Token House Call: June 4th, 2024
Recording here: June 4th, 2024 Token House Recording.mp4 - Google Drive
Slides: June 4th, 2024 Token House call slides
- Both protocol upgrades, Fault Proofs and Guardian and Security Threshold Changes, and governor upgrade, Agora advanced delegation bug fixes in alligator, passed.
- Grants Council and Advisory Developer Board were renewed.
- There are 12 positions open for Grants Council: 12 mission reviewers (3 superchain, 9 optimism) 2 Audit & Special Mission Reviewers and 3 Milestones & Metrics Reviewers.
- Advisory Developer Board has 5 positions open.
- Election Town hall will be hosted on June 11th at 13:00 ET for Grants Council and 14:00 ET for Advisory Developer Board.
- To see nominees: Grants Council | Developer Advisory Board
- A forum post thread will be made on the 6th for any questions.
- The Code of Conduct Council budget wasn’t renewed due to concerns around the budget, any prospective lead can propose a different budget in the forum by June 12th, it will go into vote in Voting Cycle 23b if approved. If the Code of Conduct Council is not renewed, the support nerds will continue to monitor the forum and enforce the rules of engagement.
- There two upcoming votes in Voting Cycle 23b: Season 6: Chain Delegation Program Amendment and Season 6: Anticapture Commission Amendment
- Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade:
- RIP-7212 introduces a new pre-compile for the “secp256r1” elliptic curve.
- Brotli as a new compression operation for batches, giving anywhere from 5 to 15, in some cases, 20% reduction in L1 data availability costs.
- Lower data availability costs will be passed back to users through appropriate tuning of the revenue recovery parameters, it will vary depending on the chain operator.
- FastLZ based L1 data fee function will more accurately charge for L1 data usage on a per transaction basis, resulting in more accurate pricing of transactions.
- Chain operators now have 30 minutes instead of 10 to respond to L1 node outage issues before the L2 chain stalls.
- The getL1GasUsed on the GasPriceOracle function updates immediately at the hard fork block. If the wallet is implemented correctly they will get the new value and everything will work as expected.
- Retro Funding 4 sign ups end on Thursday, June 6th.
- There was a call on Retro Funding round 4 for the Token House, the purpose of this call was to share context between houses and give a better understanding on Retro Funding overall.
- We had Griff Green talking about Pairwise, a community signaling app, aimed to decentralize and expand the citizen’s house.
Everyone can vote on retro funding, not just badgeholders.
Creates four different voting results and see how they would have distributed retro funding.
It will be pseudonymous and mobile, and people will be able to choose categories of projects to vote on.
It will show proposals using a Tinder like system, showing all the details and you get to decide whether you like the proposal or not. After that the Pairwise system will show all the metrics and details submitted to the proposal, get final results and create a final ranking.
You also will be able to comment on proposals and give feedback.
Anyone who participates has the chance to win a 100 OP. There will be 40 people who win a 100 OP.
Read Pairwise: Community Signaling in Retro Funding 4 - No badge required for more details and leave feedback.