Hey all! We’re thrilled to announce RetroPGF Pitch Games, aka RetroPitches! 
RetroPitches will feature fun, friendly competitions where RetroPGF applicants present their projects and participants rank their pitches. These games will give public goods creators a great opportunity to promote their RetroPGF grant and provide citizens with an easy way to learn about exciting projects in the Optimism Collective.
These innovative public goods games will occur on the next three Mondays at 18 UTC and each game is planned to last about 30 minutes. RetroPitches will happen on zoom calls after Optimism Fractal events and each participating project will have up to five minutes to pitch their grant. You’re also welcome to join an hour earlier to play the Respect Game, which also provides many benefits for RetroPGF grantees and citizens of Optimism.
If you’d like to share your RetroPGF grant in the RetroPitch games, we encourage you to sign up here to let us know your preferred date and reserve your spot. Everyone is welcome to join the events and help determine the winners of the game. The event will be recorded and the video will be shared on social media to further raise awareness for public goods creators.
Please feel free to share any questions or comments below and we will respond as soon as possible. You can find the zoom link to join on the event page and share the tweet to help spread the word. We looking forward to seeing your pitches and hope you enjoy the events!

Thank you for the post. looks interesting.
How will the pitches be rated?
What’s the relationship between this game and how citizens vote?
Have you taken into account how this might affect people with impactful project to the collective but are not eloquent in English or do not speak English at all?
interesting competition
it does makes a question how citizens will get to know all projects that submitted applications in this round, 600+ applications is a solid number to review
however, this could have negative influence on projects that do not pitch their submissions, and there is no much space for all projects involved in round (if understood correctly, there is 18 spots - 30 minutes, 3 times, 5 minutes per project)
Hey thinkDecade,
Thank you for your feedback and the great questions, we appreciate your interest. Here are some answers:
Event participants will rank the most helpful, exciting, and fun pitches on an app called Slido. We’ll create a brief survey with a few polls where participants can rank order their choices while pitches are presented and Slido will show the rankings in real time. Participants can changes their choices throughout the event and the winners in each category will be announced based on the final rankings at the end of the game.
There isn’t a direct relationship between this game and how citizens vote, but here are a few ways that this game can help citizens vote:
- The live events and videos provide educational resources for citizens to learn about public goods creators in the Optimism ecosystem.
- Citizens are welcome to join the games and share their opinions with other badgeholders by playing as a judge.
- Citizens could use the scores of the games to help them make their voting decisions.
Yes, people who don’t speak English could promote their impactful project by asking a friend to translate or pitch for them during the event. Alternatively they could send their pitch in writing along with any relevant links to our team, then we could read a translated version of the pitch out loud and display their work during the event for them.
Over time we aim to update the game with onchain features like increased voting weights for respected community leaders, which could help make the games more helpful for assessing impact with the wisdom of the crowd and creating lists based on the game scores. With enough resources, we also aim to produce and share short video clips for each pitch to further promote public goods creators.
Feel free to share any other questions or comments. We’re happy to hear feedback and open to suggestions to help provide better experiences for everyone in the Optimism Collective 
Thank you for your comments and interest, CasperBGD. We agree that over 600 applications is a lot for citizens to review and appreciate your concerns about featuring a limited amount of projects. The question of how citizens can review and fairly reward all applicants is at the core of Optimystics’ work.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
The registration is open to all RetroPGF applicants and there are still spots open to pitch at the RetroPitch games on the next two Mondays. Pitching slots are given on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis to give each public goods creator a fair chance to promote their work in these games.
We’re thinking about hosting more events in the coming weeks and could extend some of the games to an hour if there’s enough demand. We’d be happy to host as many games as needed to help raise awareness for a broader range of projects.
All RetroPGF applicants are also welcome to join Optimism Fractal an hour before RetroPitches to play the Respect Game, which also provides educational resources for citizens and great opportunities for public goods creators to promote their projects. The Respect Game can accommodate an unlimited number of participants due to it’s fractal nature where players split up into smaller groups. You can explore our blog, watch our videos, and look out for an upcoming article to learn more about how the Respect Game can enhance RetroPGF.
We aim to help as much as possible in the first RetroPitch games and gather feedback to make continual improvements for future seasons. By pioneering this innovative game, we aim to create a replicable format that enables others to host similar events and promote more projects in the future.
We believe that social consensus games like RetroPitches will create profound benefits by providing a spotlight for all public goods creators and sharing fun experiences that help citizens reward positive impact in the Optimism Collective. As RetroPGF grows with many more applicants in future rounds, we envision that these kinds of games will become an essential tradition that enables retroactive public goods funding to thrive at scale.
We’re actively looking for ways to support as many projects as possible and value your input. If you have more ideas or questions, feel free to share!
GM Optimists,
The second RetroPitch games kick off in less than two hours and we hope you’ll join us for the fun event!
RetroPitches are friendly competitions where RetroPGF applicants present their projects and participants rank their pitches. We aim to give a spotlight for public goods creators, help the citizens understand impact in the Collective, and inspire the world with Optimism.
In today’s game we’re stoked to hear pitches about DeepDAO from Eyal, Giveth from Griff, and EVM Finance from Clark. There are still spots left for RetroPGF applicants to pitch today and in next Monday’s event, so be sure to sign up here if you’d like to pitch. The event will be recorded and shared on social media so it’s a great way to spread the word about your RetroPGF application.
We’d also like to give a big congratulations and thanks to @Subli_Defi, who won the first RetroPitch game last week. You can watch his pitch from the event to learn about The Optimist and support the unique media he creates for the OP Superchain in his RetroPGF application. We’ve learned a lot from this educational newsletter and hope you’ll enjoy it too.
We look forward to hearing and sharing all the amazing pitches with you. Everyone is welcome to join the zoom room on the event page at 18 UTC to watch or play as a judge. You’re also invited to play the Respect Game at Optimism Fractal an hour earlier, which you can see on this forum post.
Let the public good games begin! See you there!