Optimism Forum Weekly Recap (May 27, 2024 - June 03, 2024)

gm Optimism Collective :red_circle: :sparkles:

Last week was buzzing on Optimism, with 12 new topics lighting up the forum :zap:
Key highlights include the launch of the OP Citizen Dashboard on the Superchain Eco platform for better governance analytics, the Fjord network upgrade proposal by Roberto from Coinbase, and the announcement of Linda Xie stepping down as a delegate to focus on Bountycaster. Discussions also covered blockchain applications in supply chain management and the launch of the privacy-focused Reclaim Protocol.

daospace is a DAO discovery platform that aggregates contributions across different DAOs. We will be providing weekly Automated AI Summaries to help reduce information overload, and so that all members can stay up to date on forum activity within the DAO. Below is a summary of every topic made within the OP Governance Forum from last week.

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Zeugh - Delegate Communication Thread

Created: 2024-05-28

Author: @Zeugh


Zeugh, a delegate in the collective sharing insights with the community, talks about their background and motivation. They are dedicated to building the next internet and have experience in governance, designing DAOs, and working on various projects like ENS DAO and ShutterDAO. Zeugh has a background in computer science, design, and has worked in product management. They have been involved in politics, organized local groups, and have extensive experience with DAOs, including community management and governance design. Additionally, Zeugh has worked on creating CanuDAO and as a DAO Specialist in Origami, aiding in the transition to web 3 for organizations. They share their journey and future perspectives in a transparent and informative manner.

Open letter to Polynya

Created: 2024-05-28

Author: @jackanorak


The post questions @polynya about their intentions for their significant voting power in the Optimism network, despite not being actively involved in the industry. The user asks if Polynya plans to continue participating in Optimism or has other plans for their voting position.

Token House Call will be [Tuesday, June 4th @ 11:00PT / 14:00 ET / 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET]

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: Michael


Michael announced an upcoming house call on Tuesday, June 4th for the collective. Members were invited to suggest agenda items and new delegates were encouraged to introduce themselves at the beginning of the call.

Retro Funding 4: Application Review Process

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: system


The post details the Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) application review process, where Badgeholders can volunteer to review applications to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. Each application is reviewed by two reviewers, and if necessary, by additional reviewers in a full review. Rejected applications require reasons stated by reviewers, and appeals can be filed. The process involves participating Badgeholders submitting a form by a deadline, engaging in reviews for a set period, and abiding by the application rules to prevent exclusion from the retro rounds.

Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: system


In their iterative innovation approach, the community is refining retroactive public goods funding with the fourth round of Retro Funding. This round focuses on collaboratively curating impact metrics, moving away from voting on individual projects to engaging badgeholders in selecting and weighting metrics that measure different types of impact. The post details the stages of this process, from initial surveys to workshops, feedback integration, and next steps, all aimed at shaping a metrics framework that aligns with the community’s values and preferences. The shift towards metrics-based evaluation is driven by the belief that leveraging data for impact evaluation will provide a more accurate reflection of the community’s desired outcomes and reward impactful contributions.

Launching the OP Citizen Dashboard | Superchain Eco

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: @SuperchainEco


The OP Collective has launched the Citizens Database 7 on the Superchain Eco platform, which maps OP Citizens, their project roles, and rewards for reviewing RetroPGF 3. The database will provide insights for improving RPGF and Collective Governance. In the next steps, they are working on applications for Foundation Mission Requests to enhance Governance Analytics.

How is blockchain being appllied in supply chain management and logistics?

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: @bsetec


Blockchain technology is transforming supply chain management and logistics by providing real-time tracking of goods, ensuring traceability with unique digital identifiers, automating tasks with smart contracts, and improving efficiency through eliminating intermediaries and facilitating faster decision-making.

Jrocki - Delegate Communication Thread

Created: 2024-05-29

Author: @Jrocki


The author, who previously worked at the Optimism Foundation as a contribution manager, leading the Ambassador program, is excited to return to participating in governance after leaving the Foundation. During Season 2 of Optimism governance, they were a delegate and led the NFT and Gaming Committee. They will use this forum to share their future voting rationale.

Why im getting error when i try to submit my project

Created: 2024-05-30

Author: @vrnouns


The user successfully completed and published all project details on-chain. They are trying to submit but encountering an error, accompanied by a screenshot dated May 30, 2024.

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

Created: 2024-05-30

Author: @bayardo


Roberto, an engineer at Coinbase and core developer of the OP Stack, collaborated with the OP Labs team on the Fjord network upgrade proposal. The upgrade includes the EIP-7212 precompile for reduced gas costs in smart wallet applications, Brotli compression for lower data availability costs, and enhanced L1 data pricing. Technical specifications, security considerations, and impact assessments are detailed in the proposal. The activation date for the Fjord upgrade is set for July 10th, 2024, and an action plan for its release is outlined, along with emergency cancellation protocols in case of critical security issues.

Linda Xie - Delegate Communication Thread

Created: 2024-06-01

Author: @linda


The author of the post is stepping down as an Optimism delegate on the Token House side after two years. They express gratitude for the opportunity to support Optimism governance and announce their focus on building Bountycaster on top of Farcaster. The author plans to contribute full-time to the Optimism ecosystem in a different role and will remain a badgeholder on the Citizens’ House side until February 2025. They thank those who delegated to them and request that tokens be redelegated to another delegate. The author also details their donations of received compensation to various organizations.

Reclaim Protocol: Verified HTTPS Traffic for Privacy-Preserving Proofs

Created: 2024-06-02

Author: @adiiHQ


The post introduces the launch of the Reclaim Protocol, a privacy-focused solution that generates verifiable claims by utilizing HTTPS session keys to create zero-knowledge proofs of user information on websites. It explains the technical process of the protocol, highlighting its security measures and efficiency compared to other industry approaches. The post also mentions an independent security analysis from Purdue University and encourages individuals to get involved in integrating Reclaim Protocol into their projects for enhanced privacy and security.