this project.

In addition you can also see more of our discussions about Missions related to Optimism Fractal during our past two events, which you can find by exploring the timestamps or transcripts of the episodes. For convenience, I also curated some timestamps of discussions about the Missions that we’re planning, which you can find in our 34th episode (1 and 2) and 33rd episode (1 and 2).

I’ll propose these Missions as a topic for discussion at tomorrow’s Optimism Town Hall event tomorrow where we can discuss these in more detail if the community would like. Looking forward to seeing you all at the events tomorrow!

New Event Page

We’re having a technical issue with the normal Luma event page for Optimism Fractal this week and are working with their team to fix it as soon as possible. For now, you can find the correct time of the event and RSVP at this new event page or the Optimystics events calendar.

Looking forward to seeing you at the event tomorrow! :red_circle: :sunny:


Hi optimists!

Join the Optimism Fractal event on Thursday at 17 UTC to collaborate with innovators on the Superchain, share your work in progress, and earn Respect as a weekly recognition by playing the Respect Game. You can RSVP at the events calendar where you can find the zoom room, watch exciting videos, and recast to help spread out the word. Looking forward to seeing you at the events :bulb::sparkles:

Respect Game

The Respect Game supports public goods creators on the Superchain through friendly competitions that inspire building in public, whilst ranking each other’s work and earning Respect tokens for helping Optimism. These mystical tokens empower you to participate in the community council, gain influence on discussion topics at Town Halls, and much more!

Optimism Town Hall

After the Respect Game, we’ll meet for the Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC and play the OPTOPICS agenda game to select discussion topics. You’ll get to choose from a variety of exciting topics such as Optimism Mission Requests, Optimism Fractal Video Production, and Optimism Fractal Social Media. Everyone is welcome to suggest a topic simply by making a poll at the Snapshot space at any time, including during the event.

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

How can Optimism Fractal provide value for the Superchain? Following an interactive Respect Game, we discuss ways to package product offerings and engage with new initiatives such as mission requests to attract builders to Optimism :handshake:t4::earth_africa:

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You’re invited to join the Optimism Fractal Season 3 finale on Thursday at 17 UTC to play the Respect Game where Superchain builders share their work, collaborate, and earn awards! The event provides a great place to meet innovators, learn about governance, and find ways to get more involved with the Optimism Collective :red_circle::dizzy:

Respect Game

The Respect Game is a social game where players share what they did to help Optimism in friendly competitions. This is an excellent way to share your weekly progress, help evaluate the contributions of others, and make onchain attestations about your impact on the Superchain. Everyone who reaches consensus receives Respect tokens, which allows participation in the community council, voting on discussion topics at Town Halls, and much more!

Optimism Town Hall

After the Respect Game, we’ll celebrate the end of Optimism Fractal’s third season by sharing stories about Optimism during the Optimism Town Hall at 18 UTC. Everyone will get the chance to share about past experiences, hopes for the future, or anything else related to Optimism. You’re welcome to read more about the topic proposal in the Snapshot space and also invite friends to join and celebrate the Optimism community together!

All participants have the opportunity to receive a commemorative mint on Optimism. You can RSVP at the events calendar where you can find a link to the zoom room, watch exciting videos, and recast to support the movement. We hope to see you at the events and look forward to hearing your stories :bulb::heart:

Watch Videos

You’re welcome to watch a recent video below and can watch all episodes at the videos page. Hope you enjoy!

How does the Optimism Fractal community get ready for a successful season? After playing the Respect Game, we discuss preparations for the next season, including expanding the fractal decision-making process and growth strategies :apple::sunny:

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