Season 6 Nominations: Grants Council

Grants Council Self-Nomination Template

Council sub-committee: Mission Reviewer

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: (voting power can be referenced here ): <0.01%

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date: (You may link to your profile on Karma 7 , if applicable.) No info.

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: (You may link to your Snapshot and/or Agora profile for voting history. You may link to your delegate communication thread, or any other medium you use to communicate with your delegators, to share your voting rationale.): Liliop.eth (piurana_inblock) 🔴 Delegate Communication Thread

Do you have a technical background?: I work as a Product Manager in a Finance-Tech Company and I work all the days with the Development team, so I can understand Technological terms.

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role and/or your sub-committee:

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective? If so, please specify which: N/A

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

Retro PGF2 Grantee with Women Biz
Delegate Season 5
Reviewing in the Women Biz bootcamp and being speaker as a Optimism Delegate.
Mentoring about Optimism Governance in the bootcamp.
Giving Feedback to projects built on Optimism and Superchain.
Organising workshops about Optimism Governance & Voting Calls in Spanish & Portuguese.
Promoving builders in the OP Chain & Base Onchain Summer.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

My philosophy on what constitutes a good mission application is centered on clarity, impact, and strategic alignment, with a special focus on DeFi. A standout application should present well-defined objectives and thoroughly outlined activities, making it easy for readers to understand regardless of their technical background. It is crucial to explain how the proposal will leverage blockchain to innovate in decentralized finance, providing specific details on success metrics and expected outcomes. Clear communication ensures that can easily visualize the path from implementation to positive impact on the ecosystem. This includes clear metrics showing scalability and long-term value creation. Additionally, the proposal should align with Optimism’s mission of fostering an inclusive and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:
promoting the missions that come out of the Season 6 intents and supporting the path of the builders to grow.

Descentralization with focus on Metagovernance. Promoting the missions that come out of the Season 6 intents and supporting the path of the builders to grow. Also, I would like to translate documents into Spanish to facilitate the onboarding of more hispanic builders.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here. N/A

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual : Yes, I understand.

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6: Yes, I understand.

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations: Yes, I´m able to commit it.