Interested in Becoming a Delegate? Review this Guide!

Are you interested in becoming a Delegate?

If so, this Prospective Delegate Governance Onboarding Hub has all the info you need to get set up as a successful Delegate.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment them in the thread below :pray:


Does this mean that any user who has commitment, enough time, and transparency can participate in this process, or are there other conditions? And when referring to an organization, does it mean an organization of a specific size or any organization?

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@fatemeh In fact, the collective is looking for active delegates who are always collaborating from different perspectives to grow together. From what I reviewed, there are no specific requirements other than the points to consider in the document for best practices. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Regarding the second question, there is no specific size of organization.

I also mention @lavande @maxwell and @brichis, in case they want to complement my answers.
