Liliop.eth (piurana_inblock) 🔴 Delegate Communication Thread

Hello @optimism community :red_circle::wave:

For those who don’t know me, I’m Lili, some friends call me Lili, others Lilian and some few @piurana_inblock. I grew up in a small town in the north of Peru called Piura and for as long as I can remember, I have been involved in extracurricular activities since I was in school, which has awakened in me a great interest in social causes and community support. :v:t3:

Since I moved to Lima for work have been seeing the work of this magical girls in technology @womenbiz, I have felt great encouragement for them to trust me as a #delegate.

Some relevant points about me in this web3 world:

:woman_technologist: I won a hackathon (1st place) organized by AndinoDao in Lima, 2022
:woman_technologist: I was an intern at BuildersWeek in Lisbon, Portugal thanks to Talent Protocol.
:woman_technologist: I became an ambassador for Talent Protocol after that.
:woman_technologist: I participated in Builders in #EthArgentina in Buenos Aires, :argentina:, 2023.
:woman_technologist: I just won a hackathon (1st place) at #EthSamba in Rio, :brazil:

and we go for more… :rocket:

The main reasons why I am encouraged to apply as a delegate of @Optimism are:

:pushpin: Increase the number of participation of women (and if they are Latinas, much better) in hackathons around the world :earth_americas:
:pushpin: Give visibility to the work (art, theater, cooking, finance, design, etc.) of more Latin women with unfavorable growth options.
:pushpin: Create spaces for collaboration between people who want to support and invest in optimistic projects led by women and girls who are developing them.
:pushpin: Promote blockchain learning for women through the use of tools that Optimism offers us to develop.
:pushpin: Share material in Spanish and organize calls to practice English thanks to our English Networking Club (ENC).
:pushpin: Give feedback to projects developed in any blockchain, always from the user and Product side, which is my area of expertise.

:rocket: I will be able to achieve this and more thanks to your support and your trust in me as your delegate.:rocket:

If you have ideas on how to collaborate, you can send me a DM to me too.

:red_circle: My statement as delegate:

:red_circle: Post of Delegate:

:red_circle: My experience in the last hackathon:

Stay Optimistic



April update (from the 1st to the 18th)
Delegate address: liliop.eth
Community: Women Biz

  • Proposal: Governor Upgrade #1: Improve advanced delegation voting
    Info: Proposal: Improve advanced delegation voting

    SUMMARY: As Women Biz representative, we made ou first voting process on Chamverse as a way to starting this project called “WB Governance”. We started talking about various blochckains and their way of governance, ending with Optimism and its proposals open for voting. We use @chamverse as a means of voting and @huddle01 for the meeting.

    5 of our ambassadors who are part of the Women Biz Governance project, cast their vote based on the different opinions shared at the meeting: Huddle01: One-click Token-gated Meetings Recording: Apr 13, 2024

    RESULTS: We vote FOR because we believe that making things simpler for the user makes it easier to spend less time and carry out more activities. All of us girls find it reasonable to support the proposal because more and more delegates are joining and any proposal for improvement in the UI or in the experience in general will make the onboarding of each one easier.

  • Proposal 2: Season 5- Intents Budget Proposal #2
    Info: Season 5 : Intents Budget Proposal #2

    SUMMARY: As Women Biz representative, we made ou first voting process on Chamverse as a way to starting this project called “WB Governance”. We talked about this proposal at the end of the meeeting and some of them made their votes offline. We use @chamverse as a means of voting and @huddle01 for the meeting.

    6 of our ambassadors who are part of the Women Biz Governance project, cast their vote based on the different opinions shared at the meeting: Huddle01: One-click Token-gated Meetings Recording: Apr 13, 2024

    RESULTS: We vote FOR because we want more projects to have the opportunity to benefit from the remaining fund in the next round, which is why it is better to return it to the Foundation so that they can make responsible use of it in the next round. Furthermore, each time the projects that access funding must make an impact that benefits the Collective.

  • Onboarding to new commnities: Brazilian communities:
    I met the team at ETH Samba, and from that moment we started interacting with the Brazilian ecosystem. They joined me in their recurring Monday meetings to talk about the various communities, their impact on the ReRe ecosystem, and the big ambitions of developing their protocol into Optimism.

    Two videos broadcast on YouTube so that all Brazilian ReRe communities led by Vinicius have access to build their projects on the bases of Optimism:



  • Onboarding new girls into Optimism Governance**

    I started to make 1 to 1 session to talk about Optimism Governance with the girls from the Women web3 Bootcamp, organised by Women Biz. :star_struck:

    12/04 with Karen Honorio

    13/04 with Brenda Hidalgo

  • Onboarding people to Farcaster, this was thanks to @blairforce.eth we are really gratefull for all the contribution to our English Networking Club with him interactive classes.

I´m starting with lot of energy to continues doing the impact in web3 with Optimism :wink:

#keepOptimistic :wink:
