Governance Weekly Recap

Week of May 13th, 2024

:ballot_box: Recent Proposals

No On-chain proposals for Optimism in the past two weeks

:writing_hand: Forum Highlights

  • Season 6 Grants Council Operating Budget

    The proposed budget for Season 6 allocates funds for various roles, including Milestones and Metrics Reviewers, Ops Manager, and Council Lead. The budget aims to enhance accountability and efficiency, ensuring effective grant distribution. Compensation adjustments reflect the increased responsibilities and the need for sustained governance support.

  • Code of Conduct Council - Retrospective Season 5

    The Season 5 retrospective for the Code of Conduct Council highlights achievements in reducing governance overhead and handling conflicts efficiently. The council’s small size allowed for detailed case attention, leading to improved outcomes. Recommendations include simplifying internal procedures, expanding alternative dispute resolution methods, and maintaining a proactive approach to conflict management.

  • Developer Advisory Board Operating Budget

    The proposed budget for the Developer Advisory Board, led by Zach Obront, requests 90,000 OP, an increase of 20k from last season. This increase reflects new roles and expanded responsibilities, including approving protocol upgrades, coordinating with other governance areas, and providing technical guidance. The proposal also outlines KPIs for user experience and performance to ensure effective governance and community support.

  • Upgrade Proposal: Fault Proofs

    This proposal introduces a permissionless fault proof system to enhance the security of Optimism withdrawals. It allows anyone to propose output roots and participate in dispute resolution, reducing reliance on centralized actors. The Guardian role retains emergency powers to disable the system if necessary. This upgrade aims to advance Optimism’s decentralization and security goals by enabling trustless transaction finalization.

  • Season 6: Intents Ratification

    The Season 6 Intents Ratification outlines strategic goals for the Optimism Collective. Key intents include advancing decentralization, integrating more chains into the Superchain, and increasing developer engagement. The Foundation will propose and the Token House will ratify these intents, with a focus on developing robust data infrastructure and analysis to guide future intent setting. Proposed budgets aim to support these goals, enhancing governance and scaling the ecosystem effectively.

  • Cycle 22 Final Grants Roundup

    The Cycle 22 roundup marks the end of Season 5, with the Grants Council reviewing 530 Mission Requests and 23 Audit Requests. The council adapted to increased application volume by refining review processes and rubrics. Despite challenges, 24.5% of applications became finalists, proposing grants totaling 4.56M OP. The council expects to return a surplus of 1.87M OP to the Gov Fund, highlighting its commitment to effective grant allocation and governance.

:newspaper: Stakeholder News

The list represents the most recent posts on Delegates category on Forum, and not the list of top delegates by voting power

:ticket: Upcoming Events

  • TechNERD Meeting: Tuesday May 21, 2024: Link
  • Office Hours: Wednesday May 23, 2024: Link
  • SuperChain Demo Day: May 23, 2024: Link
  • Optimism Ambassador Chat: May 24, 2024: Link

:crystal_ball: Upcoming Votes

No upcoming votes detected